Chapter 217: Tu Jian’s thinking direction is slightly different from that of ordinary people

I like cats and dislike people. In fact, Xuexiaxue doesn’t care about these things very much. What she really cares about is: “Toroma Sougo, what do you want to make? Why does her sister cooperate with you?”

“Me? I just want to play the game again. This time, your sister is also a participant.” Sougo Tama, with a smile on his face.

Xuexiaxuenai’s hidden blue pupils were slightly enlarged, showing her uneasy heart at the moment.

She still remembered that when she was in elementary school, the guy in front of her said a similar sentence: “Me? I just want to play a game. Violence and isolated bullying are so uninteresting!”

At that time, she didn’t even realize the scary part of the game.

Now, after hearing the familiar game declaration, Xuexia Xuena couldn’t help but feel tight, and Tuma always realized that she really wanted to do something again!

Xuexia Xuenai was quite “familiar” with Sougen Tujian, Xuexia Xuenai recalled:

They met at a banquet held jointly by various famous gates in Chiba.

“I will always be right!” Forgot what caused the dispute, but Xuexiaxue insisted on self-confidence.

“Always correct?” The gloomy Tamagotchi said with disdain: “Please allow me to ask a question. You can control the direction of the tram now. The tram is running normally, but there are five people in front of you who are crossing the rails illegally. If the tram runs normally, the five people will be hit by the tram. May I ask, do you change the direction of the tram?”

Yukino Yukino frowned, “Of course it changed…”

“After changing the direction, the tram enters another railroad track, and there is also a person crossing the railroad track on that railroad track. Interestingly, this person did not violate the rules, but strictly abides by the traffic rules. Then ask again, you will also change the direction of the tram. ?”

Snow under the snow: Σ(⊙▽⊙”a

Doma Sougou shrugged. As a human ethics question with no standard answer, how easy is it to solve the tram problem? This is only the basic version, so you can veto the concept of always correct…

Xuexiaxue Nai was a little confused, her eyes involuntarily looked at her sister in the crowd. If, if it were her sister, there would be an answer, right?

“That person is your sister, right?” Tama Sougo said again.

Xuexiaxuenai was slightly silent: “…”

“You can see that you look forward to your sister very much.”

Snow under the snow: Σ(⊙▽⊙”a

Is she so obvious?

“Sister, she is excellent and perfect…”

“Really?” Tama Sougo still had no expression at that time.

Next, the elder sister Yukino Yukino dreamed of leaked a flaw in front of her for the first time, and the corner of her mouth raised an octave!

Toma Sougou, this guy seemed to be good at manipulating other people’s emotions from the very first contact. Originally, Yukino Yukino thought that the relationship between him and her was just one side.

Until the school day.

“Sougo Tama, I don’t have any hobbies that are of particular interest, that’s probably it.” Sougo Tama was making a self-introduction on the podium with a gloomy face.

The soil is always enlightenment——Who is sober, who has to accompany a group of children to study, school or something, can it be blown up?

“Student Tuma is a new classmate transferred this semester. We must get along with everyone and become friends…” The unknown teacher introduced him as a routine.

Tuma Sougou immediately interrupted: “Where is the seat?” Why does he have to get along with a group of bear children, can’t he ask a private teacher to study at home? what! ? To make friends? Don’t make trouble, is it impossible for him to play Bumpman with a group of bear kids? Do you want to do more?

Helplessly, Tujian Guilong did not agree with Tujian Zongwu’s request for self-study at home, and he also stopped his idea of ​​skipping grades. The geniuses of this country actually live harder than ordinary people-this is Tujian Guilong. Thoughts.

Of course, Sougo Tama just casually talked about skipping grades. He only said in public not long ago that he wanted to escape from Japan. At this time, he skipped a grade? It is certainly not praise, but suppression.

However, he really couldn’t play Bumpman, Brave Demon… these playing games, so he decided to isolate the whole class!

To isolate the class, you must first set up your own reticent image.

“Where’s the seat?” Interrupting the teacher with these three words is also the best solution that Sou Kou Tama thought through and came up with. It was established in an instant. I rarely talk to me. Don’t try to talk to me, I will even talk to the teacher. You dare to interrupt, so don’t mess with me!

Unknown teacher: “…”

He is really a taciturn child. There is nothing wrong with this child, right? Forget it, it has nothing to do with me.

“Student Tuma, sit there in the last row.”

Doma nodded and continued to maintain the taciturn persona. He came to the seat and glanced at the guy next to him. The corners of his mouth twitched, and both of them were taken aback.

“Is he (she)?”

“Um, is it the right classmate?” After all, he was a person who had been in contact, and Tama Sougo said hello.

Yukino under Xiaoxue: “…”

Enough, she has already asked, she is a little arrogant, how can someone get the correct answer to that kind of ethical question! ?

“Xuexiaxuno, let me just say, it’s best not to talk to me at school, otherwise…” I will be isolated and bullied.

Before the next words, Xuexiaxuenai had not had time to begin, he heard Sou Wu Tama’s mumbling.

“Snow under the snow? Snow under the snow?”

A trace of helplessness flashed in Yukino’s heart. She was excellent, even her name was perfect, and more than one person had already praised her name.

“The snow under the snow? Isn’t that the layer stuck with mud? The meaning of the name… In other words, did you offend the person who helped you name it?”

Snow under the snow: Σ(⊙▽⊙”a

Also, can you explain this way? What kind of perversions are all this?

Taking a cold look at Tuma Zou Wu, Xuexia Xuena resolutely chose to shut up. She has already discovered that this guy’s thinking is different from ordinary people. No, it should be said that after returning home from the banquet night, Xue Xue Xia Yangnai said, Tujian Zou Wu is a strange guy, and sure enough, my sister is right.

Don’t have contact with him, otherwise, you will be affected by his strange thinking.

“I thought it was just a boring school life, but after meeting a lady full of mud, I instinctively told me that maybe it would be interesting, but that’s not necessarily!”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Who is the muddy lady? Her name is Xuexiaxuno, wait, listen to what your sister says, don’t be affected by this guy’s strange thinking…

Facts proved that Tamazuo’s words were true. He had just said a few words to Xuexiaxuno. After school, several bear children found him.

Sumura Tuma: “?_?”

He seemed to underestimate the influence of Miss Mud in the class!

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