Chapter 296 Xiao buried: I’m really a planner!



Sitting in the living room of the Tujian House are the two brothers and sisters who are still addicted to the game.


The hamster that had just been rescued was just a shot at Sougomu Muma when buried.

“Oni sauce, the second part of the story of the farmer and the snake, wow haha, sure enough, Xiao Mu is the ultimate winner.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Really a guy who can learn and sell now.

“Then, the cutest one in the whole world…”

The hamster was buried in the rescue.


After saving people, a bullet is greeted.

“I’m so stupid…”

“The best Ernie sauce, save Xiaobui!” Missy buried.

The soil is always saving people.

Two minutes later.

“Little, little buried, say yes, definitely can’t shoot!”

“Well, I won’t shoot this time!”

The earth is always enlightened, saving lives.


“Bang, bang!”

With two gunshots, Sougo Tama and the hamster fell to the ground at the same time.


Tuma Sougou: “…”

Is it hard to lose in this kind of game? Why do you always feel that you have been slapped in the face recently!

Hamster buried: “…”

It seems to be dead, but O’Neill seems to be a little unacceptable, ooh, what should I do? Bury the hamster to start brainstorming, Ding! Suddenly, the hamster had a flash of inspiration: “Yes.”

She silently stepped forward, stretched out her finger to decide the victory or defeat, “dip”, and turned off the power: “Euny sauce, it’s just time, it’s almost time to go,”

Tama Sougo: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

This topic is too rigid! But, forget it, wait, did he overlook any issues?

“Xiao Mu, I suddenly found a problem, if we both go out, what should I do if it is really white?”

Hamster buried:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

That’s right, if Zhenbai stays at home alone, it will be a disaster! Fortunately, she was prepared!

“Does O’Neill mean it’s really white? Actually…”

“Actually, I’m thinking about whether or not to help Zhenbai find a guy who will take care of her…” Sougo Doma touched his chin and took the stubborn question.

“Um, Ernie Chan, Xiao Mu has already helped Zhenbai find an escort to take care of her.” Before he could finish speaking, Hamster Mu suddenly answered.

Summa of the Earth:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

This guy, Xiao Bui, would… wait.

“Little buried, where did you get the money?”

“The pocket money from Ernie Chan.” The hamster drooped his head.

“I’m so stupid. You didn’t spend all your pocket money just because you wanted to help Zhenbai find an escort to take care of her?” Doma Sougo smiled and said, this guy is indeed a touch of hers. That’s a fool!

“No, the pocket money is used up by the krypton money. Finding a caregiver who takes care of the true white only takes up a small part. I don’t even bother to say it!” Hamster, I spend a lot of money.

Doma Sougo: “Idiot!”

“Euny sauce is!” the hamster replied with his mouth pouting.

“A lot of idiots, next time you encounter this kind of thing, just discuss it directly with Ernie Sauce.” Seeing this little burial, Doma Zouwu couldn’t help reaching out and rubbing her head.

“Eunychan, Xiaomai’s hair is going to be messed up, ooh, the escort will come in a while, if you see Xiaomai’s appearance…” The hamster was thinking of something and started to get busy.

“Even if the escort sees Xiao Mu’s current appearance, they will probably only think that it is Xiao Mu who needs to be taken care of!”

“Euny sauce! Stupid!” the hamster replied while he changed his costume.

Sougo Doma shrugged: “It’s entirely because you are usually too lazy. Anyway, Xiao Mui must have forgotten that the staff will come just now.”

Hamster buried:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

I was discovered, how did O’Neill know?

“Hey~!” Sougo Tama sighed: “I’m stupid, don’t have a surprised expression, okay? If you remember that a staff member is coming today, you won’t just turn off the game. The power is on!”

“But there is something wrong, Xiao Mu found that turning off the power is simply a god-level operation…”

Sou Maura: -_-!

Who is this girl who is increasingly arrogant and arrogant?

“First of all, turning off the power will strengthen Xiao Mu’s determination to set off…” Hamster said with both hands in his arms.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Using determination to describe going to the signing event is already very problematic. Now that I have reached the point of making up my mind, then erase my determination and let me stay at home and spend my days lazily!

“Secondly, does O’Neill know when the staff will arrive? It’s 8:30 in the morning, hum, the time left after just turning off the power, just enough to allow Xiao Mai to change clothes calmly!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Unexpectedly, I couldn’t find any rebuttal points.

“The last thing is the point. During the waiting period, while Xiao Mu can’t play games, it also indirectly seals the time that O’Neill can play games. In this way, O’Neill can’t use games to seduce her. Buried, it’s perfect, hehe!” Hamster, with a smirk, buried.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Okay, so terrible jealousy. Since this guy wants to play games so much, don’t go to the signing event, can’t you?

Hamster Buried——No, there are really white light bulbs at home. Although it doesn’t bother you much, Xiao Buried still wants to be alone with Ounichan. It just so happens that Ounichan and Shiyu don’t look very good. The proof is, Even now, Eunice still refers to Shiyu as classmate Xiazhiqiu.

So, you can put aside Shi Yu, she is now on the way to date with Ernie Chan.

The hamster feels like a plan!

At the same time she was secretly proud, the doorbell rang.

“Ding Dong, Ding Dong!”

“Oh, oh, it should be the staff here, Ernie Chan, you go to open the door, Xiaoying is going to turn on the cross-dressing mode!” The hamster who was almost ready to say bad, but behaving is not In a hurry.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

You have to recognize what it looks like when you raise a lot of things by yourself. In other words, what is the cross-dressing model? Is UMR cross-dressing?

Doma Sougo thought while going out and opened the door of the house.

Outside the door was a girl who looked quite familiar.

“Hello, I am the nursing staff member, Qikai Aoyama, may I ask, is it…Huh!?” Qikai Aoyama introduced herself using the method taught by his predecessors, and raised his head. It was only halfway through the words. Please see clearly. After who was the person in front of her, she couldn’t help screaming in surprise.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

The little clerk who had teased in the cake shop suddenly came to the house as an escort? If you add AVI. or something, there is always a problem! Fortunately, the person to be cared for is not him, Soma Sougou, Aoyama Qihai…

Because of her true whiteness, Tuma Sougou had an impression of her. If he did not intervene, this guy seemed to take care of Shiina for a while. Now that he intervened, Aoyama Qikai still came to the door. Sure enough, this There is a certain will in the world!

and many more!

If this is the case, what about the plot that was destroyed by him?

Doma Zougou fell into deep thought. If there is a certain will that controls everything, how does this will treat him Doma Zougou?

Going back is not a solution, it must be tentative!

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