Chapter 323 Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu Has Been Seen Through

Shiyu Kasumigaoka was very hot, originally she was secretly touching Tama Sougo and Hiratsuka Jing to eavesdrop… ahem, she was inquiring about intelligence, but she was blocked by a spectacle house? Who would dare to believe this? only……

“Hold, sorry, take the liberty to bother, that, it’s really because I just determined that you, you are Teacher Xia Shizi? I, I am your number one loyal fan, the description of love in “Love Metronome”… …”

“Huh~!” Looking at the fanatical appearance of the glasses house in front of him, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sighed in his heart. Isn’t this the fanatical fan who just recommended his novel to others? If it changed to normal, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu wouldn’t mind talking to fans about the direction of the plot, but now…

“This schoolboy, thank you very much for enjoying the stories I wrote, and I will continue to work hard to create the stories in my heart, thank you for your support.” After the dripping social instructions, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu withdrew and wanted to leave.

Of course, this was also in An Yilun’s expectation, so he didn’t panic at all, but suddenly faced Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu and was a bitch.

At that moment, Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Isn’t this what you met with perverted fans?

An Yilun in the seat of the soil also said: “I took the liberty to step forward today. Actually, it was because, I, I wanted an autograph signed by Mr. Xia Shizi. The Metronome of Love was just launched, so I bought three of them directly. Book, a collection, a reading, a missionary, the only wish is to get the signature of Teacher Xia Shizi!”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu began to doubt the identity of her fanatic fan, she just finished the signing ceremony…

An Yilun also hurriedly said: “I also know that teacher Xia Shizi’s signing event has just ended. Originally, I also participated in that signing event, but…”

Speaking of this, An Yilun also hurriedly looked at Yoshihiko Shangxiang, the tool man. At this time, it was time for the tool man to come out and explain. Sometimes, the words of a third party are often easier to believe than what they say.

Uego Yoshihiko knows: “Well, Kasugaoka-senpai, Renya, this guy will be extremely enthusiastic about the works he likes, probably because of the fanaticism, Ren also clashed with the organizer of the signing event, but, I can guarantee that there is absolutely nothing wrong with Ren Ye…”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu frowned. Although she didn’t know what the reader who was kicked out on the day of the signing ceremony did, it was Sou Go-kun who was in conflict with him, which made it difficult for her to get up with the glasses in front of her. Good impression.

Just before she could speak, An Yilun, who was sitting down here, answered again:

“Xiyan, I don’t need to explain it to me. That day, I really wanted to be the first to get the signature of Teacher Xia Shizi, which caused other people to misunderstand. Here, I also want to talk to Teacher Xia Shizi. Say I’m sorry, but it’s all because “The Metronome of Love” is really a masterpiece…”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu frowned again. Although she is quite confident, she is a bit exaggerated to say that “The Metronome of Love” is a masterpiece.

“From the perspective of my years of entering the house. Even without the recommendation of the tongue of God, “The Metronome of Love” can be extremely popular…” An Yilun also wanted to wipe out the credit of others. More than that.

“Actually, I also thought about promoting the “Love Metronome” at the beginning, but I was afraid that after my publicity, other people’s impressions of “Love Metronome” would be changed? This is not the work of Teacher Xia Shizi Does it become, “Love Metronome”, the novel promoted by Mr. TAKI…”

This is an untenable lie. If just because of propaganda can blur the author’s impression, then just don’t propagate it, just go straight to it.

However, this is also the choice made by An Yilun after careful consideration. There are many advantages to doing so. First of all, he calmly reveals that he also has the strength and capital to promote the “Love Metronome”.

Secondly, if Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is a novice writer with strong self-esteem, then the result of “Love Metronome” with the help of God’s Tongue to help her publicize, I am afraid it will make her feel humiliated.

In the end, it was even more clear that it was because of the face of teacher Xia Shizi’s forehead that he was just looking at “The Metronome of Love” facing a cut…

Fortunately, Shiyu Kasumigaoka is not a idiot, and Sougo Tama told her from the beginning that the performance of “Love Metronome” was not good because the publicity readers were wrong from the beginning. The propaganda of the tongue of God also proves this.

So after listening to An Yilun’s nonsense, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was really upset. This eye house is really a sophistry. She really encountered a ghost, but An Yilun also mentioned a certain The incident caused Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s heart to move.


“Eh? Yes, I got it, but if it’s Teacher Xia Shizi, it should be fine. Well, this is actually my identity on the Internet. Don’t look at me like this. I am actually quite a well-known blogger on the Internet. ……” An Yilun turned her head and said with her cheek as if she had been discovered a hidden secret.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

That’s right, the kind of person Zongwujun said appeared, wait, shouldn’t it be that on the day of the signing, Zongwujun was in conflict with this spectacle house because he noticed that this guy was malicious? It’s no wonder that when she asked Yuanzi’s fans about the trouble, Yuanzi kept thinking about other things.

Zongwujun has been protecting her secretly…Wait, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, now is not the time for random thoughts! Look at the glasses house in front of you,

This is really a plan to make a living and make a living. The signing party didn’t give the glasses house a chance to get out. He still chased him to the school? When her Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was a little girl who was fooled by any deceit?

Thinking of this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu felt cold.

“Taki-san, right? Sorry, please let me talk about the signing at the next signing meeting. Also, in my life, I don’t want others to equate me with Xia Shizi, who suddenly blocked the way like you. The practice is really disgusting.” Slightly suppressed his poisonous tongue.

An Yilun was also stunned: “Huh!?”

This, this is different from what he expected. If according to his plan, Senior Sister Kasumigaoka would forgive him for the mistakes he made in the signing club because of his fanatical love of his works, and would also have some self-doubt. Psychology.

Thinking darkly, Senior Sister Kasumigaoka might still think that if God’s Tongue doesn’t recommend it, “Love Metronome” will start to catch fire. Doesn’t it mean she is more capable?

Coupled with the top otaku he inadvertently revealed, and his well-known identity on the Internet, if Senior Sister Kasumigaoka wants to prove herself, she must not discuss the plot with him?

But why, why did Senior Sister Xiazhiqiu directly show a look of disgust, what step did he take wrong! ?

and many more!

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