Chapter 307: Why Is This?

As the link between the library and the author-the editor, Machida Sonko is very responsible. In order to make the library profit, and to make the author under his hand fire up, Machida Sonko can be said to be broken. For example:

I urged Kasumigaoka Shiwa to open the signing conference, urged Kasumi Shiko to open the signing conference, and urged… ahem, in any case, Machida Yuanzi has been very busy. Originally, Shiba Yan had promised her to open the signing conference. As a result, the book became a big hit, and Shi Yuli had no interest in it anymore.

Machida Sonoko: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

It’s great when the book is on fire, right? Machida Yuanzi had to tell Shihata one thing, the book was on fire, and it was really amazing. It was good to discuss the signing event. It used to be a urge. Now she can still play the emotional card…

Isn’t it just the signing ceremony? Which well-known writer hasn’t opened it? I really don’t know why Shibajun is so resistant, Machida Yuanko is a little puzzled.

That’s why she constantly tried Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, and her efforts paid off. She was able to figure it out, but why did it have something to do with the fellow Tujian Zongwu? What exactly did Tama Sougo say to Shihauma?

Doma Sougou-probably a spoiler, sorry, he was unintentional at the time, if he could give him another chance, he promised to spoil it even more! For example, let Shaqiang make the original plot into an animation, and then share it together, ahem, he is such an unpretentious, simple and kind-hearted guy.

Skip it.

When Kasumigaoka Shiwa told Machida Sonko as a friend about the malice (spoiler) described by Sougo Tama, Machida Sonoko was also stunned.

As the editor of “The Metronome of Love,” Machida Sonoko knows how much Kasugaoka Shiba has put in it. If someone does the same as Tama Sougo said, he will definitely get Shiba’s goodwill, not just Shiba. ……Perhaps, even her favorability will rise, but if as Tuma Sougo said, if that person really has no purpose…

Machida Sonoko shuddered subconsciously. There will never be a lack of scumbags in this world. At the same time, her vigilance towards Sougo Doma has increased1. The method is so skilled, who knows what the fellow Sougo Doma has experienced, no wonder, When she lied to eat the cake with ingredients, she didn’t even blink her eyes.

However, now that he knew where the problem was, Machida Yuanzi had a good analysis with Kasumigaoka Shiba.

“Shi Yujiang, since you already know the routine, it’s considered that when the signing ceremony was held, you really met that kind of bad guy…”

“I feel sick, and then I want to swear, but the kind of people who are in question are disguised as extremely enthusiastic readers. If the signing event spit out some violent remarks to the readers, you will be very embarrassed?” Xiazhiqiu Shiyuto Cheeks.

“Then you can’t bear it…”

“Yuanzi, you won’t understand. When you think of yourself being used as a strategy target by a strange guy, or even a fantasy X object…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu lightly tapped his toes: “I have the idea of ​​wanting to kill, sorry, I recently It’s a little hypocritical, isn’t it just the delusion of being brought in and out by the transfiguration…”

Machida Garden: (¬_¬)

Shi Yujie, is this a malicious show off? What does it mean that she will not understand? Does it mean that Machida Yuanzi will not be the target of others’ delusions and strategies? This is looking down on someone! ?

I have to say that women’s concerns are always very strange. Fortunately, Machida Yuanzi was familiar with “An Editor’s Self-cultivation” and restrained herself. He did not pull out the forty-meter long knife that she carried with her and cut off the Kasumi. Shiyu Zhiqiu, a beautiful writer who relied on her youth and beauty, to show off in front of her.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu reluctantly said: “Yuan Zi, did the temperature suddenly drop?”

Murderous Machida Yuanzi: “Shiba-chan, you should get ready for the signing event!”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “Huh? If there is such a person, I really can’t help being silly!”

“Don’t worry, there won’t be that kind of person, even if there is that kind of person, I promise, he will definitely not be in front of you!” Machida Yuanzi exudes a wave of youth that has withered at the end, leaving only the cold and autumnal killing aura, this aura To put it in layman’s terms-

What’s wrong with my mother who is almost 30 and hasn’t married out? What’s wrong with not being fantasised by others? You are dazzling! ? You are showing off your young, believe it or not, and slap you to death. Young girl, just be obedient to the old lady!

I have to say that the aura of an older unmarried girl really shocked Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, and the signing of the sale was so decided.

In fact, Machida does not believe that there will be guys targeting strategy authors. There are many writers in this country who hold autographs, and I have never heard of anyone being promoted by fans for free. Machida summarizes that as The Thousand Layers Routine of Sou Ma Tama, and only the wicked and funny guy would have strange ideas, but I didn’t expect Shi Yuyan to believe it…

When Mr. Xia Shizi’s signing ceremony began, Machida Yuanzi smiled while looking at the quiet crowd, and said in secret, “Shi Yuzhao is just worrying. In fact, the Zhai people don’t want to be disturbed by others, and they don’t. A kind guy who is willing to disturb others.”

Until she heard the movement coming from nearby, she saw An Yilun Ye, after listening to An Yilun Ye’s words.

Machida Sonoko:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Damn, the kind of person Tama Sougo said actually appeared?

After a few more inquiries.

It’s really such a routine! ? Just like Tama Sougo said to Shiba-chan: “You said that you like Shiba-chan’s book, so why didn’t you promote it before? When the signing meeting saw Shiba-chan is a beautiful girl, what did you say? Is it a duty to promote these?”

Machida Yuanzi’s eyes were a little cold. If before, when “The Metronome of Love” hadn’t become popular, she heard An Yilun’s Twitter coaxing people to promote it on the Internet. What? I’m sure I’ll talk to him. Sentence, but now…

Let’s not talk about the popularity of Shi Yujiang’s novels, just talk about the Twitter celebrity TAKI? There are hundreds of thousands of fans, yes, but can you compare with Miss God Tongue? Can it be compared with the game gods U, M, and R? “Love Metronome” that little traffic from this guy is rare?

Machida Yuanzi smiled and stopped talking.

at this time.

An Yilun is also very confident. His other identity, taki, is a Twitter celebrity with hundreds of thousands of fans. Even if he is now slander, the editor will protect him for the benefit…

“Captain Matsuki, investigate this guest clearly…” Machida Yuanzi said.

An Yilun also laughed, it’s safe, the editor heard about his identity on the Internet, and he really asked to re-investigate! Wait, he thought of another strategy. Next, the kingly plot in the GALGAME game. The guy who threatened him became angry and exposed, and then he said that it doesn’t matter, I forgive…

Before An Yilun could finish thinking about it, Machida Yuanzi had already given orders.

“If that guy is really suspected of being slanderous, he should be directly blacklisted after reporting it.”

Captain Matsuki nodded: “You don’t need to report, Editor Machida, we can handle this kind of thing here.”

After speaking, Captain Song Qi waved his hand, and the security guards behind him knew, and directly put An Yilun up, and then quickly walked outside the door.

An Yilun, who felt that he was in order, was also thrown out of the store, and finally let out a horrified roar: “Eh!!?”

Shouldn’t his treatment of internet celebrities now mean drinking tea in a bookstore and being pleased by the editor? Why would he be thrown out!

That is why ah! ?

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