Chapter 174 When a dispute occurs, one of the parties will always compromise first

Is Xuexiayang beautiful?

If you ask this in Chiba’s celebrity circles, nine out of ten will say it’s beautiful! There is also a wife by her side. As a famous socialite in Chiba Prefecture, her appearance is naturally top-notch.

However, when you know that this guy is deeply hostile to you, and he is concealing his sincerity all over his body, that’s right, when I’m lying, I give a discount on how beautiful my appearance is.

Moreover, Tuma Zougou also deeply understood that he had just beaten someone else’s father, do you still expect her to have a good impression of him? He is not her grandfather, but it is the grandfather who told his father to beat his son, it is justified!

So the question is, is Sougo Tama her grandfather? Obviously not, his surname is Tujian and not Xuexia, so there must be no such relative!

Therefore, when Yukoshita Yangna asked again, “Is my sister not beautiful,” Tuma always realized that he wanted to make trouble without even thinking about it.

If I change to a normal person, a straight guy would say, sorry, my face is blind, I don’t know whether it’s beautiful or not, and if it’s slick, I will follow her words, but I must be more vigilant in my heart… Very honest.

“Miss Yang Nai is doubting herself? Don’t worry, Miss Yang Nai, among the people I have met and known, can be ranked second in terms of her appearance.” Satoru, don’t accept any rebuttals. Incidentally, the last in the rankings are Kondo, Tusuo Shiro, and Tuma Ohira, in no particular order.

Xuexiayangna has always been quite confident about her appearance, but after hearing this, her smiling face still froze again: “…”

Because she knows that Sougo Tama tells the truth. Unless he has received special training, no one will lie to Wu Bo Gujing, and there is nothing unusual about him, but the truth is often the most hurtful!

However, if she knows the past of Tujian Sougou, perhaps she won’t be so rigid. After all, the business hero in her mind, the god of investment-Guilong Tujian, was also deceived by Tujian Sougo Yi. , Those lie detectors have no effect on Sougo Doma…

That’s right, Doma Sougo had been tested with a polygraph.

It was like this back then.

The doctor asked: “What is the shape of the sun?”

Doma Sougo: “Circular!”

“Dididi!” The polygraph started calling the police, and this guy was telling lies!

A group of professionals, you look at me, I look at you, MMP, why is circular solar time a lie? What’s wrong with the polygraph?

No, try again.

The doctor asked again: “What is one plus one?”

Sou Maura: “Two!”


The polygraph is reporting an error frantically, this guy is lying!


Guilong from the earth who brought him: “…”

He glanced at this group of professionals with suspicion. Are you kidding me? Is this also a lie?

The doctor could only wipe the cold sweat and asked again.

“Who brought you here today?”

Tuma Sougou: “Old man,”

“Dididi!” Another alarm.

Doma Sougou put it another way: “Dad.”

“Dididi!” once again alarmed.

The soil is always enlightened: “The soil is Osmanthus!”

“Dididi!” Alarmed.

“Tujian Patriarch!”

“Dididi!” Alarm…

Guilong in the soil on the side has a dark face, f*ck, is this a polygraph? This is an instrument that will report errors whether you tell the truth or lies!

Professionals: “…” MMP, used to be good, so why is it that today it will only report an error?

Subconsciously, the professionals began to shake the pot: “Master Guilong, does Ling Gongzi have a cognitive impairment?”

Guilong Earth: “…”

At that time, he was very angry, and what happened later, Tuma Sougou didn’t know. This research institute was also targeted and suppressed by the Tuma family, and disappeared without a trace. As for the news, there was not a single bit of information. vent.

Since then, Tujian Guilong has had a complicated look at Tujian Zou Wu for more than a month-he sent someone to try the polygraph later, it was not broken, and it worked well, because of this, Tuma Sougou’s monster image in Tuma Guilong’s heart adds another point.

In this regard, the soil, his thoughts are confused, Zongwu said that it has nothing to do with him!

If you knew this, Xuexiayangna would probably feel better. At the very least, she could comfort herself—this guy is lying!

However, she doesn’t know, so Tama Sougou’s speech is equivalent to:

This is so enviable…Bah, contemptuous words, is this guy who knows people only for his appearance? Like her, can only be ranked second? What a master this is…cough, scumbag treatment.

Doma Sougo really didn’t lie, think about the guys I’ve known over the years, Nagiri Erikai, secretary, and Gentian Kobayashi… I won’t mention it for the first time.

Let’s just say that the little maid he just accepted, Kasumigaoka Shiba, whose appearance is not inferior to that of Yono under the snow, and there is Akasaka Ryunosuke, cough cough…

As for some of the little girls he had contacted before, such as Shiina Makishi, Touma Kasha, Sawamura, Eriri…Because he hadn’t seen them for a long time, he didn’t count them.

Doma Sougou is so honest, even if others are hostile to himself, he is honest with others, so he speaks bluntly again.

“By the way, Miss Yang Nai, who has blood on her head, is already at the end of the third step in my heart, and is rushing towards the fourth step!”

Yang Nai under the snow: “#^_^”

Bastard, they all said this is tomato juice!

Even though he thought so in his heart, Xuexia Yangna still resigned to find out the clothes to change-no woman would not care about her appearance.

However, what are the criteria for judging beauty? Then you can see the wisdom of others,

For example, if Concubine Yang Gui, whose beauty is Fengyun, falls into the hands of the slender King Chu, the titles of those four beauties will probably have to be replaced.

Therefore, the evaluation of others is the affirmation of a person’s appearance.

Although Yukoshita Yangna is not a perfectionist, she has always been talking to enemies she cares about with tomato juice on her head. In fact, she has always been awkward.

There is no way, because she is the enemy, she doesn’t want the other party to see her embarrassed side. The feeling is as if she is the enemy of the other party and caused the result of this embarrassment (although it is the case), she is even more What I want the enemy to see is her perfect side. It feels like she is saying, look, since I was embarrassed with you, I have reached the pinnacle!

“Is this bad?” Seeing Xuexia Yangnai took a step back, Tuma Zougou half-lied on the sofa and said: “I thought that Miss Yangnai has some special hobbies, and she likes to scare people with blood!”

Yang Nai under the snow: “#^_^”

Who has such a weird hobby! Take two deep breaths to calm your mood.

Xuexiayangna walked into the bathroom expressionlessly. She admitted today. If the guy lying on the sofa dared to mess around, even if she desperately died, she would bite him with blood!

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