Chapter 177 Patriarch of the Earth, the picture is very big!

The intimidation continued.

“Then, here comes the question, who is the culprit that caused the Xuexiajia family to be divided up?” It was clear that the matter hadn’t happened yet, and Tujian was going to talk nonsense, and Sougo had already started inducing inquiries.

Xuexiayangna: “I believe in the resilience of the Tujian family, besides, with the mind of Master Guilong, I would probably not take action against the Xuexiajia because of this little thing.” There is also reason.

Tujian Zougou stepped forward again: “You seem to be familiar with the Tujian family. You know, I have been in the Tujian family since I was born. I don’t know the virtues of the Tujian family yet. ?”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Keke, if you say you want to shoulder the responsibility of the glory of the Everbright family? What are you doing as if you want to belittle the Tujian family? Are you so proud of the great family?

Doma Sougou: “Moreover, the old man is not as broad-minded as the rumors of the outside world!”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Is your father really good to say that? Moreover, in the upper class, who doesn’t know that although the Tujian family has risen extremely rapidly, the owner of the Tujian family, Lord Guilong, is a kind general. Eyes, and, consistently.

In this regard, Guilong Tujian has something to say: “When you can face a guy who can make blood pressure rise at any time and his heart moves suddenly and vigorously every day, you will find that the little controversy outside is so worthless. carry.”

Of course, these are not good for outsiders.

“Actually, that old man in my house…” Sougo Tama once again wrapped his hands around his neck, stepped back a little, and said in remembrance: “Actually, it was a stingy (when I was a child, it was only 500W per month), impulsive (not moving, Blood pressure rises), irritability (if he didn’t help with conditioning, maybe he was still taking medicine for heart disease),

And he really likes the middle-aged greasy man who crosses the river and demolishes the bridge (said a good share dividend, no more! No more!). I suspect that he has serious violent tendencies (Sougo Tama, who was always on the hospital bed when he was a child, said that he definitely didn’t lie!). ”

Because it was too real, Tuma Zougou recalled, with a huge smile on his face.

This also slightly made Xuexia Yangna realize that the guy in front of him did not lie! Then the question is, if Master Guilong is really like Sougo Tuma’s description, then the image that usually comes from the upper class circle, how is it? Isn’t it all pretended?

Xuexia Yangnai’s expression changed, and she remembered some successful learning lessons for Guilong in the earth.

After being knocked down by the waiter accidentally, not only did he not get angry, he kindly helped the waiter to persuade the boss not to mind. After a project loss, he comforted the responsible supervisor and said, don’t worry, just try to make a profit next time… These cases are all tutorials to analyze why the Tujian family succeeded!

If these are all false, doesn’t it mean that the analysis of Tujian’s successful experience is basically what Guilong Tujian deliberately pretended. The Guilong-sama, who has been brought into the rapid development, is really insidious!

In this regard, Tujian Guilong still has something to say.

Just being hit by the waiter, the waiter even apologized and looked very nervous. If this is replaced by the guy who is Zongwu, it will probably be: “Oh, fate, such a wide aisle, you and I can both Bump, it must be that God saw that my pocket money was overspending and made me run into you.” Or pocket money is enough: “Sorry, you blocked the direction of my life!”

In such a comparison, Tujian Guilong felt that the waiter was very polite and subconsciously helped.

As for the loss of the project, it is more normal. Whoever asked him to be reminded by Sōma Toma that he knew that the project would lose. Of course, the loss is also a loss. Now, the project will make money in the future as if it is robbing. , He couldn’t get angry at all, and there was a feeling of no fun after being spoiled.

But he knows that he will lose money, others don’t know, so just a few words can not only boost morale, but also buy people’s hearts. This kind of taking advantage of things, don’t need to remind Somato, he knows what to do.

Of course, these Xuexiayangna didn’t know, she was just instinct. The guy in front of her with a smile on her face who wished that the world would be destroyed, but still had to keep a smile, didn’t seem to be lying, and the rapid rise of the Tuma family has always been a puzzle.

Although many people have analyzed the Tujian Guilong, Xuexia Yangna felt that if the Tujian Guilong was really the same as the one in the upper class, the Tujian family should not have risen so quickly, right. It is impossible to rise at all.

So, Master Guilong lied again, then the question is, what is the purpose of hiding oneself for so long? It must be to seek more benefits, Guilong in the earth, the plan is very big!

Xuexiayangna was startled by her own guess, however, without leaving her much shocked time, Tuma Zougou spoke again:

“Then, Miss Yangnai, now, do you think a stingy, impulsive, irritable, middle-aged greasy man who crosses the river and tears down a bridge, and how big-minded an old man with a violent element in his body would be…”

It is speculated that Guilong’s picture in the unearthed room is very big, and Xuexiayangna dared to admit that he believed in the words of Tujian Zou Wu: “I don’t know what you are talking about!” At the same time, his heart frantically complained:

“What about the glory of the family? What about the family? Don’t hide the information of the Tujian family for so long, just say it casually…”

Tuma Sougogo stepped forward again: “Is Miss Yang Nao scared?”

“Haha…” Seeing the sense of oppression brought by the soil total enlightenment, Xuexiayang unconsciously took a step back.

How could she not be afraid, the Tujian family ran over it, and the Xuexia family promised that there was no scum left. She really shouldn’t come to Tokyo. If the time comes, she must listen to her father, and she won’t be able to check it. Check the Tujian family, no, it should be said that when she meets someone from the Tujian family, she just retreats.

However, there was no turning back when he opened the bow, Xuexiayang answered the question with a little tentativeness.

“In this way, the Tujian family’s reward for Young Master Tujian is actually just showing it to others, right?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Haha, the stubble that shouldn’t be mentioned has been mentioned!

“Ahem, in fact, from offering a reward, you can see how stingy my old man is…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Enough, she didn’t want to know the dark side of Guilong in the earth anymore.

“I think the second young master of my dignified Tujian family was born as a winner in life. They only offered a reward of billions and billions of yen…”

Yang Nai under the snow: “#^_^”

Is the point of concern that the amount is too small? Sure enough, there is a problem with that reward!

“If I offered more rewards, maybe I would have interrupted my limbs to receive the rewards. With so many families in Chiba, they didn’t offer me a reward as a mobile treasury. It’s really…” Doma, I couldn’t be a walker. Jinshan, always understand and hate it is indisputable.

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