Chapter 308 Machida Yuanzi’s Testimony

Tokyo, Akihabara District, X Bookstore of Fushikawa Bunko.

Buried in soil: ( ̄︶ ̄)

Facts once again proved that there is nothing wrong with O’Neill, but this material can scare O’Neill.

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

Looking at An Yilun who was thrown out, he could become a leading actor with just the kind of mental retardation? This world is almost hopeless…

Doma Sougou didn’t want to think about it. If the average high school student is testified by the victim, not to mention panic, at least he will feel a guilty conscience and bite the bullet and talk. What’s more, the victim still has hundreds of thousands of fans on the Internet. Most of the bloggers have long been unable to withstand this pressure to admit.

That’s all, let’s not mention that if there is no fire in “Love Metronome”, or if Kasumigaoka Shiwa is not spoiled by him, then An Yilun’s statement will definitely attract Machida Yuanzi’s attention. For the sake of sales, Machida Yuanzi must be happy to introduce An Yilun to Kasumigaoka Shiha, who is also a fanatical and flowable fan.

If there is no such thing as sales “fire” and “malicious (spoiler)”, let an ordinary person encounter this kind of thing, then An Yilun’s calculations are really successful.

However, there are not so many ifs in this world.

Sougo Tama turned his head and glanced at himself with a lot of satisfaction-with so many testimonies, his perfect image of Oni sauce was preserved, he was relieved.

For Sougo Tsuchima, Machida was also very helpless. I would say she was his editor. Later Machida knew that the topping cake was chosen by the editor-in-chief of the mountain. Bah, I was assigned to this guy as the editor (assistant, Errands) props.

She was unlucky enough to take up this errand. Think about it, which editor in this country is the reminder? Need not! Discuss the plot? Need not! Control the main line? Need not! Just need to show his expertise when Tianyu Lao, bah, Tuma Sougou needs snacks, drawing paper or something, and send it to him.

When Machida Yuanzi heard this request, she was stupid, so she was still an editor! ? This is also an editor! ?

At that time, the editors of Undead Chuan Library didn’t speak, only the editor-in-chief of Shanshang showed nostalgia in his eyes: “If you want an editor from Teacher Tianyu, you have to do this…”

Machida Sonoko: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Go away, go away. Although the old lady doesn’t understand comics, she can still make comments. Why are all these powers taken away, and how can she show her editor’s authority if she doesn’t press the manuscript?

The editor-in-chief of Shan Shang said: “It’s not that there is no need to remind the manuscript, but the pedestrian teacher will not delay the manuscript at all. He will hand in the manuscript before the last day of submission, even if he has already finished the manuscript…”

Machida Sonoko:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

There is such a guy, why?

This doubt was quickly answered.

“That’s probably the bad taste of the pedestrian teacher, and the awkward mentality of wanting to treat the editor as an errand!” The editor-in-chief of Yamagami gritted his teeth: “He will let you rush to Chiba from Tokyo because he is about to submit the manuscript, or Where does the manuscript need to be discussed… In short, the pedestrian teacher can find out all kinds of reasons, so you have to meet him in person…

By the way, he will also ask you to bring some snacks for him, “Junior JUMP”, Kuo Le, when you take these, he will accept it with peace of mind, and then tell you to wait two more days for the manuscript… …”

Shan Shangsang clenched his fists: “Of course, it’s not without gain. Often at this time, the pedestrian teacher will come up with some newly written fragments, plots, and let you ponder. After you finish pondering, the guy is no longer there! He is. Think of editors as running errands, you can still collect money for running errands, but editors can only collect part of the original manuscript~!”

Machida Sonoko: -_-!

The editor-in-chief of the mountain is unusually irritable, as expected, this is not a good job…

However, if there is one more author under her hand, her performance as an editor will be higher. If Sougo Tama’s comics become a big hit, then she will lie down and become a winner in life.

This is not right for Machida Yuanzi. It should be said that for editors, this is actually a profitable business, but I don’t know why. The senior editors of Fushikawa are very secretive about becoming the editor of Sougo Doma. what.

Senior editor-nonsense, really want to remind the former chairman of the manuscript, dare you?

Keke, skip it.

Machida Yuanzi actually had a lot of doubts, but, with the help of Kasumigaoka Shiwa, she received the first manuscript “The Daily Life of a Male High School Student” sent by Sougo Tama.

To be honest, even if she is not very good at comics, she finds the works sent by Tama Sougo very interesting, especially the literary girl in it. If the moon is a bit more fierce, it is completely a copy of Shi Yu-chan, it would be unlucky. point……

Well, this does not prevent her from using it to tease Kasumigaoka Shiba, but Machida Sonoko is more and more confused. This kind of cartoonist who can draw interesting works without reminding manuscripts, why other editors are so secretive? Just because of that bad character?

Thinking of this, Machida Yuanzi felt relieved. If that Tama Zougo had a good character, she probably wouldn’t have her turn to be the editor.

Senior editors-Yuanzi, you are completely wrong!

Keke, skip it again.

In any case, authors who submit their manuscripts on time will always get the editor’s favor. Although Machida Sonoko has been handed over cakes by Sougo Doma, is it not good to raise wages? Isn’t it just a topping cake? If the salary can still rise, she, Machida Yuanzi can save and eat!

It is precisely because of these bonuses that Machida Sonoko’s impression of Doma Sougo is not bad. Probably his image is a guy who likes pranks but will take his own responsibility. There are many routines, but he just prefers to speak out instead. Will be used in reality, it is individual twist, but when you get along, you may be a surprisingly good guy.

Of course, the hatred of those two cakes cannot be forgotten, and must be mentioned at any time, otherwise Shi Yu-chan and the fellow Tama Sougo thought she had no temper with Machida Sonko!

As for now…

Machida Moroko looked at the relieved Doma Sougo. She felt that she didn’t need to do errands and errands as the editor-in-chief said. It was her job to sort out the author’s emotions.

“Okay…hehe, earth, don’t care about the kind of guy just now (Ann Yilun), the author will meet all kinds of people in the signing meeting, and occasionally encounter a few weird things, it is inevitable. thing.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Miss Machida~! This guy is actually willing to testify for his assists. It seems that my image in Xiao Mu’s heart is stabilized! Because of this kindness, he will try not to tease Ms. Machida in the future.

“I’m fine, but Xiao Mu was shocked at first. She was lined up well, but suddenly someone came to the side and asked to jump in the queue…”

Before he finished speaking, the eldest lady on one side protested: “Euny sauce, Xiao Qian is not scared, sitting on the ground or something…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

There are so many idiots, but I was actually scared, OK? I went out for a few minutes and came back and saw a dead house sitting next to you. As Ounichan, how could I not worry about what happened!

Of course, this kind of thing is impossible to say, so, watching the protests of his own, Tama Sougo just smiled: “What a fool.”

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