Chapter 252 Probably her talent is not enough…

The renovation plan of Akasaka Ryunosuke’s house has reached the most important juncture. As a boy living alone, how can he not hide 18X under the bed, doujinshi? This is absolutely unreasonable!

However, this step is difficult for Doma. This guy Akasaka Ryunosuke is very scheming. He has a computer, so he didn’t hide those 18X fan books. That’s right. With this guy’s network technology, what paper books do he want? , A major mistake!

As for Sougo Doma, cough cough, please, he is not a boy who lives alone, how could he hide something like that? The guy in Akasaka really has a hand, he can look for everything on the Internet…

Don’t ask why Sougo Tama knew that Akasaka Ryunosuke found it on the Internet, and now he can testify by downloading files on his computer!

The matter has reached a critical point, is it because there is no such thing as 18X Doujinben, and it is impossible to reform Akasaka Ryunosuke (ridicule)?

Doma Sougou never agrees!

Turn around and walk out of the room door of 102. At this time, if there are no conditions, conditions must be created!

After going out, you should consider where to go to create conditions. Regarding this point, Sougo Tama is not in a hurry. How does Sakura Villa is also a student apartment, he does not believe that there is no contraband hidden here.

It just so happens that the files downloaded on the computer have to wait for a while. After the download is complete, Sougo Tama has to modify the download time by hand. It is really troublesome. He wouldn’t be able to do it if it weren’t for correcting the broken Akasaka Ryunosuke. This step——Sumazuo Enlightenment, thinking full of joy.

“Well, this is coming out, are you finished talking?” Chihiro Chihiro seemed to have recovered, she put on light makeup, and she looked quite young.

Sougo Tama shook his head. He looked at Chihiro Chihiro, who was quite young and said, “I am very heartbroken, eldest sister…”

Chihiro Chihiro: #^_^

Bastard, who is the eldest sister?

“Since I am a friend of Akasaka, please call me Senshi Senshi. Look at your school uniform. Are you a student of the private Toyonosaki? I heard that the learning atmosphere there is very good, and the students are also very…” What about you guys?

“The students are basically the same as me. All of them are talents and they speak nicely. By the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet. I am Doma, Doma Sougo.” Akasaka is still there, so don’t open the trumpet.

Chihiro Chihiro: -_-|||!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

“Are you the total enlightenment of the Tujian family?”

Sou Wu Tama was taken aback: “Master Qianshi, do you know me?”

“Um, I am more or less concerned about the person who hit my genius cousin.” Chihiro Chihiro took a sip of tea and then continued: “I don’t know if you remember the name Shiina Mashiro.”

Tuma Sougo nodded: “…”

What a special acquaintance.

“Let her hear this, she will probably be happy!” Chihiro Chihiro continued to drink the tea ceremony.

Summa Enlightenment: (⊙ˍ⊙)

I’m so little studying, don’t lie to me! That kind of three-no-women would also have the emotion of being happy?

“By the way, Miss Shiina should still be studying oil painting. After all, her talent for oil painting is rare among known humans. If it is because…”

Chihiro Chihiro: -_-|||

Is this really human? What is considered to be rare among the known humans? Are there any unknown humans? Wait, you are definitely not changing your head and boasting, that girl Shiina has such a high talent, but she was almost shocked by you to doubt her life.

“My cousin has indeed been studying oil painting in recent years, and she has worked harder than before…” Speaking of this, Chihiro Chihiro took a sip of sober tea again, and once again looked at the boy in front of her with complicated eyes.

If Shiina’s true white talent makes his peers full of powerlessness, then the talent of this guy in front of him is probably desperate…

How long does it take to paint the world’s top-level paintings when I have never been exposed to oil painting? If it was before, Chihiro Chihiro would not dare to say, but since she learned why her cousin was so hit, she understood, that is, it only takes less than two days…

Moreover, that is not the peak of this guy. After all, his age is still so young. If he continues to study, Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci and the like will definitely be surpassed by this guy in front of him. However, this guy is learning about himself. After being talented in oil painting, he chose to seal the pen, which is so troublesome!

No one can understand the difficulty of Tujian Zougou: “The experience value grows so fast, this skill is definitely a hole, and painting is easier to penetrate people’s hearts than music. After all, the information received by the eyes far exceeds the ears. ”

In the soil, a steady comparison, always enlightenment!

Chihiro Chihiro finished drinking the tea and continued: “However, it is probably because of insufficient talent. Although my cousin has already drawn a painting for the Queen of England…”

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

How do you feel that someone pretends in front of him?

Probably because of insufficient talent? I also drew a painting that was summoned by the Queen of England. Are you sure that this kind of statement will not be beaten to death outside?

“But, my cousin is still going to come to Japan to learn how to draw manga.” Chihiro Chihiro put down the tea and stared at Sougo Doma.

Summa Enlightenment: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Are you making trouble? Although cartoonists can make money even if they sell well, they can be compared with the status of a big oil painter, not to mention their status… well, there is no comparison at all!

When many artists die, they all want to make their paintings famous. However, they really don’t become famous until after they die. This is based on the fact that after death, the other party can no longer paint and the capital can start speculation.

It can be seen from this that without the hype of capital, even if you have the strength, it is difficult to show, and now, if he remembers correctly, that guy is only a teenager, right?

Isn’t painting a good oil painting under this condition? Come to draw comics, make a fuss! It’s not like him. If you are not careful, you will break the rules, and your daily life will become supernormal…

and many more!

How do you hear this story is familiar.

Doma Sougo began to search his memory.

“Student Tuma, if it wasn’t for the talent you showed at that time, I think my cousin would not give up oil painting at this time?” Unlike before, Chihiro Chihiro felt that she had guessed part of the truth. After all, In Sakura Village, he has seen too many geniuses crushing ordinary people, and it is also common for people with ordinary talents to be shadowed in their hearts.

“No, I think interest is the only reason. Even without me, Ms. Shiina would choose manga!” Sougo Doma, who had already thought of something, didn’t shy away at all.

Moreover, don’t look at this guy in front of him who looks like his cousin, Sougo Doma won’t believe it at all! After all, this is a guy who can casually give his cousin to the care of a member of the opposite sex, and that Sanwu Girl is still a existence with basically zero living ability…

This is a scum, it’s terrible to think about it…

Fortunately, Xiao Mu didn’t have such a cheating cousin, and if he was there, he would never encounter such a cheating. Otherwise, Tujian always felt that he could ruin the world!

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