Chapter 251 How Can the Room of a Boy Living Alone Be Like This!

Chihiro Chihiro, twenty-eight years and dozens of months old, single, due to a hangover and no makeup, looks more vicissitudes of life than usual.

What Tuma Sougou saw was such an image that the woman muttered with a blank expression: “Hehe…Obasan, Obasan…That’s right…”

Doma Sougo was a little bit intolerant.

“Actually, you don’t need to care about what you call… Sister… If you put on make-up, you usually take good care of it. In the eyes of others, it is not necessarily about 30 years old. The beauty who still has the charm will definitely not come. You are over thirty-five years old!” Sougo Tama always releases his kindness at the right time.

Chihiro Chihiro: (ノへ ̄,)

Is this comfort? It’s better to leave it alone! What is make-up, usually take care of it, others will only think that she is 30 years old, she is only 30 years old, OK, three, thirty-five or something, she looks so old?

After being thrown into hell, human beings will have a vicious atmosphere, that is, Blacken!

It seems that the excitement was too much, Chihiro Chihiro began to sneer.

“Haha…boy, Obasan’s words can’t be easily…” After sneering, she staggered up from the ground like a zombie.

Tuma Sougou nodded in understanding: “Understood, you have reached the so-called life stage, even if you spell your surname, you have to conceal your age. It seems Ou… it will take some time for you to get used to it. Jiu can get used to it. !”

Chihiro Chihiro Chihiro Chihiro can’t get up again.

What is habit? If you can’t get married again, it’s over! Does she have to get used to being single?

Wait, there seems to be something wrong.

Chihiro Chihiro realized the problem. She seemed to be asking why the guy in front of her was in Sakura-so, right? Why did it become a blow to her age?

There was a long silence.

Chihiro Chihiro: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

When she was a teacher, she was led away by a student-like guy? No, you have to cheer up! look up:

“Boy, why on earth did you appear in Sakura Village?”

“Invitation to the door lock…” Mu Jian, biting to death and not changing his mind, always realized!

Chihiro Chihiro: -_-|||

Hard-mouthed guy!

“Even if the invitation of the door lock is good, then why does the door lock invite you in?”

“Probably, in order to let my newly bought issuance card know more door locks, and see if I can walk into their inner cores!” Sougo Doma stretched out his index finger and pointed to the ceiling.

Chihiro Chihiro:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Don’t be so ambiguous, you are already a crime statement.

“Especially the door lock of Akasaka Ryunosuke. My card tells me that it is sending out invitations frantically and must let me in…” Tsuchima Sougo added.

Chihiro Chihiro: -_-|||

Aka, Ryunosuke Akasaka? This guy came to Akasaka Ryunosuke, which means that this guy is actually a friend of Akasaka guy!

Chihiro Chihiro:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Akasaka Ryunosuke actually has friends too? However, he is really a weird guy. Probably, the friends of the so-called weird people are all weird people.

“So, you actually came to Akasaka?” Chihiro Chihiro’s tone eased because of acquaintances.

“That’s right, because I want to give him a surprise to meet him. By the way, this Ou… eldest sister, when Ryunosuke comes back, don’t say I’ve been here, I’ll wait for him in his room. Alright.” The soil, familiar with each other, always enlightened.

Chihiro Chihiro: -_-|||

“It’s impossible to meet a surprise. This guy Akasaka hasn’t left Sakura Village since school started. Now, he should be in the room too. Since you are his friend, you should persuade…” He goes to school for class!

Before he had time to say the following words, he was interrupted by the enviable Sougou.

“Since, I haven’t been to school since the beginning of school, and the treatment of this fellow Akasaka is too good…”

There’s no way, it’s greedy, it’s definitely impossible for Tama Sougoto to do this. As a great, light, and upright Oni sauce, in order to watch his back grow more, just think about this kind of thing in his heart.

Chihiro Chihiro:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

How did this attitude make her talk? Let the guy in front of her persuade Akasaka Ryunosuke to go out more and make some friends. What are the young people thinking now? No, as an educator, she has to say a few words.

“Hey, what do you mean by that envious look? Akasaka’s lifestyle is simply wrong. Students should go to school to enjoy youth, friendship, and love. Otherwise, when you are old, Even marriage…”

“Huh!?” Sougo Tama tilted his head: “So eldest sister, did you enjoy your youth when you were a student?”

“Of course, I think back then, I was also the premier beauty!” Chihiro Chihiro stood tall, quite contented.

“So, is the relationship going well now? Are you married?” Sougo Tama asked, looking at her empty ring finger.

Chihiro Chihiro: “…”

◢▆▅▄▃ collapse╰(〒絲〒)╯終▃▄▅▇◣

“No, what if you are not married? Isn’t it just married…” Chihiro Chihiro, completely collapsed.

“Actually, I just want to prove that whether enjoyment of campus life has nothing to do with whether you will be happy in the future has nothing to do with it.” Sougo Tama, his face full of joy.

What an interesting performance.

“By the way, Akasaka is in Room 102, right?”



Obviously, the door inside Sakura Villa still cannot prevent Sou Tama’s habitual criminal.

Opening the door and entering the house, Tama Sougou didn’t expect that there was no chaos in his imagination, but unexpectedly clean. Does this guy Akasaka Ryunosuke not only look like a woman, but also have such strong female power? Is this trying to kill those girls?

no! This is an evil way! Doma Sougo felt that he had to help him correct it.

Therefore, instead of waking the sleeping Akasaka Ryunosuke, he wanted to remodel his room first.

First of all, as a man living alone, how can there not be a lot of rubbed toilet paper on the floor? This is not normal, Akasaka Ryunosuke must be made to look normal! So he took out some glue and found Akasaka Ryuyuki’s toilet paper box.

five minutes later.

Seeing the “used” toilet paper all over the floor, Doma Sougo wiped the non-existent sweat. Let’s just fool around…


As a boy living alone, how could the table be so neat?

Tuma always thought about it, and began to mess up the books. He was really tired in order to correct a boy!

I believe that Akasaka Ryunosuke will definitely understand his painstaking efforts!

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