Chapter 304 It’s because of someone like you that an otaku will be looked down upon

Looking at An Yilun and the security guards behind him, Tama Sougou: #^_^

This otaku with eyes is really a typical representative who wants to die and is embarrassed to say? What’s the matter, I thought it would be great to bring a security guard? I don’t know, I thought it was your personal bodyguard! HEI~TUI! What happened to your personal bodyguard? Is there still few guys with personal bodyguards that he has beaten up?

If it weren’t for a lot of waste material here, he really wanted to squeeze this guy directly.

“Mr. Miss, I’m very sorry to disturb you. It’s rude. This guest said, “You didn’t say anything to him in the bookstore, and you threatened his life. Is it true?” Although the security guard is in a black suit, like He is an extreme person, but he speaks and does things courteously.

“Nonsense, Ernie Chan will not threaten others! If you talk nonsense, we will complain…” Before Tama Sougo spoke, in front of outsiders, he absolutely believed that Ernie Chan had a face Dissatisfied defending road.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This fool made him speechless again.

Several security guards heard the words: “But…”

It’s no wonder that they are embarrassed. It’s that there are too many books that Xiaomai bought to give away, like Yuanyue’s friends, Xiaomai’s former friends, and Xiaomai’s new friends, stacking up a whole stack of books. No matter how you look at them, they are all super clients. Who wants to offend such super clients? If not…

“Student Tujian, it turns out that this person is your brother. I’m sorry, but this time, the brother of classmate Xiaomu did use violence against me and threatened me to get out, otherwise he would kill me. Please see, this It is the evidence left by the brother of classmate Tuma after the violence!”

Just as the security guards hesitated, An Yilun also stood up, pointing to the back of his head, where there was the mark left by Sougo Tama who stepped on it.

The security guards nodded their heads. If it weren’t because the shoe prints were on the back of their heads, they would come here to ask if they were full.

Buried in the soil:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Oh, O’Neill has indeed stepped on this guy’s head, but isn’t that when O’Neill misunderstood it? What’s more, if this guy hadn’t given her a seat all of a sudden, Ernie Chan wouldn’t step on his head, this, this, how to explain it?

Seeing a little panicked, Tuma Zougou smiled-a idiot, if there is anything to worry about, let Ernie Chan teach you a lesson! This is just a small problem…

“This Azhai-kun, right? I remember that we had just communicated with each other? Are you bringing the security guard here now to take the opportunity to make trouble?” Anyway, you must first put your fault on others!

Hearing this, several security guards were stunned. This man with glasses is going to take the opportunity to make trouble? What is this development?

“What nonsense are you talking about? It’s obvious that you stepped on my head as soon as you came…” Or really stepped on his head. The thought of this made An Yilun even more angry. For others, Stepping on the head is just a metaphor, and Yilun An is really stepped on his head!

“Forget it, I don’t want to talk to a violent guy like you, Brother Security, look at it, the shoe prints are still so clear up to now, right!”

Several security guards: “…”

They’ve already seen it. In other words, there was such a big conflict that they didn’t notice it. It was really negligent, and they didn’t know what the store manager would think.

“Ahem, sir, could you please explain what happened to the shoe print on this guest’s head?”

Buried in the soil:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

O’Neill, this is the hardest part to explain!

“It’s easy to explain, probably at that time the back of this guy’s head happened to be where I was going to stay…” When asked by the security guard, Sougo Tama looked very candid.

It was the answer that silenced several security guards.

What does the back of your head mean, where you want to stay? Are you the samurai who stepped on others to leap over in the period drama?

This kind of question didn’t last long, and Sougo Tama had already answered:

“Because I was too anxious when I came back, I didn’t pay attention to my feet at all. Sorry, I didn’t expect that in this era, there will be people sitting under the ground…”

Several security guards: “…”

Na, Nani? Sit down, why haven’t they heard of this?

An Yilun also said, “Asshole, taking a seat is a way and etiquette to show your enthusiasm. In order to get the first signature of Teacher Xia Shizi, even if he is taking a seat or something, there is nothing wrong with it!”

Sometimes, if you overdo it, you will be part of it!

Hearing this, Sougo Tama smiled.

“Hey!” He patted his hands: “When it comes to this, things are already very simple and clear. Because I didn’t notice that the glasses A Zhai Tu was sitting down, so he was stepped on by me, and then he held a grudge in his heart…” Tu In time, nonsense, Zou Wu is online!

If it weren’t for the creation of the perfect Ernie sauce, Doma Sougo would not bother to talk to these guys, wouldn’t it be incredibly fragrant to beat them directly? Since this glasses house dare to find someone over, don’t blame him for making misunderstandings.

“You, you nonsense, follow, it’s not like this at all…” An Yilun was also anxious. He didn’t expect that the guy in front of him was so shameless that he didn’t admit it or said it, and even downplayed the responsibility on him. In his body, this guy completely concealed what he had done!


An Yilun is useless no matter how urgent.

“Sorry, sir, you said that this guest was sitting down, did you have a conflict at that time?” The lead security seemed to have found the point.

“There was no conflict at all…” Sougo Tama still tells the truth, anyway, that’s correct.

An Yilun was also anxious again: “Enough, Tuxia is just a way for me to show my sincerity. I just want to be the first to get the signature of Teacher Xia Shizi, and then I will ask Tujian to let me be the first. Jumping in the line, I didn’t think that classmate Tujian’s brother stepped on my head and threatened me to get out.”

emphasize! He’s all down…

“Wow, it’s really an amazing speech, because I want to jump in the line…” Sougo Tsuchima smiled: “Let’s not talk about how many of the people who came to the signing event are holding the first one. I came here with the feeling of signing, if these people all take their seats in front of my sister, who is the first one to give to?”

Miss buried:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

She hadn’t considered this issue at all.

Several security guards: -_-!

MDZZ! They seem to have been put up in a dead house again!

“It’s impossible for such a thing to happen!” An Yilun also affirmed this, because those A Zhai can’t be like him, they don’t even need a face! Ah Zhai, in fact, is the creature that values ​​the face the most.

“Why are you so sure? Is it because you only care about the two-dimensional, three-dimensional, whatever is good? Or is it because you know mentally that other people can’t be as shameless as you?” asked Sougo Doma.

Only care about the second dimension, the third dimension is good…

An Yilun also seemed to think of something. He pointed to Doma and said:

“I, have we met?”

“Want to break the topic? Don’t you think that it is because of your dead house that the otaku is looked down upon?”

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