Chapter 324-Sorrow’s Suggestions Are Often Unexpected

By the way, An Yilun also suddenly thought that he only revealed his identity on the Internet, and he has not revealed his knowledgeable (house) side like Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu.


An Yilun also completed another seat.

“Teacher Xia Shizi, please, please don’t do that. I really want a copy of the author’s signature. I have read “The Metronome of Love”. At the beginning, I didn’t quite understand Sha Youjia’s thoughts. , But since I read it, I found out, ah, it turns out that Sa Yujia also has such and other reasons, just like the hippo in “White Love Song”…

It’s just that the plot of “Love Metronome” has not developed like “White Love Brother”, but like “Little Love Song” with sadness in sweetness. However, I think if it is like “Daughter of Heaven” The general development will be more attractive and not necessarily…”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: #^_^

This spectacle house is indeed a bit capable. What he said seems to be some of the GALGAME works she has learned from.

No way, Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiu, although she has all the black, long, straight, long thighs, and white and beautiful in one body, she is still single solo so far. The only love experience is probably in the GALGAME game. How could there be no shadow of the GALGAME game in the light romance novels written!

Even the second female girl has some shadows of the heroine of the GALGAME game. This is why Sougo Tama complains about it. What the hell is that Zhenwei? Is the perfect star from the perfect star? Isn’t the heroine of the GALGAME game a perfect star?

While Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was thinking about it, An Yilun finally beat Wang Bo out.

“That, Teacher Xia Shizi, tell me bluntly. Although the content of “Love Metronome” can be improved, it is only a small problem, and it is not very elegant. In addition to the content, the “Love Metronome” There is indeed a big problem…”

This remark finally aroused the interest of Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “The problem with the “Love Metronome”?”

Due to the influence of the signing event, the single volume sales have exceeded one million copies. The self-confidence Shiyu Xiazhiqiu wants to hear what else is there to say about this unruly spectacle house.

Mentioning this, An Yilun also stood up again. He squeezed his fist and said with excitement: “Yes, the problem with the “Love Metronome” is-illustration! For a light novel, interjection This is where its soul lies. Even if it is a junk light novel, people will choose to buy it because of interruption. The name is called:

‘Buy illustrations to get toilet paper’, but for excellent light novels, illustrations are the finishing touches. However, there are also illustrations that are not worthy of novels, which are related to the novel itself, and its quality has dropped by more than one level. Obviously, the illustrations of “Love Metronome” are not worthy of the novel itself…

If it weren’t for being dragged down by illustrations…” An Yilun is also brewing. Years of acting experience also makes An Yilun understand that only the outbreak after brewing can give others a sense of shock. It’s so natural to come: “If it weren’t for being dragged down by illustrations, I’m afraid that the “Love Metronome” would come on sooner! ”

This point really speaks to the heart of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu. Think about it, for a new author, will the library prepare a big figure in the illustration industry for it? Obviously impossible, but even if Shiyu Xiazhiqiu wanted to oppose it, she had no confidence in her when she hadn’t achieved any results at the time. For her at that time, it was already a thank God that the novel could be published…

What an illustrator? Just use it.

Seeing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu whose face changed slightly, An Yilun also knew that it was done, and then it was time to reveal his capital: “By the way, Teacher Xia Shizi, in terms of illustrations, I actually have familiar acquaintances here. Now, if that guy is in charge of the illustration of “Love Metronome”, I’m sure the results will be much better than now. This is also for a fan…”

If it were the usual, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu might still want to hear what An Yilun also wanted to do, but today, she once again glanced at the direction of Tujian Zouwu.

At this moment, Sougo Tama was pulling someone with a smile on his face, Shizuka Hiratsuka with an unnatural face walked into the teacher’s office.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

So Go-kun, you’re endless, right? Just after being successfully attacked by Shiana Shiraya, she turned around and hooked up a single female teacher, Hiratsuka-sensei, hurry up and wake up, what is your unnatural expression?

Seeing this scene, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu is still trying to test the spectacle house in front of her. No, it should be said that she wants to test what the scum man wants to do:

“I will discuss the issue of illustration with the editor, sorry, I still have something…” Not to mention having acquaintances in the illustration industry. , Shiina Mashiro hit it with one hand.

Let Zhenbai try to draw illustrations before drawing comics. In fact, it was Sougen Doma’s idea. There is no way. To explain it in his own words: The painting skills of this guy Zhenbai are probably the pinnacle of LV4. Above, unless he disregards the life and death of the whole world, otherwise, in a short period of time, the true white painting skills will most likely be stagnant for a period of time.

The so-called bottleneck period of mankind is nothing more than this. Fortunately, Zhenbai’s purpose is not to improve his painting skills, but to learn to draw comics. The skills of LV4 are enough to make him comfortable, so what Zhenbai lacks is not “painting skills.” “, but common sense.

I still remember the first draft drawn by Tōma Sougou when I saw Zhenbai’s drawing. The protagonist in the opening chapter fell in love with the heroine because of a dog. Before I could figure out what was going on, the man and woman had already stepped into the palace of marriage.

Although there is a lack of common sense about true white in the original work, the lack of it to such a degree still makes Tuma Zou Wu unable to bear it: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

What the hell is this!

At that time, Sougo Tama also discussed with him in a friendly way: “True White, why would the male protagonist like the female protagonist because of a dog?”

Shiina’s really white and serious Danfeng’s eyes were slightly puzzled: “Can’t it? Sougo!”

“No, I just think that the actor likes the heroine because of the dog, it is better to let the actor like the dog directly, marry the dog…” Don’t expect Sougo Doma to make any reliable suggestions.

However, Shiina is so white that it is serious: “Sougo, if the dog and the hero are married, what will the heroine do?”

Tama Sougo: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

This guy also knows the heroine’s problem! That’s right, probably in Zhen Bai’s head, the manga is composed of the male protagonist and the female protagonist, but this can’t be troublesome to him, Sougo Doma begins to persuade him.

“It’s really white, in fact, we can start from the four-frame comics. In the first frame, the male protagonist meets the female protagonist, and the heart of the male protagonist. That day, we met. In the second frame, the male protagonist can’t control his emotions. Talk to the heroine. In the third case, the heroine is shy. In the fourth case, the man and the dog brought out by the heroine are married. Isn’t it surprising?”

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