Chapter 194: Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s Self Strategy (Part 1)

“Miss maid, don’t you look very good!” No matter who it is, it is her savior at this time for Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, except for the owner of this voice.

“Toroma Sougo!” Shiyu Kasumigaoka looked at the door opener in a daze. She thought about Machida Yuanzi’s conscience discovery, thought about the author’s riot, and even thought about police rescue, but she didn’t think about it. The bastard will open the door of the little black house at this time.

“Miss Maid, it seems to be called the wrong name again, but looking at the miserable look on your face, I won’t punish you this time.”

“Don’t make trouble, why are you here?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu asked.

Sougo Tama shook his finger: “Of course it is to see how the maid is adapting to the little black house. It seems that the situation is not very good.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Very bad, more than bad? She is going to be bad!

wrong. She seems to have overlooked something. By the way, it should be written on the door of this room that the writing room should be written, so how could Sougou Domama…

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s indifferent face: “You knew I was deceived by Yuanzi’s old woman, right?”

In the soil, I never drafted a lie. I always realized: “Miss Maid, I actually want to remind you, but Miss Yuanzi is too enthusiastic. Whatever you say, Shiyu herself wants to experience the feeling of a small black house, Sister Yuanzi. Please, don’t scare Shiyu or something.”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu recalled the exchange between Yuanzi and Tujian Zougou in the hall, and couldn’t help gritting his teeth: “Yuanzi, the old Damn it woman, are you talking about this?”

“Yes, in fact, I can’t refuse more than seventeen or eighteen-year-old girls. I can’t refuse all the requests of the opposite sex. What’s more, I just kept secrets with the performance in advance.” Tujian, with an innocent look, always Wu, as if what he said was true.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “It’s really a scumbag speech.”

Doma Sougou said in a breathless tone: “To Obasan, I can boast about the collagen on my face. This is called Asashi~!”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

No, you must have misunderstood Asashi, wait, remembering the story she just watched, after the protagonist pretended to be stupid, maybe it wasn’t exactly what Sougo Doma had misunderstood about Asashi, but, She also misunderstood the original Asashi.

“In that case, do you still feed Yuanzi the cake with added ingredients?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Ahem, who made me think she is greedy for my body! Dangerous people, need to be ruled out! This kind of remark can’t be said, no matter how cheeky he is, it is impossible to expose his self-awareness.

“Isn’t it because the little maid opened your mouth and wanted to eat it?” Sougo Doma turned his head slightly, and said with his face clasped.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Wait, this guy didn’t really let Yuanzi be a substitute for the dead just to protect her, right? Yuanzi is really sad…No, Yuanzi deserves it, dare to trick her into such a weird place as the little black house!

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu had a sense of revenge inexplicably.

It’s just that, besides, Zongwu this guy is actually protecting her, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu did (probably) not expect it.

It’s the first time I know that I’m being protected, and it feels good to be unexpected.

Tuma Sougo: “That was just an accident.”

Looking at this guy, he turned his face slightly because he didn’t dare to look at her (to cover up the embarrassment without knowing it), and the act of concealing shyness (perfect concealment in performance), in fact, unexpectedly quite cute ,

Thinking about it again, no, this guy, apart from being a bit awkward and likes to tease others, doesn’t seem to have any other big shortcomings.

At the beginning, when I came into contact with Zongwu, I thought that I was being approached by some wretched men, and had a cheerful and poisonous tongue. Now think about it, in fact, in places like rooftops, in many schools, it was originally forbidden to stand in places. It is not surprising that it will be misunderstood.

And Zou Gou didn’t get angry because of her poisonous tongue. Instead, he explained to her that he only asked when he was disturbed when he was writing a book review (sleeping). If other male chauvinists would leave in anger, Either he started fighting with her at the time. In fact, this guy is a bit bad on the surface, but on the inside, he is very Asashi’s talent.

Facts have proved that Zongwu didn’t lie. Fortunately, he was still writing a book review for the novel written by Shiyu Xiazhiqiu. At that time, they should be regarded as acquaintances? The understanding between the author and the reader.

Well, if it wasn’t for this guy to be too choking, I’m afraid they should have been friends long ago, but it is not surprising that you can introduce yourself and say that you are a super-shaking guy.

By the way, at that time, Zongwu’s seemingly malicious point was actually to make her beware of bad intentions. Obviously this guy can do it by himself, but she has to say it. Thinking about it now, it’s really awkward. It must be cute.

Moreover, Zou Gou also asked people (Dawu) to help her propagate. Now think about it, how could a big figure like God’s Tongue notice his novel? Only he who cooks extremely deliciously has this ability to make God Tongue of God made an exception. The evidence is that, except for her novel, the Lord of God Tongue has been giving out appreciation of food all the time.

Moreover, the way of urging is to use Guan Xiaohei as a threat, a proper general comprehension style.

As for why, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought for a while, it is probably the evil taste that belongs to Zou Gou alone, but even his own novels are digging holes to mislead others, speaking of it, it is really a fate-like coincidence, Zou Go also. A novelist like her.

The clues began to connect in Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s mind.

A bet between them.

Although she was asked to be a maid in name, she didn’t seem to be doing anything other than occasionally helping him buy drinks and bring school bags, but Sougo was still the only one and brought her a lunch box. (Failed product +1, skill experience -0.01).

Think about it again, the exchange banquet under the blood of Fusaochuan Library, the food at the banquet is not as good as Zongwu’s bento, and the value of Zongwu’s bento should be…

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smirked.

With that said, the so-called bet is simply because she makes a profit.

Think about their conversation at the time.


“Eh, isn’t it for a lifetime?”

Another key piece of evidence appeared in Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s mind. For a lifetime… If you can eat this guy’s cooking for a lifetime, it seems that it’s not a bad thing.


Master, wife.

She didn’t even get angry when she heard it at the time. Instead, she wanted to see how Sougo Morama would explain it. It’s just that this guy slipped so fast that she didn’t even let her find someone.

Wait, why is she not angry? Instead, he wanted to see the flustered explanation of Sougo Doma? Ooh! This is a problem.

Could it be that Zong Wu clearly wrote a book review after reading it many times, but he has to say it is not good in front of her? So, what does she want him to admit?

In other words, she has long known that she can feel the total understanding of her inner emotions from the story, but does it actually resonate with her in some ways?

In fact, she was also attracted by this kind of total comprehension inadvertently, so Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu actually has a good impression of total comprehension!

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