Chapter 195: Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s Self-Strategies (Part 2)

How long does it take to like someone? Some people say that at first sight, it’s because of love at first sight.

However, experiments have shown that the time you like someone is actually when you suddenly become mentally disabled and start to magnify the other person’s strengths infinitely, ignoring the other person’s shortcomings, and add a thick lover filter to your eyes. .

Obviously, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, who had just experienced the devastation of the little black house spirit, was starting to lose his mind, and the advantages of Tuma Zougou were infinitely magnified by her.

Appearance: Elegant and handsome. If there is no such trembling speech, Shiyu Kasugaoka can guarantee that when class is over, there will be many girls next to Sougo Tama’s seat. Don’t think she likes to go to class and sleep. During those speeches, the girls in the class couldn’t help but want to get close to the fellow Tama Sougo.

Damn it, those girls only saw Zou Wu’s face, and they didn’t know the level of Zou Wu’s true treasure, so they had already started to think about it, but Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was still stunned. Is she stupid?

Obviously know that this guy has a first-rate IQ, twelve. Can a guy who started writing and publishing mystery novels at the age of three have poor IQ? She has perfect cooking skills and can become friends with Lord God Tongue. I ask her to do things. Her cooking skills are definitely the best in the industry, not to mention that after tasting the luxurious feast of Undead River under the blood, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu can realize the total understanding even more. Cooking skills.

Physical fitness is even more extraordinary. Can it be bad to be able to jump from the top of the roof without any damage to the body?

What’s even more valuable is that compared with men in this country, Tuma Sougou does not have traditional masculinity. Although he is not forgiving and a little awkward, he really says it better than those who do not move. , Woman, the guy who shut up is much better.

It’s not right, Zou Wu, this guy is not so unforgiving, it’s more straightforward to speak, and it’s more twisted than those who are hiding everything in his heart. Gu left and right to other harem light novel men. The protagonist is so much better.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu confirmed the thoughts in his mind, and then.

“Well, will it be too fast? It has only been three days since I met him.”

“No, it’s not the length of time to have a good impression at all. If you like a person based on the length of time, then all couples are childhood sweethearts?”

“Moreover, I just have a good opinion. Yes, it’s just a good opinion. Moreover, this guy should have a good opinion of me. After all, I am the original author of his favorite novel, which naturally has a good opinion, otherwise This guy won’t protect me either.”

The self-guided strategy seems to be a long time, but the reality has only passed a few seconds, and the affirmative answer is obtained. Looking at the soil, how does Shiyu Xiazhiqiu look so pleasing to the eye, this is the treasure boy she found.

Doma Sougo, who doesn’t know anything about this, is still obsessed with satisfying his own evil tastes.

“Miss Maid, you don’t know the situation of the little black house, you just want to experience a little black house, right?”

“Hoo~!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sighed slightly: “Actually, I was tricked by Yuanzi…Forget it, but if someone is not the one who takes the initiative to help me promote, and the sales are not booming, I will also I won’t experience the feeling of a small black house…” As she said, she glared at Doma Sougo and began to test.

“Ha, haha…” Tujian always felt a little guilty. After all, he made the little black house. If there is no little black house, this guy should be grateful to Uri-ku.

Seeing Tujian always comprehend that guilty conscience performance, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled with an ideal heart.

“Then, let me ask a question, Master, how did you find it?”

Sougo Tama was taken aback for a moment: “It seems that the maid has finally figured out her own position. Well, I, I probably just happened to hear you knocking on the door when I was just walking around.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Liar, such a floor with so many manuscripts like Fu Shi Chuan will let people walk around casually? Who do you think you are, the editor-in-chief of Fusingchuan or the chairman of the board? It must be because he knew that she was in the small black room, so he sneaked in to save her!

As for how to sneak in, with Zou Wu’s physical quality that surpasses ordinary people, it is easy to sneak into the undead river guarded by ordinary people. As for why Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thinks so, because Zou Wu has a criminal record. !

A place like a school rooftop, a place that obviously requires a key to get in and out, but Tuma Zou Wu can step in like no one else. This is the proof!

“Orientation. As a maid, I can’t stay with my master at all times. It’s shameful.” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu blinked first.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

I always find it strange, is this guy really resigned to be a maid? Although it is only a month, the reality is too fast to accept, right?

“By the way, did you encounter anyone when the master came over?” At the same time that Tuma was thinking about it, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said again. She didn’t forget that the most important thing now is to escape here. What is the draft? Yes, go to hell!

“Once the little black room is activated, there will be almost no people on this floor.” Speaking of which, that piano piece is still the original sound recorded during the last concert of Sougo Doma.

After the concert, Doma Sougo and Doma Guilong listened to it together. Tuma Guilong’s original intention was to make Doma Sougo recall the mood and fun of the performance, but Sougo himself didn’t feel anything, on the contrary. It was Guilong Tujian who entered the stock market like crazy and began to trade violently. Although he made a fortune, Guilong Tujian didn’t really want to remember the process.

After this incident, Guilong Tuma never asked Sougo to play the piano again, and sealed the original sound recording, but was discovered by Sougo Tuma. He secretly downloaded the original sound and asked someone to do it. Several experiments.

Then, he was even more sure that the Gold Finger he was wearing was not well-intentioned, so he threw it aside. After acquiring the Undead Chuan Library, he used it to build a small black house because he knew the effect of piano music.

Although it was strongly criticized by most authors at the beginning, Zou Wu just wanted to let go of his anger, so he wanted to take down the little black house, but in the end, because too many authors were developed into little black house dependence, on the contrary, It was strongly opposed by the authors and was retained.

Since then, Xiao Heiwu has become a reminder method for the editors of Undead Chuan Library.

How convenient is the small black room, and there is no need to run behind the author every day. The authors who come out of the small black room submit their manuscripts individually, and the quality is very good. This method is not used, and it is silly to be a reminder editor. ?

As for the author, it’s a good meal. Although the process of the little black house is not very beautiful, and it is not their first idea, the inspiration they wrote is indeed their thoughts that have flashed before, and the plot is also wonderful. Although they are a little bit aggrieved, it’s better to feel uncomfortable than not just the right meal, right?

Moreover, with the hot sales of works, more and more authors began to pick up the black house. Therefore, Machida Sonoko would think that the black house is the benefit of the library to the author. In fact, not only Machida Yuanzi thinks, All editors, including the editor-in-chief of the mountain, think this is the author’s welfare!

I just don’t know why other libraries don’t use such useful tricks as the little black house. Maybe they still have some scruples. After all, not everyone is like their Undying River, backed by the Tujian family, standing at the top No.1 in the industry. .

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