Chapter 196

Women are fickle, and have been suspicious of these words, until today…

“Then let’s go, master!” After inquiring clearly that there was no one outside, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who recognized her, smiled like a flower, and completely let her go.

“I’m very satisfied with the fact that the maid can recognize her own position.” Although the sudden change of the little maid made Doma some doubts, when faced with a free maid, would anyone refuse it? At the very least, Tuma could not understand it, but in order to avoid trouble, he still said: “But just leave like this? Didn’t the maid come to Immortal River just to enter the small black room to catch up on the draft?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

In order to catch up with the manuscript, she was only tricked into the banquet by Machida Yuanzi’s scammers. It is really close to the small black house!

Moreover, although the plot coded in the little black room is wonderful, it is not the story she wanted to write at all. Maybe she had a similar idea before, but it must have been passed by the pass, but I don’t know why, in the little black room. Under the influence of, I followed the inspiration of being dropped by PASS and wrote it down.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who is still proud of the creator, is absolutely impossible to admit that the story of the PASS drop was written by her!

Therefore, she must leave here, leave this weird little black house.

“The little black house or something, it’s just Yuanzi…Miss Yuanzi is only good at making suggestions. If she just writes, where can’t she write?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stepped a little forward: “Moreover, as a personal maid of the master, the most important thing is Shouldn’t his task be to accompany the master?”

“Woo!” Sougo Tōma touched his chin and said: “The identity of the maid lady seems to be changing at any time. At first it was a poison maid, followed by an exclusive maid…”

“Yeah~!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled and looked up: “The exclusive maid or something, it seems that some unreliable guy said it without authorization?”

“There is such an unreliable guy in the world?” Sougo Tama said with a “shocked” face: “What’s the matter with the personal maid?”

“Does the stingy master not even give her maid a chance to get a promotion or raise?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled, but her heart was extremely anxious. Doma Sougo, would he refuse to admit it?

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Sure enough, women are fickle. Before entering the small black room, they still resisted their maid status. How long has passed since then, even the promotion and salary increase have been taken into consideration!

No, he didn’t think about paying a salary, so he didn’t use it free of charge. When he was stupid?

“On the issue of salary, I think we need to talk!” Sougo Tama is very serious. He has to tell Xiazhiqiu Shiyu a cruel truth-you don’t have a salary. You can get a promotion, but a salary increase is completely impossible. , Understand?

“No rejection! YES!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu cheered in her heart. Does she care about salary?

“On the issue of salary, we can talk while walking.” After confirming that we are expected to be promoted, the main problem at the moment is to leave here.

“You…” Doma Sougo still wants to say something.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said again: “Although it is a scumbag speech, the master has said that it is difficult to refuse all requests of the opposite sex. Although I should not ask for anything as a personal maid, I still want to ask the master to take me out of here. ”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

What does it mean to be unable to refuse the request of the opposite sex? Who said this, so scumbag! Stand up… Uh, it turned out to be himself.

Turning his head stiffly, Tuma always enlightened: “Haha, no one can refuse the request of the opposite sex. What if the opposite sex asks that person to surrender all his property? What if he commits suicide?”

The greater the smile on Kasugaoka Shiyu’s face, she knew that Zou Wu didn’t remind her first because she was afraid that she would not believe it. He talked to the old woman Machida Yuanzi in order to find out where she was locked up, the awkward guy: ” So Zou Gou doesn’t admit what I just said, then can I also…” It was natural to abandon the last name and call out Zou Wu’s name.

The corners of Tuma’s mouth twitched: “…”

I also said why the little maid confessed her fate so quickly, it turned out that she was waiting for him here, and wanted to let Zou Wu let go and get it cheap, no way!

“Today only!” gritted his teeth.

“Okay!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn’t bother, but responded happily: “Then, please trouble the master to leave the Undead River with the poor close-fitting maid.”

Sovereign Enlightenment of the Earth: “#^_^”

What does it mean to lift a rock and hit one’s own foot? He called it to lift a stone and hit one’s own foot!

“No problem at all, Miss Maid, please also take away the salutes you want to pack.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu broke out in a cold sweat: “…”

Oops, the bag is still at the front desk.

“What?” Obviously, it was only a courtesy question. Is it necessary to clean up and attend a decapitation feast?

“Books, schoolbags, you and my schoolbags…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu lowered his head: “They are still in the foreground.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This woman is too much than he was at the beginning. She is wearing a school uniform, so I won’t say anything. Why did she think of bringing her schoolbag together? In order to participate in the reasoning conference, he also wore a decent gown.

Covering his forehead, Tuma always enlightened: “Miss Maid, I doubt your business ability now. Even if tomorrow is a weekend, even if there is only one day and no textbooks, it will affect my image as a good student in school. ”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Hahaha… this kind of thing you think you still have…

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was stunned, why was her first reaction not to complain, but to make her want to laugh? Just, it seems that the two of them have known each other for a long time and are very relaxed, but this feeling seems to be very good.

“I lost it to you.” Seeing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s silence, Tuma Sougo could only stretch his hands and say: “Let’s go, go to the front desk, and get the schoolbag first. My current image as a good student has not been established yet!”

“Now, go to the front desk now?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu flinched a little. You know, she is the guy in the small black room. Does going to the front desk mean she’s self-inflicted?


Tuma always realized that it was no big deal, but Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu felt a little relieved, she should believe him, maybe, he has another way.

Close the door and leave the draft room.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked around and looked around, and there was no one outside. There were only dozens of separated rooms on the entire floor…a small black room.

But none of them yelled like her, wanting to escape here. When passing by the doors, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked inside. She waited and didn’t know what she was thinking. Some were drinking an empty teacup, but Someone who didn’t know how to add water to it, some smirked at the writing computer.

“Can you open these doors?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu asked.

“Except for the author who entered the small black room for the first time, the small black room is usually unlocked. Fusichuan Wenku originally thought about tearing down the small black room, and the people inside are the most stalwart opponents.”

“Why, how come?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who has always been proud of a creator, can hardly accept the feeling of being forced to create.

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