Chapter 218 That’s just your illusion

In front of the deserted and deserted building.

Tuma Sougo wanted to laugh. He originally thought that the bear child should be addicted to the playing game like Bumpman, but he did not expect that the bear child has evolved to threaten people.

“Stay away from under the snow?”

Tuma Zou Wu tilted his head and said, “Why?” Are you jealous? The bear kids nowadays are surprisingly interesting!

“Don’t ask this, if you don’t want to be beaten!” The bear kid still wants to do it?

Sougo Tama wanted to laugh more and more. Anyone threatened by this kind of guy who can beat three crying with one punch would want to laugh, right? Doma Sougo still thinks he is a gentleman at this time, how can gentleman use violence indiscriminately? and……

“Ask, do you often do this kind of thing?”

The bear child is a little inexplicable, and his immature mind does not understand at all, why the transfer student in front of him is surrounded by them without any expression of fear. Instead, he starts to ask them questions. Is this despising them?

“Did you come to do this spontaneously, or did someone order it?” Tuma Sougo continued.

The latter question made the gazes of the bear kids slightly dodged!

“Anyway, you stay away from the guy under Xuexia, and don’t you think that guy is annoying? Always pretend to be there alone, pretending not to say anything, and taking the first place every time…”

Tuma Sougo was a little stunned. He originally thought that these guys had reached the age of hormonal attacks and would list him as an enemy. Unexpectedly, they would use the term “hate”.

It seems that it is not influence that is tied to Miss Mud, but cold and violent bullying. As for the reason, it is probably excellent? He underestimated the bullying in this country, and underestimated the cause of the bullying in this country!

“Yes, someone like Xuexia deserves to be alone. A guy like you who has just transferred to another school is not allowed to make friends with her or talk to her. It’s best to let her be alone all the time. Old woman!” The bear children were still talking.

“With him, you will definitely be bullied!”

“You don’t want to be unable to make friends, do you?”

“I heard that Yukoshita often sells his own indoor shoes. It’s disgusting!”

Does the second young lady of the Yukinoshita family sell her own indoor shoes? There are really exaggerated rumors! Doma Sougo realized that he really underestimated the bear children. Originally, he thought these guys would only play the role of Bumpman…

That’s good. He originally came to school with the idea of ​​isolating the whole class. If he could use Xuexiaxuno to directly achieve his goal, that would be great.

“Well, you guys make a lot of sense, but I refuse!”

Several bear kids: “…”

“Hey, don’t look at that guy’s cuteness, it’s actually disgusting!”

“Cute?” Toma Sougo was a little dazed, saying that others are cute and want to isolate her, what kind of mentality are these bear kids?

“Don’t you want to be friends with everyone? Don’t think there are only a few of us here, but we represent the attitude of the whole class!”

“If you talk to that guy Yukoshita, Nanako and the girls circle will never be friends with you again.”

Doma Sougo shrugged, he couldn’t understand the brain circuit of the bear child.

“You are here to persuade you today? The persuasion has been received. As for whether you will listen…”

A group of bear kids are waiting for the answer.

“It’s up to you to guess!” Sougo Doma turned around and left, quickly isolate him. He really didn’t want to play any dating games with a group of unsound bear kids.

However, this attitude annoyed the bear children who surrounded him, and a boy who seemed to have developed earlier than the others grabbed Doma Sougo’s shoulder directly.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

These guys don’t really want to do it, do they?


Someone really slammed a punch at Tuma Sougo, but he was caught in his hand.

“You better agree to it. We have promised Nanako and the others. We will persuade you if you don’t want to be beaten!” The boy who developed earlier than the others threatened.

Doma Sougo admired their persistence, and five minutes later…

“Wow, I was violently bullied by you as soon as I turned around. The atmosphere in this school is really not very good…” Sougo Doma squatted down and said to the wailing bear child.

They are still children, so don’t forgive them! Anyway, Tuma always realized that this body is also a child, who is not a child yet?

Originally, Sougo Doma, who was holding the idea of ​​isolating the class, was inexplicably upset after being violently treated by others! He has to vent!

As for the bear child lying on the floor? Didn’t they fall by themselves? Moreover, the injury can’t be detected, how can he vent.

“This, this guy is so amazing!” So, Sougo Tama couldn’t understand what the bear child thought. After “falling down” on the ground, someone actually worshipped him. Could it be that this country is strong in worship? The tradition of the reader has been engraved in the bones?

“He’s like those people in the movie, no, he’s better than those guys…”

The total enlightenment of the soil: #(-︿-).

Is the focus on whether he is good or not?

“I said you guys, didn’t you hear what I just said? I was bullied by you!”

You look at me, I look at you, some bear kids, a little bit want to cry, they want to do it, but they can’t beat them at all, what should I do at this time? Admit it first?

“Um, boss…we didn’t want to…and, wasn’t it us who was beaten?” The method in the movie is called boss first.

Tuma Zougou’s face was gloomy: “Don’t talk nonsense, it’s just that you fell down. What does it have to do with me, and I said that you have opinions about being bullied by you?”

The bear kids collectively shook their heads.

“By the way, when you started, I took photos. Would you like to see your hideous appearance?” Sougo Doma shook his phone and said.

The bear children are a little confused, what’s so good about this kind of thing, and it was them who were beaten, it was them!

“Don’t understand why I let you guys watch it?” Tuma Sougo sighed a little, bear children are the most troublesome, and they don’t even have any common sense of life!

“If the photos in the mobile phone are exposed, then a few cute little angels, you will be known all over the country for your violent bullying. At that time, you will become celebrities. The school will be affected by the influence. If you are expelled, you can only be forced to transfer. After transferring, you will suffer the same bullying because of your deeds…

Forget it, not only you, but even your parents will lose their jobs because of lax discipline. The life you have just started has already fallen into the valley! are you happy? ”

Even if it is a bear child, he has begun to understand the things around him. Following the description of Sougen Tuma, the faces of the few people who barely stood up have turned pale.

This guy is a demon! ! ?

Isn’t he a lie?

Does the fight between children really make it so big? However, looking at the hideous face in the photo, they seemed to understand something…

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