Chapter 193 The Terror of the Little Black Room

“This is the legendary little black house?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at the room in front of him blankly.

Strictly speaking, the small black room is not small. On the contrary, the space of about ten square meters also comes with a separate bathroom, and the inside is not dark. The smart light can also adjust the brightness according to the user’s needs. Tea and coffee are also available.

The only idea that allows people to associate this place with the little black house is probably that there are no extra facilities in the room except for the desk and a computer for codewords.

Take out the mobile phone-the network has been disconnected and there is no signal. In addition to being used to determine the time, the mobile phone seems to have lost its function here, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought.

“Damn Yuanzi, how can you rush the manuscript in a place like this!” As soon as he came, he was relieved. Although Xiazhiqiu Shiyu wanted to do this, he still felt a headache while sitting on the massage chair in front of the computer.

“I’m Cavan Cavan now!”

“Who on earth said that the manuscript won’t be written down here? How did those guys do it!”

“No inspiration at all, do I have to stay here for three days?”

“Is it because I’m not suitable for the little black house, or is it that Fudiechuan and the authors are crazy.”

After complaining for a while, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu lifted her head buried in front of the computer slightly. Bored and bored, she looked around again. This time, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu made a new discovery. The white walls around the small black house. Above, something seems to be hidden.

This made Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu a little curious. She walked straight to the wall on the left. After the burgundy pupils carefully observed the wall, the corners of her mouth twitched. The cover was very perfunctory. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu just touched it with her hands. Once touched, the simple wallpaper used for decoration has fallen halfway from the top.

When she tore the wallpaper completely apart, she saw various predecessors’ messages written on the wall, such as:

“Long live the immortal Chuan!”

“Drag to death!”

“It is the most glorious to finish the manuscript on time!”

“Let you go to hell with mahjong or something!”

“Do these need to be covered up?” Looking at these messages, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s mouth twitched again.

She couldn’t help covering her forehead with her hand. Undead Chuan Bunku was covering it up deliberately so that later generations could discover it, right? It’s a perfect representative of both standing and standing.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu couldn’t help but pick up a pen, and wanted to leave a note on the message wall: “The little black house or something, it’s useless at all, go to hell!”

Just when she approached with a pen, she suddenly discovered the problem. In the slogan that seemed to be propaganda, the gaps in the lines were clearly written:

“Fucking Chuan go to death!”

“Long live the draft!”

“Let him finish the manuscript on time or something to hell!”

“Playing Mahjong is the most glorious!”

In the eyes of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, these messages finally turned into a verb-run away!

This made her shudder, and her thoughts of wanting to leave a fortune also faded.

Going back to the computer used for codewords again, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu only felt big for a while. Can this environment really find inspiration and write the plot? impossible!

The proof is that her mind is now in chaos, it is still Cavan Cavan.

Just now.

Suddenly the piano music was played in the little black room.

At first it was a dull opening, slowly as water, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, people could not help but let go, then the excitement of entering the venue, like a surging tsunami, but also like a call from the deepest part of the sea…

With the sound of the piano.

The inspiration of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu began to emerge constantly, but this was wrong, it was not the idea in her heart at all, nor the inspiration she was seeking, but she couldn’t control her hands.

Recording, recording…

Car accidents, cancer, can’t be cured, triangle forbidden, five corners are hard to see, multilateral corners.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu watched the plot come out continuously from her hands, she wanted to shout: “Stop!” This is not the plot she wants at all…

Immediately afterwards, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu noticed that her “self” strokes had changed again. She saw the efforts of Sha Yujia and Zhenwei, as well as Naoto’s pretending to be stupid.

As a creator, she has the heart to write Naoto to death.

However, in the plot she coded “by herself”, there were various excuses and explanations for Naoto.

She saw the two silly heroines in the pen, and she also saw herself from the heroine. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu saw their disputes, complaints, and sorrows, and her “self” was like an arrogant person, constantly manipulating Attention to them, to sacrifice to them.

Just like the sound of the piano now-after the call from the depths of the sea, the movement began to respond with sacrifices. However, a certain arrogant existence did not care, and the movement was also stimulated and started to stimulate with quite extreme aria…


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu shouted in her heart.

Stop quickly!

As if her prayers had been answered, the sound of the piano that had just been played to the midfield suddenly stopped abruptly, and she “she” also stopped.

While Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was fortunate, she was embarrassed. Fortunately, she stopped. What was embarrassing was that she really wanted to know what form the follow-up of that wonderful piano piece should be.

Rubbing a sore wrist and slightly tingling fingers, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled bitterly, what is going on? Looking at the plot of the “self” code.

Wonderful, very exciting, if it weren’t for her more current idea is to write the hero, she would like to save this article directly and submit it.

Looking at the time, it is clear that less than forty minutes have passed. How did that crazy “self” write down so many plots?

However, after feeling the slight tingling on her fingers, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu took it for granted. At the same time, she finally understood why the plot from the little black house would not collapse, and why so many authors mentioned it. The little black room is feeling lingering.

Who on earth made such cruel piano music? It’s almost like hypnosis, while giving people infinite inspiration, it’s wrong, it can’t be said to be inspiration, it should be said that a flash of thought in the memory is constantly enlarged, enlarged, and then portrayed by the subconscious self.

No, I can’t stay here anymore!

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu turned her head a little, and then looked at the message on the wall, the fleeing that turned into is so affectionate and sincere.

Walking to the door anxiously, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu tried to twist the door lock to make sure it was locked.

“Boom boom boom!”

She started knocking vigorously on the door.

“let me out!”

“I can write the manuscript myself!”

“No need for a little black house!”

“Hurry up and let me out!”

“It doesn’t matter who it is, hurry up and let me go out~!”

The futile struggle, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu herself knew, but she still couldn’t help but want to knock on the door and get a response, even if she knew it was impossible…


The door opened.

“Ale?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked dumbfounded, do you want to slap her in the face like that, bastard!

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