Chapter 346 Ying Lili will never be flagged!

Doma Sougo = a perverted demon who can never be provoke.

After Ying Lili listened to the plot of “Father’s Love is Like a Mountain”, she imprinted it directly into her mind.

No way, the Alice inside is so similar to her Eiri, the same blonde double ponytail, the same Tsundere attributes, but in the plot depicted by Sougo Tama, Alice is plumper than her…

Wait, it’s all false to be full or not, the most important thing is character, character! Ai Li has a personality similar to her Eiri Li. After encountering that kind of incident, she was trained to become an RBQ. What if she was Eiri Li?

At the thought of this, Ying Riri trembles, Sougo Doma doesn’t secretly observe her, right? If this guy can’t figure it out someday, Ying Lili feels that she still has a pill when she comes to the plot in the plot.

In other words, if you don’t squat in jail for a guy like Sougen Tujian, there will definitely be a security risk in this country! Ying Lili once thought that she had used the greatest malice to speculate on the earth, but today she found out…

“Father’s Love is Like a Mountain” by Shentema, Ying Lili has a big shadow in her heart. Instead of “Father’s Love is Like a Mountain”, it is better to say:

“What kind of “In the Name of the Father” or “Father’s Love is Like a Mountain”, you are basically talking about “Father of Ghosts”!”

“”Father of Ghosts”? That’s a good name. The good girl is worthy of being a great man in the book world, Hideri Kashiwagi, and the name is easy to understand…” Sougo Tamaru touched his chin and said with emotion.

“Of course…” Ying Lili was about to be proud, but suddenly reacted: “Hey, what the hell is my good girl?”

“Isn’t the host of Mr. Hideri Kashiwagi always me? That being the case, in the book, aren’t you my good daughter Eri?” Sougo Doma smiled brightly.

Yinglili: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

This guy really found out…

“Who, who said that you are the master set…” He said bluntly.

In response to this, Sougo Tama just took out a few notebooks blankly: “First the hair color, then… by the way, I am not as perverted as in the notebook!”

Sougo Tama has long wanted to say this. Fortunately, Xiao Mai is not old enough to read the book. If she knows that Ernie Chan is such a character in the book, Xiao Mai will lose her highlight. !

As for Tama Sou Gou-something like age has never been an excuse to hinder him!

Yinglili: -_-!

This guy has no self-knowledge, he is obviously more perverted than in the book!

“That’s just a coincidence, a coincidence, and, don’t you feel ashamed? You have overlapped so much with the hero of the book, you should find the problem from yourself!”

“Why should I feel ashamed? I have overlapped so much with the male protagonist of the book, but did not do the things on the book. This is not a sufficient explanation. I can restrain myself very well?” Tujian, not ashamed, but proud , Zong Wu.

Yinglili: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Crooked, crooked, simply crooked! This guy is not saved, who would be flagged by such a guy?

“You actually use such adjectives as restraint? Doesn’t that mean that you have always been eager to move?”

“Do you want to know, Mr. Hideri Kashiwagi?” How could this little trick make Tama Sougo retreat, he stepped forward a little bit and leaned into Eriri’s ear and said: “Is it about to be moved? Mr. Eri Kashiwagi is an author, he should Can you understand.”


She understands a woolen yarn, why should she provoke this guy with her mouth?

“Don’t, don’t mess around…”

“Hahaha… Teacher Baimu’s reaction is really like the first Ai Li, good girl…”

Yinglili: -_-!

“It’s not a good girl!”

“Then Ariyoshi?” Sougo Doma changed his opinion?

“I, I’m not Alice…”

“By the way, Mr. Kashiwagi, do you know why I thought of creating “Father of Ghosts”?” Before Ying Lili could finish speaking, Tama Sougou interrupted.

Ying Lili: ?_?

“Father of Ghosts” is obviously an excellent script. No matter who is given to paint, it will make a sensation in the house circle. As long as a work can achieve this, it will be fine. What is the original intention of the creation, who will care?

It’s just that Ying Lili’s painting book is only accumulated for creation. She is actually very curious about the original intention of creating such an obvious work.

“I don’t want to know! But if you have to say it, I can’t listen to it…”

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

This Tsundere character is indeed worthy of the name of a defeated dog. Fortunately, I don’t have any thoughts about her, but what is the reason for the creation (plagiarism)? of course:

“It’s very simple, because I want to see the character with Mr. Kashiwagi as the heroine called me Dad!”


She really overestimated this guy’s morals, just for this, just to make her call her father?

and many more!

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Ying Lili suddenly reacted. This reason is enough. Not only does it take advantage of her, but also her mother’s advantage!

“I…” The old lady decided that she would not be able to draw this kind of book if she was killed. Ying Lili originally wanted to say that, but she just spoke and was forcibly interrupted by Sougo Tuma:

“The reason is very simple. Then, Mr. Baimu, “The Father of Ghosts” will be handed over to you. In other words, will Mr. Baimu draw the book while watching the protagonist named Dad based on me?”

Yinglili: ((‵□′))

“Absolutely impossible!”

“Really? But when Mr. Baimu draws the book, won’t he substitute himself in?” Sougo Tama asked kindly.

“Absolutely not!”

In fact, Ying Lili lied. When the painting was full of emotions, she would still substitute herself in it. However, when she thought of asking Doma Sougo to model the protagonist father, Ying Lili almost did not collapse, and, Didn’t she want to refuse at the time? Why did you agree to it in the end?

and many more!

She didn’t agree at all, she just followed Tuma Sougou’s words and said it became an agreement.

Thinking of this, Ying Lili glanced at the actor on the canvas modeled on Sougo Doma, and asked her to call her father, it would be better to let her die!

No, absolutely not…

The character set must be changed.

Blond hair, change, black hair, arrogant attitude, change, surface modest…

After a series of changes, “Father of Ghosts” is not much different from the original.


After such a modification, Ying Lili suddenly became a little at a loss. The fellow Tama Sougo was actually pretty good. Although he looks polite to everyone, isn’t that a disguise? Just like Tama Sougo always calling her Miss Sawamura, he is actually very lonely, right?

Now call her Eri Kashiwagi…

It seems unfavorable, but he helped himself investigate the trends of his childhood sweetheart. Although the result was not satisfactory, and he was ridiculed by the guy, if he didn’t care about her, would Tama Sougo do this?

Knowing that she was drawing a book, she didn’t mention what was wrong with the book. Instead, she helped her figure out the plot of the book where she didn’t know. After the plot was figured out, not only did she fail to claim credit, but she also demanded it as if she didn’t draw anything. She drew it, that guy…

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