Chapter 176

Make a frenzy, and then slip away!

Since knowing that he was offered a reward by the Doma family, the nuclear good Doma Sougo has set this goal. Although, no one has joined at the moment. Tweet, Damn it’s Akasaka Ryunosuke, wasted Tama Sougo back then. Treat him well, what a white-eyed wolf!

Isn’t Tama Supra now that he has insufficient funds, no manpower, and no initial goals… these are not important. What is important is that after listening to the ultimate goal, it is necessary to reject the three consecutives and directly flash people after listening to the ultimate goal?

Hasn’t this guy Akasaka Ryunosuke ever heard such a sentence, mankind must have dreams! What if you dream of dreaming… ahem, yes, what if it comes true?

Besides, this is not a dream for Suma General Understanding. At most, it is just a small goal. After we have known each other for so long, can’t we work together for the small goal?

To the rejection of Akasaka Ryunosuke, Tama Sougo was lost, but when the loss returns to the loss, the set goal can’t be changed, can’t it?

So, after seeing who was trying to beat him up, Doma Sougou has decided to invite a member, although this member is covering up with sincerity, yes, I’m just lying hypocritical, and right He is deeply hostile.

But what does it matter? It’s just inviting members. Does he value his sincerity and friendliness? Don’t be kidding, what Tama Sougo valued is how much capital this member can bring.

The Xuexia family, if the Tujian family did not rise, it would be an existence that could sit on the same level as the Tujian family.

After testing, I was able to come up with 300W yen without changing his face, just to save money and avoid disasters, and to make Sumaru feel moved. It is really a stupid man with a lot of money!

You know, he tried all kinds of thoughts at the beginning, and only let Tama Guilong increase his pocket money to 500W yen a month, and now he moved his mouth, it took less than half an hour, and he had already harvested 300W days. Yuan. The two are simply not the same.

This further strengthened Tuma Sougo’s desire to invite Yukoshita Yono.


In order to achieve his small goal, the organization is still in the initial stage. What if Xuexiayang, who is rich and powerful, wants to seize power? He doesn’t have the financial resources when he was in the Tujian family now, so he must beat her severely and hit her before the invitation, so that she can understand who is the boss!

When replaced by someone else, Tuma Zougou would definitely not do this. Who made Xuexiayang hypocritical to this woman while still having a deep malice towards him? Didn’t it just beat her father? is it necessary? Moreover, this guy’s way of revenge was wrong, he really beat her father…

If you want revenge at this time, shouldn’t you go and beat up your old man? What the hell is it to punch him as soon as they meet? Even if he is always beaten by the earth, it does not mean that Yukoshita Yang is avenged. After all, the old man in his own family has not been beaten again-the earth is a sophistry , Zong Wu.

Obviously, the guy who made the wrong target for revenge is not much smarter, so it would be better to be fooled. ——In the soil, the brain is confused, good at throwing the pot, always enlightenment.

Let’s talk about control. When I think of Xuexia Xueno, Xuexia Yangna’s nervousness, tusk, this is to take the initiative to expose the weakness to Sougo Duma.

Think about it, even though he is deeply hostile to him, a guy who is stupid with a lot of money, easy to fool, and easy to control is not the best partner. No matter what happens in the future, Soma Sougou can do nothing. He picked himself out guilty, after all, a guy who had such a deep malice towards him would definitely not become friends with him!

Thinking about it again, the development of the organization definitely requires the accumulation of capital. As the heir carefully trained by the Xuexiayang family, he must be no stranger to business. In this way, he only needs to hide Behind the scenes, choose a few projects that are easy to accumulate capital, and other things can be thrown directly to Xuexiayangna.

By the way, a Xuexiayangna who had a deep malice towards him wanted him to die, but he couldn’t work hard for him and accumulate capital.

However, he can squander the capital he has earned, swim in the sea of ​​money, HAPPY, and Xiao Buried, and he can be nurtured by him in the way of a super rich and prodigal eldest. To strengthen yourself, think about it, Tuma Sougou is still a little excited…

His chic days can come back again! You can easily be a salted fish again, which is very comfortable!

Therefore, after Xuexiayangna made a good deal of himself, Tuma Zougou sent out the invitation in a timely manner.

“Cooperation?” Xuexia Yangna frowned, “Sougen Tuma, what the hell do you want to do?”

Doma Sougou put his hands around the back of his neck and said, “Miss Yangnai, how do you feel about your current life?”

“Very good!” Yukoshita Yangna said with a light smile: “Of course, if you weren’t in this world, I would feel even better!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Don’t you even want to cover up your malice? Tsk tut, forget it, anyway, it’s okay for me not to expose it.

Shrugging his shoulders, Tuma Zouwu said self-consciously: “Some people say that in this country, children from poor families are doomed as soon as they say something…”

Xuexiayangna kept smiling, “That’s just an excuse for not working hard.”

“It’s not bad.” Sougo Tama did not object: “Actually, in my opinion, the destiny of a wealthy boy has been decided from birth.”

Xuexiayangna narrowed his smile slightly: “It’s a strange statement.”

“There is no way, because while you are enjoying the generous treatment given to you by the family, you also shoulder the responsibility of carrying forward the glory of the big family. Whether heirs or non-heirs, they have shouldered heavy responsibilities from birth. ”

The sun under the snow is silent.

“Like today, when I was assassinated by you, if I change to an ordinary person, I will run away because he only needs to take care of himself, and you can’t, you must stay because behind you is The Xuexia family, and the Xuexia family, cannot bear the anger of the Tujian family!”

Xuexia Yangna twitched his mouth: “I really believed in your evil, so I thought you were really assassinated at that time!”

“Isn’t it?” Sougo Tama asked rhetorically.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

“I have bloodstains to testify!” Tujian, confidently, always enlightened.

Yukoshita Yono: “Young Master Tujian really likes to joke. Didn’t you say that, is that tomato juice?”

“I said it was true, but…” Sougo Tuma stared forward at Yukoshita Yono: “Do you think the Tuma family believes in you? Or do you believe me? Besides, deal with the Xuexia family. , What the Tujian family needs is just an excuse. They don’t even need to act in person. Those in Chiba who claim to be famous will madly carve up the Xuexia family…”

Xuexiayangna’s face turned pale. She knew that this was not a threat, but a truth. If it weren’t for this, she wouldn’t let Tuma Sougo lead her nose.

Although she once wanted to regain the right to speak, but she didn’t do it!

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