Chapter 297 Qingshan Qihai is a cautious girl

How to test out whether there is a will controlling everything is a question.

What Doma Sougo can rely on is that he has a familiar advantage in certain plots. If the will is to put the plots he has watched back on track, it will inevitably conflict with Doma Sougo…

Of course, maybe it’s just that he thinks too much. Qingshan Qihai came here just by chance, or fate.

Just as the earth is always thinking about it, Qingshan Qihai is slightly envious and said:

“That, if I remember correctly, it’s the earthwork… sir, right? Excuse me, is there a lady of the earth here?” Regarding love, especially the love that has been living together, it is exactly what JKs are looking forward to.

Sou Maura: -_-!

Forget, the waistcoat has to be taken off as soon as possible. If there are any rumors that the earthwork is cohabiting with Xiaobui, it will not be enough for the earthwork to die a hundred times!

“Actually, my surname is Tujian…”

Aoyama Seven Seas: “…”

Eh? Is it the surname Tujian? But she is indeed called Tufang Shiro. Is that a lie? What about trust between people?


There is a problem here! It stands to reason that if you don’t want to come into contact with strangers, just ignore it. Why do you want to use a fictitious name? You can tell from the proficiency that this person is definitely not doing this for the first time, so he hides it. The reason for your real name? This is worth speculating!

Who would deliberately conceal their identity? It is probably a public figure, a police officer handling the case, and a criminal wanted by the police…

and many more! Criminal, criminal, Qihai Aoyama’s face is slightly ugly, public figures and police officers are actually not very good explanations, but if you are wanted as a criminal, then you can explain something-that is, why this guy Disguise a female voice to hire an escort.

The prisoner is afraid that he wants to commit the crime again! Wait, he said his surname is Tujian, is this true? Wouldn’t it be the birds occupying the dove’s nest? Then, the real Ms. Tuma is afraid that it has not been given by the guy in front of you…

Thinking of this, Qingshan Qihai’s face turned pale in the brainstorming.

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

Isn’t it just saying that his surname is Tujian? Why do you look scared? Is the surname Tuma scary?

“Qingshan Qikai, right? I’m Sougo Tama here. Let me first talk about the guy who needs your care…”

“Hold, sorry, earth, earthwork, it’s not right, Domsan, I seem to have mistaken the time of my part-time job. I just remembered that I still have a part-time job in other places, so can I change someone? I will return the salary… “Because of being too scared, Qingshan Qihai’s eyes moved slightly.

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

Just said that you are looking for the door, are you going to leave? Is this kidding him? Moreover, why do you still have to take care of this kind of personal care after having three jobs! Even if you don’t look at the wandering eyes, just listening to this statement, Tuma Sougou knows that this guy is lying! Forget it, since this guy wants to leave so much, then he can only do it.

“Oh, that’s the case. Did you get the time for part-time work?” Doma Sougo said, touching his chin: “Then there is no way…”

Hearing this, Aoyama Qihai sighed slightly: “Hu~! Mr. Tuma, I’m very sorry, today is my question, thank you for understanding!”

“Huh? Shouldn’t you put those three jobs off at this time? Why do I want to understand you?” Sougo Tama looked puzzled.

“Huh?” Aoyama Seven Seas: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

She was targeted, she was definitely targeted, because she knew the secret of the prisoner, so she was targeted by the prisoner!

Doma Sougo: “Besides, Miss Aoyama’s so-called three-point job should be lying, right?”

The Seven Seas of Aoyama:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

It’s over, it’s over, it’s been seen!

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

I always feel that this guy is afraid of him, and he is also very resistant to this job. What kind of image is he?

“Miss Qingshan doesn’t even look at the content of the job, should she refuse a well-paid part-time job?”

Aoyama Seven Seas: -_-!

I don’t want to see it at all, and I’ll be silenced if I go in.

“Matsuma-san, I remember Miss Mumami who entrusted an escort mission…”

Sou Maura: -_-!

“Is there any difference between me and Xiao buried?” Anyway, can I get a salary?

The Seven Seas of Aoyama:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

This guy didn’t even conceal it, and directly admitted that he was buried in the soil by the client.

“Tomasa, because the client said that the girl was taking care of…” Qingshan Qihai tried to find a reason.

Tuma Sougo nodded: “That’s right, the one who needs your care is indeed a girl about your age.”

Aoyama Nanami: Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Who are you lied to? At this age, this guy really needs a girl of the same age to take care of it. I’m afraid it’s a desperate thing. How could it be entrusted!

“Can I first see what is going on with the person to take care of?”

“That guy’s situation is quite special, maybe, you have to look for her in the house.”

Aoyama and Seven Seas:…(⊙_⊙;)…

Sure enough, as she thought, she wanted to trick her into the house first!

“Excuse me, is she inconvenient to move her hands and feet?”

Tuma Sougou is very honest: “There is no such thing, rest assured, that guy can eat and walk on his own.”

Aoyama Seven Seas: -_-!

No, she feels even more worried!

Looking at Qikai Aoyama’s ever-changing face, Sougo Doma finally understood: “Miss Aoyama, the reason for your refusal is because you think it’s dangerous, right?”

The Seven Seas of Aoyama:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Again, I was discovered again, she, what should she do now, call the police or scream?

“Miss Qingshan, why do you think I’m a bad person?” Sougo Morama stopped the wall with a hand, and asked with a face full of philanthropy. Don’t affect his waste material because of this guy. A touch of the glorious image in my heart!

“Ah! Don’t! Please let me go…” Scream, Qingshan Qihai!

Tuma Sougou: “…”

I always feel that this shout has a strange sense of sight, wait, what is he thinking, can’t let this guy continue.

Tuma Zouwu reacted very quickly. He directly retracted Bidong’s hand to cover Qingshan Qihai’s mouth, and then rushed into the house with a thunderous force. Fortunately, there is no one now, otherwise it is just this voice, Tu Jian always has a headache for a long time.

Qikai Aoyama who was pulled into the house with her mouth covered: →_→

Was it brought in like this? Very good, now declare on her own that she is done!

Locking the door, Doma Sougou said with a look of dissatisfaction:

“I said, what the hell are you doing?”

Aoyama Seven Seas: “…”

If this guy is not a bad person, then tell her, why is this guy so skilled in pulling people into the house? So, this guy must be a bad person, she has to think about how she should resist!

Just when Aoyama Qihai was entangled in what to do with her, Miss Bui finally walked out.

“Ouni-chan, what was the sound outside just now?”

“Huh!?” Looking at the incoming person, Qingshan Qihai.

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