Chapter 305 Some things can be summarized and thrown away in a few words

“Hu, nonsense, it’s not my reason that the otaku will be looked down upon by others. It’s obviously because, cough cough…” An Yilun was also anxious when he was agitated by the total enlightenment of the soil. At the same time he could not say anything, he almost lost his mind. After speaking, fortunately, he finally woke up, coughed twice quickly, and forcibly stopped his speech.

“So you know that otaku are looked down upon? But, isn’t this all because of people like you? First, let’s not mention whether the behavior of jumping in line can be accepted, just because you are sitting under the ground, It has already been given to people–ah, this is the otaku, even this kind of thing has been done, it is worthy of being an otaku, the image of the whole house circle has been lowered by you…”

An Yilun also: “…”

Damn it, this guy is really eloquent, he must refute it, otherwise…

However, before he could speak, he heard:

“Several people, is it clear what happened? Before I came back, the glasses Azhai suddenly took a seat to my sister. As for the reason, let’s leave it alone. After I came back, because I didn’t pay attention, after all, No one thought that in this era, there will be people who will sit down to others in the public, which caused me to step on the head of Ah Zhai by mistake…

Regarding this, I feel sorry. Afterwards, under my persuasion, Azhai glasses felt that his behavior was improper, so he left the meeting, but he didn’t know why, so he called several people back and said that I threatened him. , Woo, may I ask, this glasses house, you said I threatened you, is there any evidence? “In the earth, I never leave evidence for doing bad things, I always realize.

An Yilun also: “…”

Oops, this guy is not like other people at all. If other people do bad things and are pointed out by the parties, how can they show guilty conscience? Why is this guy so calm? He is not like the villains in the GALGAME game, who will provocation or something, but directly asks for evidence…

He has evidence of wool!

“Mr., you said that this guest threatened you, is there any other evidence besides the shoe prints?” the lead security also asked.

“Everyone, everybody, please, please believe me, if I wasn’t threatened by this person, why should I leave the store instead of getting the signature of teacher Xia Shizi?” An Yilun also tried to analyze his situation .

Tuma Sougou “suddenly realized”: “I understand, you guys are afraid that you don’t want to line up, so you come to slander me and threaten you, so as to get the organizer’s compensation? You really have a hand!”

“You…” An Yilun also laughed angrily: “Then why don’t I find someone else…”

“Is the victim guilty? I have been slandered by you and I have to find evidence to prove my innocence? Xiaobui, just now my brother said that A Zhai is not a guy who doesn’t understand the truth. Now it seems like my brother. Blind, not knowing people…”

Miss buried: (¬_¬)

O’Neill’s negotiation and summary ability is really strong.

“Okay, may I ask, the glasses A Zhai who made the otakus ashamed, why on earth did you bring a group of security guards over without evidence and say that I threaten you? And how many of you work? Personnel, the glasses A Zhai clearly has no evidence at all, why do you believe him?”

An Yilun also: “Who is the A Zhai who shamed the otaku? I was clearly threatened by you!”

Unlike An Yilun’s toughness, the lead security guard quickly apologized: “It’s rude. We are deeply sorry for our reckless behavior, because there are shoe prints on the back of the glasses customer’s head, which are traces of a violent attack. In this case, we have to conduct a proper investigation, and if there is any interruption…”

“I don’t have to say anything that disturbs you. I want to ask, what are you going to do with this kind of guy who casually slander others in the store?” Tama Sougo pointed to An Yilun and asked.

An Yilun also: “…”

Bastard, bastard, this is different from what he thinks. In his imagination, as long as the shoe prints on his head are exposed, how can this guy be guilty in front of him! What’s more, he was obviously threatened. Why did these guys say that he was slandering in a few words?

“Everyone, you must believe me, I, I absolutely did not slander him, please believe me…” An Yilun also took his seat in front of everyone again.

This is his sincerity!

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Kneel down if you don’t agree, this guy is suitable to serve me Daqing!

Buried in the soil: “…”

Again, again! ?

A crowd of security: “…”

Is this guy’s kneecap soft? It’s just that this guy even came out of the dirt, I’m afraid it’s not really being…

People always instinctively sympathize with the weak, and An Yilun is also good at taking advantage of this.

“This glasses house, if you can slander people casually, then this world is too messy, you still can’t show any evidence that I threaten you, or you want to make yourself weak, and then , You are weak, you have reason?

Or, you want to express it in the way of sitting down. Look, everyone, I have been forced to sit down. I must be threatened…” Fortunately, Sougo Doma is good at guiding.

Sure enough, Tuma never finished speaking, and the faces of the security guards all changed. Isn’t the behavior of this otaku with glasses behaved like the guest said?

“However, glasses Azhai, your routine may be well eaten in school. If you are out of society, no one except fools will believe it.” Doma Sougou’s “kind” reminder.

Public security: “…”

Enough, needless to say, they are idiots.

“I believe that none of the staff present will be idiots. Then, please answer my question again. How are you going to deal with this kind of guy who slanders other people, or even use the dirt to disturb others?”

The lead security guard: “We will pull him into the blacklist in the store, and will not let him step into the store…” You can’t be regarded as a fool!

“Huh?” An Yilun was also stunned: “Wait, wait, I have already taken my seat, my sincerity, you should have seen it! Why don’t you trust me…”

Damn it, in the past, if he just pulls down the bottom and takes a seat, others will consider speaking for him. Do these guys still have sympathy?

The lead security has already been irritated.

Look at what this guy said.

He has already been seated, so they can see his sincerity. Does this otaku with glasses really take the seat of the soil as a nirvana? As long as you use it, everyone has to believe that you are telling the truth?

They are really stupid. They just saw a shoe print and came up to ask. If they knew that this guy was accidentally stepped on after he got out of the ground, they would be too lazy to take care of it! Not to mention, at that time, the glasses A Zhai was still trying to jump in the line, so he gave others a seat. If they knew the reason, they would all want to step on their feet!

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