Chapter 175 You Have Revealed A Lot of Information

Snapped! “As if to vent the anger in his heart, Xuexiayang slammed the bathroom door shut.

After a while, she stretched out her head again.

“Sou-go-kun, don’t think about peeping! This apartment has good security facilities, and the connected alarm will make the police come within three minutes. I think even the Tujian family doesn’t want to make trouble. What scandal!”

Sougo Doma moved on the sofa: “Don’t worry, I don’t have much interest in the guy who gave me a punch when I met, and you have too much fat on your chest, which is not in line with human health.”

Xuexiayangna was taken aback: “Do you like small breasts?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

A kind excuse, besides, he didn’t know her well enough to discuss what kind of things he liked, right?

Seeing Tuma Sougou’s silence, Xuexiayangna thought she knew the truth, and she stared at Tuma Sougou: “I warn you, don’t hit Xuenao!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This sentence is the only sentence from the heart of Xuexiayang since they met, but…

Sougo Tama smiled again: “Miss Yono, you seem to have exposed a lot of things.”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Oops, it’s about Xuena, she accidentally

“First, Xue Nai came back from abroad, ah, it’s an old classmate after all, should I meet her again? By the way, did Miss Yang Nai tell about what happened to Xue Na Chiba Shenye Elementary School in the end?”

Yukoshita’s hatred and anger can no longer be exposed: “Sougen Tama, don’t forget, you have been offered a reward by your own family now, like this, do you dare to return to Chiba?”

Doma Sougo got up and shrugged: “Why do you think I dare not?”

Xuexiayang was taken aback–isn’t this a simple question? How could a second young master who was offered a reward by his family dare to wander around the family base camp? Wait, maybe Dad is right, the Tujian family is indeed playing everyone like a monkey! An anger came out again, was she fooled?

Human beings cannot control their expressions when they are extremely angry.

Tuma Zou Wu glanced at Xuexia Yangnai, and smiled again: “Tsk tsk, it turns out that Miss Yangnai wanted to test out the relationship between me and the Tujian family now!?”

Xuexiayang has a pupil: “I don’t know what you are talking about!”

How would this guy know?

“I didn’t want to know, then, please allow me to keep it secret.” Sougo Morama smiled brightly: “By the way, Miss Yono, you seem to have exposed some information.”

Xuexiayangna pursed her mouth and said nothing.

“Miss Yang Nai, Xue Nai has a small chest, right.” Tuma always realized that evil smiled.

Xuexiayangna don’t overdo it: “…”

No, it’s not a small question anymore, it’s a question of whether there is any, but it’s about the dignity of my sister, how could she say it!

Upon seeing this.

Tama Sougou’s smile became more evil: “Oh, once again prove that the Hirano I mentioned at the beginning seems to be more suitable for Yukino.”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Depend on! Depend on! Depend on! How old is Yukino at the beginning, has been personally attacked by you like this?

“Tsk tusk, is Xuenai going to school in Chiba? Is it still the same as before, chasing her sister’s figure? By the way, which high school Sister Yangnai went to?”

Xuexiayangna gritted his teeth: “Do you think I will tell you?”

Damn it, all guessed right!

To the attitude of Yukoshita Yono, Tuma Sougou just shrugged his shoulders indifferently: “It’s okay if you don’t tell, it’s not difficult to find information anyway.”

“Sougou!” Upon hearing the words, Yangnai Xuexia stared at Sougou even more steadily. With tomato juice full of his forehead, he felt a little crippled: “I warn you, don’t bother. Xue Nao, don’t tell Xue Nao the end of the elementary school incident.”

Will Tama Sougo persuade you?

“That means, can I tell her, Miss Yang Nai said that she has no breasts?”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Bastard, this isn’t an interruption anymore, it’s an harassment, right? Moreover, when did she say that Xue Na had no breasts? Although Xue Na did not, but this is the only thing that shouldn’t be laughed at by my sister!

“In addition, Miss Yang Nai seems to have forgotten the relationship between us?” The relationship between the blackmailer and the victim. “Ms. Yangnai thinks it is necessary for me to give me a punch when I meet and severely wound me? Don’t stare at me. I am now seriously injured and can’t stand the scare.”

Yukoshita Yono: “Sougenzu Tuma, what on earth do you want to do?”

“I…” Toma Sougo glanced at Yukoshita Yono who was full of tomato juice: “Sorry, I still trouble Miss Yono to wash before I say business. After all, it’s a serious matter, but watching The appearance of Miss Yang Nai is really hard to get serious.”

Xuexiayangna: “…”


She closed the bathroom door fiercely again.

Some people say that the time that a woman spends in bathing and putting on makeup is unimaginable for men. However, the person who said this is not clear. This is actually a matter of circumstances.

For example, now.

In less than ten minutes, Xuexiayangnai had already bathed, and a head of tomato juice flowed down the water to the sea.

After changing into the new home clothes, Xuexia Yangna wiped her wet hair and walked out, and then said viciously, “Now, let’s talk about it!”

Tuma always felt his chin: “Miss Yangnai actually faces a stranger without her face, what about the perfect image of a socialite? What about your professional ethics!”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

So, what does this guy think of her, the professional habit of God, the professional ethics of God!

“However, plain makeup is not bad, at least it is worthy of clear water and hibiscus. Naturally carved this ancient poem.”

Xuexiayang sneered, don’t think that if you praise her, she will have a good impression, this is all the rest of her play!

“Let’s talk about it, besides 300W yen compensation, what else do you want? Or, what is your purpose?”

Tuma Zouwu jumped up from the sofa, and stood still with Yukoshita Yono: “I was too presumptuous just now. I just want Miss Yono to experience the sadness of being a weak person.”

Xuexiayang is a strong smile: “…”

The weak, your sister, don’t you just rely on the Tujian family behind you?

“As a weak person, even if I say tomato juice is blood, there is nothing you can do, right?”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

This guy actually admitted that it was tomato juice?

“Today, I was indeed deceiving you under the influence of the Tujian family, but if I change someone else, for example, the Shinomiya family, the Suzuki family…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

There is a way to change people to ordinary people.

“Miss Yangnai, do you want to cooperate with me to truly control your own destiny?”

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