Chapter 192 Facts Proof

The author communicated that it did not exist. There was enough food and drink. In other words, after a waiting time of heartbeating, everyone was replenishing their physical strength because they had to enter the small black room, so they barely took a few mouthfuls. Shiyu Zhiqiu, until many people have given out that they should eat and drink before they have entered. If they want to do this in the future, they will lose their appetite because of the influence of the little black house.

“Yuanzi, I curse you, an old woman who eats cakes forever being spoiled.” Before being invited into the small black house, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu looked at her own editor coldly.

“Hey~!” Machida Yuanzi shook his fingers: “Shiyu, you know, Yuanzi will not harm you! As for the curse, I will come to the banquet hall to eat cakes only after you come to the banquet hall thanks to your blessing, hehe, It will never be added, will it?”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gritted her teeth: “…”

It is clear that Yuanzi was able to enter here, thanks to the popularity of her new book, and the situation of Cavan, the guillotine meal before being sent to the small black room, known as the last supper.

This is used as a metaphor. As long as you enter the small black room once, you will be reborn, and you will never drag the manuscript again. Although, it seems that it has no effect, but people who have entered the small black room say that they will die. Rebirth is no different, it is very appropriate to describe it as a decapitated meal.

Of course, this is a beheading meal for the authors, but for the editors, it can be a free meal of the library with the authors who are working on it, not to mention, and there is no need to try hard every day to remind the manuscript. It is good governance. .

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is very unbalanced. Isn’t she just out of clues and inspiration yet, hasn’t she started writing the third volume that is about to be released? Need to find her so coaxingly? What about trust between people? No more!

Originally, she wanted to curse a cruel one, but after thinking about it, the work of a certain bastard was impressive, especially since Machida Yuanzi had just experienced it once, how could she leave a little psychological shadow?

How can I think that Machida Yuanzi is not to be outdone, and said that she can only come in because of her blessing. Listen, is this human?

As time goes by, the surrounding authors are invited away with pale faces.

Machida Yuanzi also let herself go. Before Kasumigaoka Shiyu was invited in, she smiled and picked up a strawberry cake that had just been delivered and said, “Shiyu, I will take your curse, plus a heart of gratitude, eat Get this cake, come on, little black house!”



Machida Yuanko’s expression is wonderful.

Before Xiazhiqiu Shiyu left, she pointed to her mouth, a little at a loss. Does she have such a crow’s mouth? Moreover, why would someone add ingredients to the cakes in the library, and also add the decapitated rice, or is it not human?

Facts have proved that as long as it is unlucky enough, humans can fall into the same pit twice.

Facts have even proved that the changes in human expressions are really unpredictable. Not only can you open your mouth and stick out your tongue, but you can also cry in your eyes: “Water, spicy, spicy, choking, choking me to death… Don’t read it (this cake is more poisonous!).”

If mustard can only choke people into tears, then when paired with the pain and stimulation caused by chili, it almost makes people think that they have reached the hell where flames sleep.


The familiar camera sound rang.

“Wow,” the flat voice said, “Miss Yuanzi was recruited again, but this expression is richer than before.”

Machida Sonoko: “(◎_◎;)”

Sorma Sougo? Why did this bastard appear here? He was also abducted into the little black room?

No, why did the cake from this bastard appear at the banquet table?

She pointed to the tearful eyes of Zou Wu Ma, who was really tearful: “…”

Those eyes seemed to be asking, why the topping cake you sent was placed on the banquet table, this, this is who is going to murder! ? Moreover, why is it her that gets hurt every time!

As if he had guessed Machida Yuanzi’s thoughts, Doma took back his phone and spread his hands and said: “Yuanzi Obasan, don’t blame me, this is arranged by your editor-in-chief on the mountain. I just came to see who got the trick. So resent, curse, destroy the Undead River with incomparable malice, and make this the goal of your life.”

The tone is very plain, as if saying hello again. If she gets a little more excited, Machida Yuanzi may not be able to control herself and will directly perform violent behavior.

She could understand that this guy named Tujian Zougou, under the pen name Tianyu Xingren, was so bad that she wouldn’t believe in this guy’s evil.

Listen, I was just called Miss Yuanzi, and immediately called Yuanzi Obasan. If it weren’t for her now hot and choking, she couldn’t stop tearing, and she didn’t have much energy to care about. She had to let this guy understand, who’s so special. It’s Obasan!

The editor-in-chief of the mountain arranged to come in? How can it be! Although the editor-in-chief of Yamagami proposed the kind of good governance of Xiao Heiwu, he never treated the author and editor under his hand in terms of cooking.

What’s more, as one of the leaders of the Undead River, the editor-in-chief of Yamagami, how could he have contact with the guy who said maliciously to destroy the Undead River. If so, she Machida Sonko…

“Unexpectedly, editor Machida was recruited.” Before the poisonous oath in Machida Yuanzi’s heart was finished, the editor-in-chief of Yamagami walked out with a cheerful smile. This kind of lottery-like feeling is indeed good.

Of course, it doesn’t matter what you feel. The most important thing is that the pedestrian teacher seems to know editor Machida. Then, who has already obtained the prescription, can he think about something? For example, how to push the pedestrian teacher to others, although today is vigilant, but only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to guard against thieves!

However, Machida Yuanzi’s eyes widened before his appearance: “(◎_◎;)”

She wants to report to the company, and the mountain with a smile on the face of a ghost animal definitely has a heart for the company! Editor-in-chief Shanshang, return her trust! Thinking about Shiyu’s curse again, Machida Yuanzi, who originally didn’t believe in evil, couldn’t help but shudder.

In the future, even if she died of starvation and gluttony, Machida Yuanzi would not eat even a piece of cake!

“Cuckoo!” After finishing a few liters of water, Machida Yuanzi was resurrected in anger again. Fortunately, the cold water made her clear the hatred target in her heart-Sougo Tama!

Don’t let that guy fall into her hands!

As for the editor-in-chief of the mountain, hehe… his blind date will be very difficult, Machida Yuanzi dare to guarantee that!

At this time, all the novelists had been taken away, and in the banquet hall, there were only a dozen editors and the just-arrived Sougo Doma and the editor-in-chief of the mountain.

Some editors who have been in the Undead River for a long time looked at the familiar Tuma Sougo and almost blurted out. No, it should have been blurted out: “That, that’s the sky, Tianyu Dong…”

“Ah!” How could the editor-in-chief of the mountain who was wondering how to push Tuma Zou Gou to someone else could reveal his identity? He quickly coughed: “Yes, this is the cartoonist who is about to join our library, Tianyu Xingren teacher, you can also call him Xingren teacher for short.”

There are no idiots who can get into the workplace. As soon as the mountain opened his mouth, the few people who recognized the identity of Sou Gou Tama immediately shut their mouths. After all, the former chairman, how can the current leader control it.

And it was only a moment that the editor who recognized the identity of Sougo Doma understood the idea of ​​the editor-in-chief of Yamagami, and joined the library as a cartoonist? Well, who would dare to pick up the tiger’s whiskers of the former chairman? According to reliable sources, the current chairman is still the person called by the chairman of Tianyu. This identity…

If the deadline is reached, will the reminder editor be counseled? Or send it? Counsel, nine deaths for a lifetime, send, ten deaths without life!

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