Chapter 197 What kind of teacher Kiryu? do not know!

“Ms. Maid has something to worry about?” After coming out of the Undead River, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu seemed a little confused. She was very obvious. When she was sent to the front desk to pick up the stored schoolbags, the front desk ladies laughed and said, your boyfriend is so handsome, she actually There is no rebuttal.

Sougo Tama at that time: “?_?”

If it weren’t for Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s unruly appearance, he would have doubted whether the little maid was greedy for his body. Since he had just become passionate, Tujian Zongwu would just have doubts in his heart.

“Sorry, I’m a bit messy now.”

Tuma always felt his chin: “If you are unhappy, just say it, everyone is happy.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

This guy is starting again! ? She obviously wanted to comfort her, but deliberately pretended to be annoying so that she would not be angry.

“Huh.” After sighing lightly, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said: “I, like to create, like to write novels, like to write the stories in my heart, and share them with readers who like to read…”

Sougo Tama nodded: “I understand, because the maid herself has no friends to share!”

Prick your heart again.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gritted her teeth, and she began to doubt herself, is this guy really trying to comfort her? She also has a good temper!

Shut your mouth, didn’t speak, just walked silently beside Tujian Zouwu.

After a long while, Sougou Mutomu noticed the abnormality and continued.

“Why didn’t you say it?” He was still waiting to hear the joke.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu rolled her eyes, but didn’t write “in anger” on her face.

Tuma always wondered whether or not to use the power of the master to order this guy to speak, but when he thought about it, he himself was a lie. It’s great to be a leader.

“If you like to create, just write it, if you like to write a novel, write it down, and if you like to share the story in your heart with readers, then share it with your heart. Teacher Xia Shizi does this all the time, and does it well, isn’t it? , What can be lost.”

“This guy really wants to comfort me!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s mouth bends, and at the same time she continues to say: “I just don’t understand why the creators in the little black room are not willing to come out, because I’ve been inside, so I know what’s going on inside, that’s not the posture that creators should have.”

For the little black room, Sougo Doma only knows that under the influence of that piano music, people will behave very excitedly, and there will be other ways to succeed. Although everyone looks like a lingering heart afterwards, they If he didn’t want to mention it, Tujian Zou Wu didn’t want to ask too much.

As for other people’s probing, most of them are shirk words that are full of inspiration and overdrawn physical strength. It is really silly to believe in Soma Tama. However, this has nothing to do with him. He was just to be sure at the time. Gold How good can Finger this thing!

“Is there anything weird in the little black room?” Sougo Tama tried to ask, maybe, he will be answered by letting go of his confusion for many days.

“Do you believe that concerts make people fall into crazy creation?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu answered the question. Fortunately, Tama always realized what she wanted to say, it was about the piano piece.

“Music can affect emotions. Is music providing inspiration?”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “It is not to provide inspiration, but to find out the inspiration that passed in the past, and continue to enlarge it. Even if the creator himself hates the development of the story, but because of the inspiration of the amplification, he involuntarily writes the plot. come out……”

Hearing what Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said, combined with the only experience of violent trading that Guilong Tuma had ever had, Tuma Sougou had the answer in his heart. So, the function of that piano piece is to let people use the means they hate to obtain Success, while achieving success, but also deeply pained by what I did.

It’s no wonder that those guys don’t want to say it. After all, it is the most unwilling method to use. In terms of creation, it is their most uncomfortable story, but they have succeeded. It is really crazy to slap yourself in the face.

Nice job!

Speaking of non-disruptive means, the soil is the most innocent existence.

“I, what I want to write is only the story in my heart, rather than being manipulated to write the plot that I feel bored. Isn’t it a bit strange to say that?”

“If this is the case, then delete those nasty plots and just describe the stories you want to write in your heart. Teacher Xia Shizi, don’t forget, you are the creator of the work. As for others, it is them. The path they choose, maybe they like to be manipulated but not necessarily.”

“How can it be as simple as what you said,” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sighed: “I was lucky this time and ran out of the small dark room. What about next time? And, among so many creators, it’s impossible. All of them are voluntary. For the benefit of Wenku, how could it be possible to keep a small black room without…”

I still don’t trust the library very much between words.

“Woo!” Sougo Tama turned his head: “Teacher Xia Shizi seems to have forgotten what I said. Fujikawa locked the small black house, only for newcomers who entered for the first time, and you just put yourself in In order to look at the library with the identity of the author, the library can be for the benefit, so why can’t the author do it for the benefit?”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu opened her mouth, but when she thought of the guys at the banquet who were clearly afraid of the small black room, they clearly said not to mention the small black room, but they had to take the initiative to enter. If not, who could force them to participate in the exchange banquet. Woolen cloth?

For a while, she didn’t know what to say. After a long silence, she said leisurely: “Maybe you are right. I don’t want that kind of creative method. I will write it out. My heart Kind of story.”

“Then I am looking forward to it.” Sougo Tama turned his head.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu said to herself: “Of course!”

“Remember not to postpone the manuscript! It’s almost the deadline, right?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Are you the devil! Or did you make a guest call for the editor?

“Is there anything else to prepare for the signing event?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Crit, crit!

Doma Sougo still wants to continue fighting, but…

“Mr. Aoki, your bald head is really light and round, so perfect.” In the distance, it’s not far, about one or twenty meters away. Four or five half-drunk guys are surrounding a drunk woman. At a loss.

The woman seemed a bit familiar. Doma Sougo, who had never held any grudges, said that he had forgotten who threatened to visit him at home, cough cough, meaning that now you have to hide a little bit and don’t stick to the group of people in front of him. relation.

“That woman won’t be Teacher Tongsu?” Helplessly, with too many pig teammates around, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu covered her mouth and said.

“Huh?” Sougo Tama tilted his head, “What is Mr. Kirsu? Is there a teacher named Kirsu in our class? Our class does not have a teacher named Kirisu!”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sighed: “…”

Should I remind this guy that he is exposed?

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