Chapter 216 After a long absence, I will always get familiar

For other people, Xuexiaxue has always been a cold and serious girl, and the cold aura exuding all over her is enough to block anyone approaching.

Therefore, she is always alone.

When Tōma Sougo found Yukino under Yukoshita, she was also sitting in a classroom alone, holding a book in her hand and flipping through it from time to time.

Long hair is light, cold and elegant.

The quiet scene is like a painting, even if it is Sougo Doma, he doesn’t want to go there for a while, so he glances at the little cat hanging on his body.

It’s up to you, Picka!

Sougo Doma threw the master ball, and Pika flew over to this classroom.


“Meow?” Some awkward cat.

“Huh!?” Disturbed by the cat cry, Yukino Yukino looked around.

“Meow?” The kitten is still a little confused. It closed its eyes and changed positions. The whole body is full of chaos, disorder, and danger, but after the contact, it makes the cat very comfortable, as if the cat is born. What about the sublimated person?

“Cat?” Looking at the kitten that suddenly appeared in the classroom, Yukino Yukino’s first reaction was some surprise, and then he was puzzled: “How did this little guy get in?”

“Meow?” Kitty said, it is also very dumb!

Although it is not clear why this little cat appeared in this classroom, the corners of her mouth gradually raised indicate that Yukino Yukino is in a good mood at this time. She walked over to the little cat and squatted down: “Little guy, you are very unbehaved. Oh.”

“Meow?” Why is it bad?

Seeing the little cat looking confused, Yukino Yukoshita suddenly said hello: ヾ(=゚・゚=)ノ Meow♪

“Meow!” Can you use human language!

Snow under the snow: ヾ(=゚・゚=)ノMeow♪

“Meow?” A guy who has never passed the eighth level of cat language, why can’t he talk well in human language?

One person, one cat began to have a conversation in cat language, Sougo Tama doubted that this kind of conversation really understood what it meant?

Snow under the snow again: ヾ(=゚・゚=)ノ Meow♪

“Kacha~!” Sougo Doma, who had been observing for a long time, finally took the picture.

Snow under the snow:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Where does the camera sound come from?


“Oh, it’s been a long time, Miss Yukino!” Sougou, who was hanging upside down in the window, showed his head. Then, when he turned forward, he turned into the classroom. The cat said: “Do you like this reunion gift?”

Seeing the visitor, Xuexiaxue unconsciously stepped back for a while, vomiting in her mouth: “The earth is always enlightened!”

“What a cold response…” Sougo Tama shrugged and said, “I thought you would be a little more excited.”

“For the scum who is ready to retaliate against society at any time, no, it should be said that I have already retaliated against the scum of society. I think it is enough to remember the name. Moreover, remembering the name is to remind yourself to stay away from you guys as much as possible.” Xuexiaxue replied unwillingly to show weakness.

“Slander, it’s all slander!” Sougo Tama was very upset, what kind of person these guys think of him.

“Slander? Haha, but it’s really surprising. I thought the next time I heard your name, it would be in the police station or the courtroom and the prison…” Yukino Yukino was not polite.

Sougo Tama retaliated: “Then Ms. Yukino will try to call the police? See if the police will arrest me? I didn’t expect to see me in a few years, Miss Yukino has become a guy who guesses people based on imagination.”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Still that bastard!

“So, who is the suspect who just secretly photographed? Can the scum of the earth who don’t admit his scum answer me?”

“Miss Xue Nai, when you arbitrarily put the word “scum” on others, you have lost your good cultivation. Besides, sneak shots, what sneak shots?”

Xuexiaxuna gritted her teeth: “Do you want to deny it?”

“The so-called candid shooting refers to the secret shooting. The parties are not allowed to discover that Ms. Xuenao has discovered the fact that she was photographed. There is no basis for the candid shooting. Therefore, I took the photos with integrity. Ms. Yukino’s way of meowing is very interesting!”

Xuexiaxue Nao gritted her teeth again: “Soul of the earth!”

What kind of perversion is this so special?

“Anger will speed up the speed of getting old. Although you are still young, you should pay more attention to this aspect!” Tujian, with a heart-sounding mind, always enlightened.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Forcibly resisting the urge to stab this guy to death, she said coldly: “Why are you here?”

“In fact, Miss Yangnai said that you have returned to China. I think we are old classmates we haven’t seen for a long time, so we just inquired a little bit to meet you after a long-awaited reunion.” Tujian, deliberately misleading people, always enlightenment .

Xuexia Xuenai was slightly confused: “Sister?”

Why? Why would my sister tell this guy about her own affairs, and even tell him her whereabouts, what is the relationship between Sougo Tama and her sister?

“By the way, Ms. Yangnai asked me what type of girl I like at the time. After I said that my chest was small, Ms. Yangnai mentioned you…” Speaking of this, Sougo Doma glanced under the snow. Xue Nao’s chest.

Snow under the snow: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

She hugged her chest and backed away. What is the relationship between her sister and this guy? Why is the conversation topic such a super class? And, my sister really thinks that her breasts are small. These guys are still deciding people by appearances. The degree of it, no, no, no…

“Hey~!” Sougo Tama sighed, “However, after seeing you, Miss Xue Nai, I feel cheated by Miss Yang Nai!”

Snow under the snow: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

What, what do you mean?

“I just like a small breast, not a breastless one! It’s as flat as ever…” Tuma couldn’t bear to look straight, Sougou.

Snow under the snow: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

This guy is too much! What does it mean that she did not, she is a little bit okay!

“If all you want to say is this, then you can leave!” After trying to suppress his anger, Xuexia Xuenao said coldly.

“You won’t be able to make friends if you speak this way!” Sougo Morama reminded me kindly.

Xuexia Xuena’s eyes were a little flustered: “This kind of thing is my own private matter for the time being, and you don’t need to take care of it.”

“Sure enough, I didn’t make friends.” After Sougo Tama chuckled, he saw Yukino Yukino turned his head to the other end, probably reporting, ignoring, ignoring, I’m ignoring, and you’re not. Will take care of my mentality.

Seeing this, Sougo Tama also changed the topic as soon as she saw it: “Actually, I recently cooperated with Miss Yang Nai…” Cooperation is definitely cooperation. For things like holding thighs, Sougo Tama killed him. I can’t say it.

“Sister?” Xuexia Xuenai turned her head back when she heard the words:

“Sister, cooperating with a guy like you?”

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, you know, my sister often keeps herself away from this guy at home, how could she cooperate with this guy?

“Miss Yangnai is very simple, so, in order to repay the cooperative relationship between me and her, I don’t mind taking good care of Miss Xuenai for Miss Yangnai. You see, I also brought the meeting ceremony, and I know I have nothing wrong with it. !”

The kitten yelled in due course: “Meow!”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Isn’t this a wild cat? Who would bring wild cats to others as a meeting ceremony! However, it seems to be good, wait!

I don’t know if her apartment does not allow small animals to be raised!

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