Chapter 322

Shiyu Hiratsuka, a newly recruited Chinese teacher, is no stranger to Kasumigaoka Shiyu. This is also because his personal image is too strong. No matter his first-class appearance is still exposed from time to time, he acts like a middle-aged uncle… Cough, and the habit of smoking secretly hiding in the office, are unforgettable.

Not to mention, the punch that Shizuka Hiratsuka took to announce the force of force, to be honest, because of the impact of that punch, except for the time when he was knocked out by Sougo Tuma, Shiyu Kasumigaoka did not dare until now. I slept in Shizuka Hiratsuka’s class. As a woman, her sixth sense told her that if she fell asleep in Hiratsuka-teacher’s class, she would probably die miserably…

In Kasugaoka Shiyu’s mind, Shizu Hiratsuka was such a stern and violent female teacher, but what did she see now? That old woman who left a mark on the wall with a punch, had a shy expression on her face. This is so abnormal!

Who is she talking to?

Take a closer look. Isn’t that Sougo-kun?

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Wasn’t Sougo-kun just now successfully attacked by Shiina guy at night? Why did you turn around and hook up with Hiratsuka-sensei? Hey, your age difference is too big!

Hiratsuka-teacher, what about your image of a strict teacher? If someone sees you with a shy expression, the human set will collapse! Although the shy appearance is fleeting, but this does not prevent the light novelist from conceiving a campus ethics drama…

Damn it, what the hell is Sogo-kun talking to Hiratsuka-sensei? You already have Shiina really white, so don’t hook up with old women like Hiratsuka-sensei! Come to hook her up to Kasumi Hill…cough cough…

No, even if Shiina is not deceived by Sougo-kun, you must know what Sougo-kun will talk to Hiratsuka-sensei. By the way, tell Shiina’s nasty image of Sougo-kun to Shiina. If she can’t accept it, Kasugayuki Qiu Bu just…cough cough…

Thinking of this, Kasumigaoka Shiwa turned on stealth mode and turned and touched in the direction of Shizuka Hiratsuka and Sougo Doma.

Regarding this, An Yilun, who was talking to his tool man, didn’t know it. He had already said naturally according to the plan: “Damn it, Kihiko, obviously I didn’t do anything, just because I like this book too much. “Love Metronome” was kicked out of the signing event. If it was misunderstood by Teacher Xia Shizi, then, then I really…”

Next, it’s time to go over and “encounter” with Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu!

“The organizer is also too much. Although Ren Ye will be a little fanatical from time to time, it is all because of his love for the work…” Because he believes too much in An Yilun’s character, Yoshihiko Uego is like a pair The look of the same hatred.

It’s just that An Yilun doesn’t need this kind of same hatred and hatred, a useless tool person, even if he shares the same hatred with him, what’s the most important thing now is that he imagines that Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu who should be hiding here to listen. Why did you go to other places?

An Yilun Ye: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Doesn’t it follow the GALGAME game’s routine to play cards, right?

and many more!

An Yilun also thought of another possibility. In the GALGAME game, this was the heroine’s shy reaction. He still had a chance if he didn’t get the signed copy. It was an “accidental” discovery that teacher Xia Shizi turned out to be his own colleague. School elder sister, and he was too excited to find the shy heroine. After getting the signature book of tokens, he took the opportunity to say:

“Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu is really amazing. I didn’t expect such an amazing teacher Xia Shizi to be so close to me, as if I was favored by fate…”

According to An Yilun’s analysis, Senior Sister Xiazhiqiu didn’t seem to want to expose her identity as Xia Shizi, and she chose to escape when he admired the work so much. She must have some inferiority complex, as long as he could find An Yilun. Symptoms, Isaiah came to surround this inferiority complex, and Kasugaoka-senpai was unable to escape…

Simply perfect! An Yilun, who bowed his head in contemplation, also scored full marks for his calculations.

“Lun Ye, you don’t need to care too much. A loyal fan like you will definitely be forgiven by teacher Xia Shizi. Maybe in the end, you will be named as the head of a fan group.” Looking down The language (thinking) An Yilun also, the tool person Yuxiang Yoshihiko thought he could not accept the reality, so he had to comfort him.

An Yilun also sneered in her heart: Is he rare as the head of the fan group? What he is rare is the author himself! However, because of this kind of thinking, this guy is only worthy of being his tool man!

However, it’s good to have a tool, and then, you have to rely on this guy to complete assists.

“No, hi, Xiyan, I, I lowered my head because I was a little unbelievable. I just seemed to see Teacher Xia Shizi…” An Yilun also looked up and said in an unbelievable appearance.

“Lun Ye, you won’t be fainted, how can a best-selling novelist like Teacher Xia Shizi appear in our school? Any genius novelist is a library…” Shangxiang Yoshihiko said.

“Wait, Xiyan, look to the left. The black-haired girl is Xia Shizi. As a book fan, I will never admit it!” An Yilun also drew his glasses and looked confident.

“Then, isn’t that Senior Sister Kasumigaoka in the second grade?”

“Xiyan, do you know teacher Xia Shizi?” asked knowingly.

Kamigo Yoshihiko: “Isn’t this nonsense? One of the famous private Toyosaki celebrities, the famous Kaolin Flower, has never lost the No.1 throne since entering school. Even Shiren is you, and you don’t even know Kasuki. Senior Sister Qiu?”

An Yilun also pushed the glasses again: “I have no interest in girls in three dimensions. What surprised me is that Teacher Xia Shizi is actually our alumnus.” The person was established!

“It is really in line with your personality. However, Senior Sister Kasumigaoka is really strong. Not only does she study and write a novel, she can reach the point where she is also called a masterpiece by Lun!” Yoshihiko Uego sighed.

Just as he sighed, An Yilun also suddenly said:

“Xiyan, I’ve decided! I’m going to ask Teacher Xia Shizi for an autograph now…”

Kamigo Yoshihiko: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

“Lunya, you are not crazy, but that is Kasumigaoka-senpai, the flower of Gaoling in the private Toyosaki. I don’t know how many seniors are paying attention. If you rush up to talk to you, you will be killed!”

Nothing knows about these things, Yilun An, but his current personality is a fanatical house that is not interested in three-dimensional girls. As long as Yoshihiko Uego is a tool person to testify, then Yilun An is safe…

“Kihiko, what are you talking about? I’m just asking for a signature from my favorite author. If even my favorite work is not signed by the author, then what an otaku…”

“Favorite author or something, you don’t like Kasumigaoka-senpai, Ren?” Yoshihiko Uego was a little worried. If that were the case, the seniors who secretly fell in love with Kasumigaoka-senpai would probably tear them up.

“What kind of nonsense are you talking about? I have no interest in a three-dimensional girl. All I want is an autograph.” An Yilun also pretended to be similar. Only by maintaining this personality can he get close to Senior Sister Xiazhiqiu. At the time, I was not taught by the seniors, and the tool person, Yoshihiko Shangxiang, actually acted as a witness!

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