Chapter 298: Meeting an Enemy?


After giving orders to Qingshan Qihai, the eldest lady also changed into suitable outing clothes, which made the people who followed Xiaobai looked a little haggard.

“Euny-chan, what’s the matter?” Obviously, Xiao Bui also noticed the discomfort of Tujian Sougo.

“Uh, it’s okay, just sighing, the recent JK brain hole is really big…”

“Huh?” Xiao buried a little confused.

“It’s okay, Xiao Mui, shall we go to the signing event first or go to other places first?” Tsuchima always understood the topic quietly, he would never tell Xiao Mu, if it weren’t for it. With her appearing, Tuma Sougou would have to explain it for a while. This is an extreme discredit for him!

He, Tuma Sougou, the eel leader, why does he have to bear the slander of being a bad person? Is it because his personality is too great, and the minds of those guys are too small…

“Ouni sauce, to participate in Shiyu’s signing event, first of all is to find Shiyu! Xiao Mai is Shiyu’s solid backing, even if it is the signing event, Xiao Mai must sit behind and support her.” The lady buried a smile. road.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Should I go to the author first to participate in the signing event? There seems to be nothing wrong-a ghost! Apologize to me like someone who honestly waits in line for the signing!

“Is it your appointment again?”

The eldest lady nodded: “Well, it’s an appointment, how do you say it, but the final volume of “The Metronome of Love” was followed by Xiao Mu who participated in the creation of the best! In other words, Xiao Mu is also one of the creators.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This time, apologize to me honestly like the creators!

Shiyu Kasumigaoka was not very far away from them, it was better to say it was very close. When the two brothers and sisters arrived, she was drinking coffee in a leisurely manner, with Machida Yuanzi in a hurry next to her.

“Shi Yujie, I have enough coffee. It’s time to get ready to go. I’ll be late for the signing ceremony.”

“It’s not in a hurry, and I didn’t even think about holding a signing event. Yuanzi, if the sales have already come up, there is no need to hold the signing event at all, right?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at the watch.

“After all, I have signed a contract with the bookstore a long time ago, saying that Teacher Xia Shizi will go to the bookstore to hold a signing meeting, and he can’t… Besides, you are in a big fire now. At this time, the signing meeting may be able to make a 100W volume. Single-volume sales…”

Before Machida Yuanzi could finish speaking, Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s eyes lit up and said, “Well, Yuanzi, you can go now. Remember, don’t tell me that Sougo-kun is drawing comics, Yuanzi editor!”

“Huh?” Machida Yuanzi looked blank. Did she persuade her to succeed? What’s the real thing about it? Before she could think clearly, she heard a pleasant voice.

“Shiyu, are we late?”

“Not at all, it’s better to say, it’s just right, Xiao Bui and Tujian classmates!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled and stood up, blinking at Tujian Zouwu.

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

It seems that the maid has been concealed!

Looking at the scene in front of her, Machida Sonoko: #^_^

“Shi Yuxian, didn’t you just drink coffee here just because you waited for them?” One of them was the enemy she had just taken over Liang Zi, the manga author under her hand, although she never knew her. What’s the use of this comic editor?

“Yes, my third volume was written in collaboration with Xiao Mu. Speaking of which, she is considered half a creator. If Xiao Mu is not present at the signing event, it will not be a complete signing event… …”

Machida Court: #^_^

Was someone else involved in that weird final volume? MD, solved the case! Although I don’t know what the library is thinking, I actually wanted to publish it that way. It is still the best publicity resource, but that book was finally published in Machida Yuanzi, it is indeed too evil!

It stands to reason that even if the second volume of Shibata is sold so hot, it will be beaten back in the end, but the senior management of the library not only did not call back, but also used the top propaganda method, Machida Yuanzi can only sigh: Sure enough, the industry pill!

In this regard, Sougo Tama said that it absolutely has nothing to do with him! He just vaguely mentioned to the editor-in-chief of Shan Shang: “The final volume of Xia Shizi’s novel? It seems that a certain Tujian has also participated in it, and she seems to be having a good time.”

Editor-in-chief of the mountain: →_→

He understands, he understands it, isn’t it just the propaganda of a novel, not to mention that after the final scrolling habit, there is really a kind of attractive magic, even if the shit does not make sense, it must be the best treatment.

The editor-in-chief of Shan Shang will never forget that because someone had not received any publicity, in a rage, he directly destroyed the original source library he was in, and also forcibly bought the unsuccessful river, the capital boss, that’s not the case. Fortune…

After touching the top of his head, which was about to fall out, the editor-in-chief of Shan Shang just sighed a little, and quickly incorporated the promotion of the ending volume of “Love Metronome” into the optimal system, and then continued to consult online-where does the wig look? The most seamless.

Skip it.

“Shiyu, you are too exaggerated, Xiao Mai just made some comments, it is Shi Yu who really finalized the draft!” The eldest lady said with a smile.

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

This guy, Xiaobui, has just described himself as a creator, right? Now pretend to be humble again?

Machida Sonoko: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

So, what kind of advice did this guy put forward that would make the third volume weird like that? Wait, then again, who is this girl, is Shiyu’s friend? Has Shiyu made friends? But why did she appear with Sougo Doma? Could it be that……

Machida Yuanzi made up a bloody love drama. For example, Shiba Sougo was attracted to Doma Sougo, and Doma Sougo was a lover with this girl, so Shiba Sougo approached the girl as a friend… …

“Hs~!” Thinking of this, Machida Yuanzi took a breath, should I say that Shi Yujie is indeed a love novel? This routine is quite deep, wait!

What did Machida Sonko think of, that is the weird third volume. If Shibaju is not interested in Sougo Tama, but this girl… So, Machida Sonoko feels that she understands something, she is already standing. The boss on the fifth floor, so she swelled, she first sneered at the old enemy, Tu Jian Zou Wu, and then answered the words calmly.

“By the way, Shi Yuyan, don’t you introduce your collaborators?”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at Miss Bui after hearing the words, and after seeing her nodding, she said, “This is Buried in the Earth, the sister of the classmate of Tujian.”

Machida Sonoko: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Yuan, it turned out to be brother and sister, Shiyu, can’t you leave the Tujian family anymore? It turned out that Machida Yuanzi was not on the fifth floor, but on the first floor.

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

Seeing the disappointed Machida Sonoko, Tama always realized that she was inexplicably unhappy.

“Miss Machida, although I feel you are very disappointed, I always feel that you are thinking about something rude. Forget it, my lord has a lot. How about helping you recover with a piece of cake?”

Machida Sonoko:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Shit cake! She will never eat cakes in her life, especially strawberry cakes, especially the strawberry cake sent by Sougo Tama!

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