Chapter 306 Machida Yuanzi: Damn, there really are such people?

“Dome, and Captain Matsuki, what’s going on here?” But, after all, it was the seat of the earth. The movement made here still alarmed others, like Machida Yuanzi, who was helping to maintain order at the signing event, heard the news. Then he rushed over.

As soon as she walked over, she saw An Yilun who was sitting next to the soil: “Captain Song Qi, what happened? This gentleman is…”

“Yes, editor Machida, it is like this. This gentleman is suspected of slandering customers in the store and apologizing under the soil…” The leader, Captain Matsuki saw that the person was Machida Yuanzi, in order to prevent him from being as stupid as himself, he directly gave An Yi Lun Ye’s dominance is defined as an apology.

“Who is this guy slandering?” Machida Yuanzi asked curiously.

“It’s me, Miss Yuanzi!” Sougo Tama raised his hand.

Machida Sonoko: “…”

Evil, the bad guy has appeared! This guy will be slandered, really…

Before she could finish her emotions, An Yilun still tried to struggle.

“Miss editor, don’t listen to their nonsense. I am a book fan of Teacher Xia Shizi. I originally wanted to come to the signing event today, but this guy threatened me that if I didn’t leave, he would kill me…” Obviously, Machida Yuanzi became An Yilun’s last straw…

In fact, this is An Yilun’s method of suppressing the bottom of the box. Don’t forget, he is a Twitter tycoon with more than 400,000 followers. As long as he reveals his identity a little bit, even if he has no evidence, the guy who threatened him is also I can’t please. If he says something wrong on Twitter, as long as the fans believe it, everyone will talk about it…

Believe it or not, Senior Sister Kasumigaoka will apologize to him, burying in the soil and even become enemies with Kasumigaoka. Of course, this method will lose a lot of favorability. If it is not for the shameless guy who threatens him, it will be completely shameless. He doesn’t admit what he has done, and he doesn’t talk humbly about it, and he will not do this step.

However, An Yilun is not afraid of losing his favorability. For a literary girl like Kasumigaoka-senpai, he doesn’t know how much he has made on GALGAME. For him, it is easy to get his favorability back.

If it were not for this level of identity, he would definitely not call the security guard over without any evidence. Of course, An Yilun actually hopes that Tama Sougo would have a guilty conscience when facing him. , And then, without confession, said something similar that did threaten him. While getting compensation, he pretended to forgive a wave of generosity…

Fortunately, An Yilun didn’t let Tuma Sougo know his thoughts. If he knew it, Doma Sougou would laugh so hard, would he have a guilty conscience? It’s just fun!

Machida Sonoko: “…”

Hearing the accusation of An Yilun, Machida Yuanzi was a fan of silence. I don’t know why, she always feels that Tama Sougo is indeed the guy who can do this kind of thing.

It’s just that, she can tell which is lighter and heavier, so Tuma Sougou is in the same group with her, An Yilun, who is this guy, who doesn’t know him at all, and the threat is threatened. Do you expect her to find the trouble with Sougen Tuma? Sorry, she can’t do it!

“Since this kid is slandering people, please ask him to go out after the soil is seated.” An Yilun and the last savior Machida Yuanzi said lightly.

“Wait, wait, I, the editor, I, I am the TAKI, the blogger with many fans on the Internet, I will never slander people casually, I really like the novels of Teacher Xia Shizi, just come I’ve read “Love Metronome” by Xia Shizi, who participated in the signing event more than a dozen times…

Every plot and character in it moved me immensely…”

Machida Court: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Damn it! The situation that Shi Yujiang told her has really happened? and many more……

“Sir, you said that you like the “Love Metronome” by Kasumi Shizi very much. Excuse me, would you help it promote it?” Machida Yuanzi asked calmly.

An Yilun was also taken aback: “Huh? Does Teacher Xia Shizi’s “Love Metronome” need to be promoted? Sorry, because I have been working part-time, I am not too concerned about this aspect, but…” He looked at him. Confidently pushed the glasses: “If Teacher Xia Shizi needs publicity, as his number one fan, I will naturally be duty-bound!”

Machida Sonoko:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Fuck, there really is an idea of ​​an otaku who is going to beat the author under her hand. This routine is exactly the same as that mentioned by Shi Yu. Fortunately, this guy didn’t go to the scene, otherwise Shi Yu would have to go crazy!

Having said that, Tama Sougou didn’t notice something and threatened this guy to get out, right?

Machida Yuanzi felt like she had guessed something. Should you tell Shiba about it? Woo, how would Shi Yuli react when he knew it? Really look forward to it.

After An Yilun made some remarks, he was also looking forward to it-he is a big Twitter on the Internet, as long as the editor is not stupid, he will definitely help him, although now the “Love Metronome” is already hot enough, However, as an editor, how can you not want the novel to be more popular?

If a novel wants to increase its popularity, what it needs most is traffic. He, An Yilun, Twitter tycoon, represents traffic!

Unfortunately, An Yilun did not wait for a response in the end.

Machida is now full of fear. You know, since the “Love Metronome” fire, she has worked hard to get Kasumigaoka Shiwa to reluctantly agree to hold an signing event. Machida also asked Kasumigaoka about this.

“Shiyu, didn’t you say everything was done at the beginning? Why are you now repelling the signing ceremony!”

“Yuan Zi, there are many reasons for this. I always feel that the signing will be something, it is full of malice, and if there is a person like Zongwujun said, I will be sick, maybe I will curse on the spot. ”

“You mean a perverted book fan?”

“No, it’s a more disgusting creature than a perverted book fan. It seems that regardless of whether there are people around, they are excited to praise “Love Metronome” as a classic…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gave an example.

“Isn’t this a passionate book fan? It’s wrong for others to praise your novel?” Machida Yuanzi asked puzzledly.

“I am very self-aware. Although “Love Metronome” is good, it is far from the classics. Also, Yuanzi, don’t you think it’s weird? For book fans, if you get an autograph, at most, we will Just continue to support you, the excitement and loud yelling seems to be too deliberate…”

“Forget it, maybe I was scared by Sou Go-kun’s previous words. So it is inevitable to think more.”

“Why is that fellow Tama Sougo!? I said, Shiba, what did that fellow say to you?” Machida Yuanzi gritted her teeth, it seems that there is nothing good to meet that fellow!

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