Chapter 250

In the eyes of normal people, artists are either crazy or weird!

As the cradle of artists, the High School Affiliated to Shuming University of the Arts naturally had a time when weird people were rampant. Normally, few students could understand the thinking of these quasi-artists. Naturally, they chose to stay away from them, even in their accommodation.

Therefore, how to resolve the antagonism between prospective artists and ordinary students has become a difficult problem. After all, it is impossible for the school to force ordinary students to accept these prospective artists. Contact, then let the prospective artists hug and warm up.

In this way, a student apartment that only accommodates weird people-Sakura Shuang was born.

It has also become the last place for quasi-artists.

However, the quasi-artists are only a few people after all. In this capital-supreme country, it is certainly impossible to create conditions like a peach orchard wonderland for a few people. Therefore, Sakura Villa is just a nice name.

At the very least, Sougo Doma thought that when he saw this dilapidated apartment.

Tuma Sougou: “It always feels like this can be called the crotch pain apartment. Ryunosuke is really not picking, forget it, just go in and give that kid a surprise (scare)!”

“Kacha!” Obviously, the dilapidated gate of Sakura Villa couldn’t stop the habitual criminal Sougo Doma.

It proves once again that there is no guarantee for safety even when staying here. The prospective artists had a hard time before they became famous!

Even if most thieves know that there is a group of poor students who live here, they can’t take out any oil and water, but they are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, who knows if there will be a newcomer who is stupid, dreaming of having a wealthy daughter, brain-disabled Where does the second generation live?

“If there is such a stupid newcomer, the safety index of the broken apartment can be directly used as a sieve. If I were to evacuate this place overnight, I won’t wait for anyone to discover it!” On the aisle of the apartment, Sou Tama once again complained. One sentence.


With the sound of the door opening, Sou Wu Tama turned his head back in response.

“Boy, what did you just say?” A woman in her thirties who didn’t seem to be married came out of the bathroom, looking at Sougen Tujian with unkind eyes. This guy heard it.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This, this is what, right, the legendary aunt? Woo, I believe she must be able to see that a celebrity like me doesn’t look down on the little money of Sakura Village, so I am confused?

“Also, how did you come in? Don’t even think about hiding it. I will verify it. Don’t worry, I won’t contact the police station, but I will notify your guardian!” The 30-year-old woman who is approaching menopause seems very grumpy. .

Chihiro Chihiro was very irritable. The blind date last night ended in failure again. Fortunately, a teacher who claimed to be 28 years old with her, who had been more than thirty months in the same school, also failed. After all, , There are people with the same fate to accompany her-this makes her drink a lot of fun, and at the same time, she is more drunk than ever.

By the time Chihiro Chihiro woke up, it was already noon the next day, and it was almost the afternoon. Fortunately, she had no class today, otherwise the reputation would have to drop again!

Shook her head, Chihiro Chihiro, who was awake from the hangover, was very sensible. She first entered the bathroom to solve her personal problems. Looking at herself in the mirror who was haggard by the hangover, Chihiro Chihiro looked ugly. She really wasn’t young anymore. Ah, it can’t be the same as before. Even if you drink it and vomit it into a dog, it will be like the next day.

Beauty is easy to grow old, what should I do if I can’t marry again! Chihiro Chihiro was panicked.

Fortunately, today is Monday, the students in Sakura Village are all going to school. Otherwise, they will have to laugh to death when they see her so haggard. Put on makeup and put on makeup. They must make themselves look more radiant before people come back. At the same time Chihiro Chihiro thought so.

“Kacha.” The gate of Sakura Villa opened.

Chihiro Chihiro was shocked and secretly said:

“Who is it that truanted school! At this time, waiting for my old lady to take care of it, I must teach this guy a good lesson!”

Then she heard…

“This lock is really casual, it’s so easy to accept a stranger’s card to enter it, oh, don’t be reserved, what is the use of this door with this kind of lock?” strange voice.

Chihiro Chihiro:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

What’s the meaning?

“The safety hazard is too serious. If there are really silly newcomers who have just entered the industry, the safety index of this broken apartment can be directly used as a sieve. If I can evacuate this place overnight, I will not wait to be discovered.”

Chihiro Chihiro: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

No, it won’t be that, won’t it be the legendary thief? No, listen to this tone, it’s just that! What to do, should she rush out for the student’s property? Or just wait and see the changes? By the way, the phone… the phone is outside, wait! In the phone, there is…

For the students, Chihiro Chihiro stood up.

Those who opened the bathroom, the first thing that caught her eye was a young man in a student uniform. The student uniform…

student! ?

Chihiro Chihiro suddenly gained confidence. Like this kind of unlearned student, she, Chihiro Chihiro doesn’t need to be a teacher, and she also has her own unique way of education.

“Boy, what did you just say?” The voice was terrible and threatened first.

“Also, how did you come in? Don’t even think about concealing it. I will verify it. Don’t worry, I will not contact the police station, but I will notify your guardian!” Continue to threaten and point out that I will not notify the police. Leave room, so that the other party will not jump the wall in a hurry, but also feel jealous, it’s perfect.

“Actually, when I was passing here, the issuing card I just bought was attracted by the door lock of Guizhuang, and the door lock of Guizhuang seemed to like new friends, so I opened my heart and warmly invited me to follow the card. , There is no way, in order to worry about the face of your door lock, I can only reluctantly come in and sit down.

No way, he got caught upright through the empty door, the guy in Akasaka has to laugh alive! Must be fooled!

Chihiro Chihiro: (⊙ˍ⊙)

I’ve seen someone who made up, and I’ve never seen someone who makes up so justified!

“You mean, the door lock invited you in? Excuse me, how did it invite you?” Chihiro Chihiro Chihiro Chihiro curled his mouth.

Tuma Sougou: “Obasan, this is an exchange between our young people. It’s not good to tell you directly. In short, it’s just enthusiastic!”

Chihiro Chihiro: (◎_◎;)

Oh, Obasan! ? She, has she reached the age of being called Obasan?


Chihiro Chihiro suffered a crit and his blood bar was emptied!

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