Chapter 249 Akasaka Ryunosuke, you must refuse

In front of XX station, there is a magical cafe.

“Miss Huiye, be calm, don’t make yourself like a soil bun who came in for the first time? How about your honor of the Si Gong family?” Seeing Si Gong Huiye, who was a little restless after being fooled into by himself, The soil total comprehension was a little helpless.

Sigiya Kaguya, although she is the eldest lady of the Sigong family, can also be said to be a victim of the Sigong family. Because she was born to a young wife, she is not regarded as much in the Sigong family. Sougou, with a broad-faced expression, won’t get out so easily…

Of course, even if you don’t take it seriously, as long as you put the word Si Gongjia on it, it is enough to make countless people feel scared. By the way, Si Gongjia’s rule is unscrupulous, and the survival of the fittest is even more important to the old customs. There are many reservations, so, under the public, the life of Si Gong Huiye, who has been showered by Kuo Le, is getting harder and harder.

After all, she lost the face of the Si Gong family.

This kind of trivial matter should be forgotten soon. However, this kind of thing is conducive to squeezing out inheritance rights, how can Shigiya Kaguya’s three half-brothers easily let go…

Of course, at first they also wanted to suppress Kaguya Sigiya, and then destroy the Tujian family, in order to maintain the dignity of the Sigiya family and improve their family status.

It’s just that the Tujian family has risen too quickly, so-the Si Gong family really passed themselves as a laughingstock in the end.

Of course, Shigiya Huiye’s life is getting more and more sad. It is said that his nickname in junior high school is: Ice Korakuki.

This made Sigiya Kaguya even colder, and at the same time he hated the Soma Sougou that caused the Kuole incident.

Fortunately, the world is booming, all for profit, the world is bustling, all for profit, she is educated by the Si Gong family, she is much better than the Xuexia family.

When I heard that Tama Sougo was running away from home.

Ninomiya Kaguya:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

The whole person was stunned, but it was only weaker than the Sigong Family. If you really put it together, you don’t know who is dead or alive. Why did you say that you ran away from home?

Therefore, at first, Shigiya Kaguya didn’t believe it, until Doma Sougo turned up the call records between Xiaomei and the old man.

Shigiya Kaguya: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Is your Tuma family so headstrong? It is said that the relationship is severed, but the relationship is so close in private? This is a deception to the world!

“Aren’t you afraid that I will stab this thing out?” That’s what Shigiya Kaguya asked at the time.

Tujian didn’t panic at all, always enlightened: “To figure it out, I ran away from home, you will only make the Tujian family happy, thinking that I regretted it and want to go back.”

Sigong Huiye; (⊙ˍ⊙)

Therefore, you are the heir in the eyes of Guilong Tujian!

“Looking at you like this, you certainly don’t know why I ran away from home?” Doma, Huyou, Sogoro went online.

Shigiya Huiye nodded, and the Tujian family was thriving. At this time, the most promising heir ran away from home. What the hell is this!

Forgive Tuma Ohira, he just didn’t participate in the management of the company when he was in college, and it has been speculated by many big families that the Tuma family will not be inherited by him.

Of course, this kind of speculation is probably related to the fact that when Sougo Doma was thirteen or four years old, he was at the headquarters of the Doma Group, and many subsidiaries had their own dedicated offices.

“Actually, I have an idea…” Doma Sougo, flicking online.


“So, do you want to be together? Miss Kaguya? As the basis for cooperation, let’s set a small goal first, for example, let you take over the Sigiya family first?” Tsuchima Sougou smiled.

“You are such a lunatic…”


“However, I like this kind of crazy behavior, so I choose YES! But, I want to see the benefits of the plan first! For example, my three brothers…” Kaguya Sinomiya said.

“So, let’s find a coffee shop to sit down?”

“Cafe, coffee shop?” Shigiya Huiye was a little dazed.

By the way, Sigong Huiye, who grew up in the fourth house and grew up in the fourth house, has even arranged food, and there will be a special person to match it with nutrition. The only time I drank Kuole, it was the exchange with Zongwu, and by the way. Mention, that banquet was originally not prepared for Kuole, but because of someone, I always realized that I developed the habit of taking Kuole with me!

This is true even for food, let alone entering a coffee shop or something.

So that when she was invited, Shigiya Huiye was a little excited. However, when she entered the store, the strange environment made her fidget again, so Tuma Sogo had to remind her to pay attention to the impact.

Seeing this kind of eldest lady, Tuma Sougo wiped his cold sweat. Fortunately, Xiao Buried grew up with him.

“Less, less wordy, me, it’s not my first time in a coffee shop.”

“Understood!” Sougo Tama nodded, not really wanting to expose her panic, after all, this is a big customer: “By the way, besides coffee, milk tea and desserts are pretty good here… ”


It was a pleasure to talk to Sigiya Kaguya, but he didn’t get much capital from him, there was no way. Even the eldest lady of the Si Gong family is still just a high school student after all.

When Sigiya Kaguya took the initiative, if she inquired about any extra actions in Sigiya’s family, she could warn of this in advance, which made Soma Tuma very stunned. It seems that this guy is really not doing well. .

However, before Doma Sougo had discussed the details with Shinomiya Kaguya, a certain maid Hayasaka Ai found her, and out of caution, Doma Sougo decisively chose to leave.

He walked too fast.

When Shigiya Huiye turned his head, the person disappeared.

At that time, Shigiya Kaguya was like this:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

What about people, was she just dreaming?

Then, what was waiting for her was Hayasaka Ai’s broken thoughts: “Ms. Kaguya, please listen to me carefully, about you leaving me without permission today, and also going to this kind of innocent cafe privately… ”

Sure enough, Tuma always realized that he walked in time.

Although I didn’t get much capital from Sinomiya Kaguya, it’s okay to be able to tell her about Kuole’s story, and Tamazuo realized that it’s okay, not to mention that Sinomiya Kaguya promised to see the benefits. In the case of, you can use her name, which is even more satisfying to Soma Tuma.

In many cases, the name of the Sinomiya family is comparable to an investment of hundreds of millions of yen!

Going to the high school affiliated with Shuming University of the Arts again, Tuma Zouwu feels that this time he has more confidence, not only the Xuexia family, but also the name of Si Gong family.

Akasaka Ryunosuke can no longer find a reason to refuse, probably…

“If you don’t agree, let him be killed!” On the train, Tama Sougo thought, and at the same time, he gave Akasaka Ryunosuke 18 postures in his heart, 36 punishments, 72 kinds. Ways of harassment, 108 kinds of desperate speeches.

As a result, time really flies quickly.

It didn’t take long for the tram to arrive at the station.

“Haha…Akasaka, you must never agree to me!” After getting off the stop, Sougo Tama, who thought about it and got more excited, suddenly wanted Akasaka Ryunosuke to refuse him.

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