Chapter 321 She Wants To Be Quiet, Then She Sees Quiet

No matter how you look at it, it’s a real life. Even the purchase of light novels is just to support the burial of friends. An Yilun has also given up. After all, the current life and the house are creatures of two worlds, let alone It is said that burial in the soil is still the culprit that caused him An Yilun to be wronged…

It’s not that An Yilun didn’t think about revenge. However, he could only play tricks with otaku girls. He couldn’t even retaliate. Even if he didn’t even dare to show it, An Yilun was pretty sure, as long as he On the bright side, there was a lot of dissatisfaction with the burial in the soil, and what was waiting for him was the crowding out of the whole class. This is the influence of the existing burial.

An Yilun, who could not find a way to retaliate, became more and more angry, and coupled with the forcibly cut off the encounter of fate, An Yilun also became more and more aggrieved, thinking more and more anxious.

This urgency really made him think of a way, which is to attack Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu, and then let him bury him in the soil and become enemies!

This is also very simple for An Yilun. After all, ten light novelists have nine houses, and one is a dead house. In addition, An Yilun has also seen “Love Metronome”, and there are many fantasies about love in it. There are few shadows of GALGAME games. The real love concept that day made An Yilun also feel that he could lie to her 800 times!

Although the fateful encounter was forcibly cut off by others, who is also An Yilun, the GALGAME game master, who has captured hundreds of heroines, and the reality is the same, whether it’s a school girl going out to sea on the island or a cousin of ice. Don Michiru, isn’t he all subdued by his strategy?

Isn’t that fateful encounter cut off? Wouldn’t it be enough for him to create a fateful encounter by referring to his previous experience?

As for how to get along after the encounter, An Yilun already has an idea, but he is holding Wang Zhan in his hand!

His childhood sweetheart is the Sawamura, Spencer, Eiri Li, and his hidden identity is still the industry magnate Eiri Kashiwagi. Although Eiri has stopped paying attention to him since junior high school, he only needs to apologize. In selling his feelings, at best, he is giving Ying Lili a seat. Presumably Ying Lili will get back to him…

Although this would make An Yilun feel embarrassed, in order to attack Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, he didn’t care so much. He used Ying Lili’s hidden identity to narrow the distance between the three of them, and then kept on getting along. Wouldn’t the strategy be complete when Asashi was released?

Of course, if Ying Lili can be attacked again in the process, it will be even more perfect. Wouldn’t it be beautiful when he drifts between the two? And these two people are so talented. As long as they are operated properly, they can be used as free tools. It is really exciting to think about it!

An Yilun also wants to understand. He only has to give an Yinglili a seat and create a fateful encounter…

An Yilun also feels regretful, why isn’t it a house buried in the soil? Why did “Love Metronome” suddenly become popular?

If “Love Metronome” is not a big hit, then with his identity as TAKI-kun on the Internet, he only needs to tell the editor that he has already completed an encounter with Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu. If “Love Metronome” becomes popular under his recommendation, Then he is the benefactor. With this heavy identity, he can easily and simply defeat Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

If buried in the soil is a hidden house, then watching the “Love Metronome” fire for his reasons will definitely worship him. If the script is like this, it would be great! Then he doesn’t have to apologize to that Ying Lili, and An Yilun gritted his teeth.

Blame the goddamn tongue, you cook well as a cook, and the UMR, what light novels are you reading as a game player? Damn it!

However, at this point, An Yilun also knows that even if he bites his teeth, it is useless. The top priority is to create a fateful encounter.

An Yilun is also waiting for the opportunity.

After waiting until the lunch break, An Yilun finally waited until Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was down. He immediately called out the tool man Shangxiang Yoshihiko on the grounds of preaching.

How to complete an encounter with a light novel author? An Yilun also understands this very well, that is, pretending to not know that the author is around, and praising his work fiercely. He counted the time, and when Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu approached the corner, An Yilun also borrowed the GALGAME game. After going out, he immediately took out a “Love Metronome” and said:

“Kihiko, listen to me, this “Love Metronome” is definitely this year’s masterpiece…”

“That, Lun Ye, you know, I am interested in GALGAME, light novels or something…”

See, as a tool person, Kamiko Yoshihiko is perfect, and he is not very interested in light novels. That is to say, this kind of guy will not arouse the interest of Kasumigaoka-senpai, and he, An Yilun, can play an avid book fan. , Madly propagating to Shangxiang Yoshihiko…

“Kihiko, don’t say that. Don’t you know that the scripts of GALGAME games are all described by light novelists. Reading a classic light novel is equivalent to playing a classic GALGAME game. “The Metronome of Love” is a magical work, after reading it, that touch will make people unforgettable for a long time…”

“Lun Ye, you guy is starting again…”

“Xiyan, listen to me, other campus novels can be ignored, but this “Love Metronome” is definitely the most worth reading work this year…” An Yilun also enthusiastically recommended it while paying attention to the movement around the corner. .

In his calculations, even if the sales are booming, but in reality, even if it is teacher Xia Shizi, he will stop when he hears someone admiring his work so much. Then, he said through dialogue that he was kicked out. The fact of the signing event, of course, he must appear as a victim.

Think about it, if a guy who was kicked out at the signing event still admired his work so much, then Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu would definitely complain about him…

As An Yilun also envisioned.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s mood is indeed a bit subtle. I didn’t expect to meet such fanatical fans who admire her novels in school. Is this the so-called frustration in love and pride in the workplace?

If it were to change as usual, maybe Xiazhiqiu Shiyu would react like An Yilun also imagined from beginning to end, listening to other people’s comments on his work, but today…

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gritted her teeth and was proud of the hell in the workplace. She is extremely greedy. She wants to be proud of both the love scene and the workplace! But why was Shiina leading the way? Damn night attack, the evil Shiina is really black!

The more she thought about it, the more angry she didn’t care what would happen to “Love Metronome”, anyway, it was already a finished work, and what was the use in discussing it, she just wanted to find a quiet place now!

She wants to be quiet…

Then, she really saw her face shy and quiet!

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