Chapter 173 Ripping off or something, isn’t it a bad thing?

What defines the value of a piece of clothing?



Keep warm?

No, no, no, Sougo Tama can tell you clearly that the value of a piece of clothing is determined by how much you can blow it. If you can blow a piece of rag to the sky, you can still make people all over the world. I believe that even if it is a piece of rag, it is invaluable.

Therefore, Toma Sougo made the act of buying clothes on his body that cost 99 days of money a catty online (the unit is not mistaken, it is a catty, not a piece!), and he made a super rich new seasonal product. He didn’t feel blushing at all. He is short of money now, and finally met a big family, can he put out his wool?

Of course, this kind of behavior is called “pengci” in the celestial dynasty, so good children should never learn!

Yang Nai under the snow: “#^_^”

Although she doesn’t know the price of Tuma Sougou’s clothes (after all, it is from Tuma’s family~!), but for 300W yen, she really doesn’t know the goods without knowing it. The outdated styles are slightly more obvious. Rough stitches, if it weren’t for Sougo Domama, Yukoshita Yono suspects that it’s not worth 1W yen…

Tuma Sougou——No way, I was too rushed when I left, and Xiaobui’s clothes were all packed up, his, there is really no room to take away his normal clothes and outing clothes.

Besides, isn’t it just clothes? Wouldn’t he still be able to afford it in the future? Look, I ran into a big fat sheep right out of the house, and this big fat sheep wanted to beat himself up. Although he didn’t succeed, but since he did it, how could he be worthy of getting acquainted with each other if he didn’t strike a stroke hard? , Isn’t it just to see who can better rip off?

“300W yen, a very reasonable price…” Although she knew that the clothes were not worth the price, Yukoshita Yono accepted it. She felt it was worth it to be able to settle today’s matter with money.

“As expected of the family of Chiba giant Yukinoshita, 300W won’t even blink his eyes.” Sougo Doma smiled brighter.

“It’s really ironic to say this sentence from the people of the Tujian family. Is there any family in Chiba that is not dependent on the Tujian family for development? However, what I didn’t expect is that the one who said I laughed falsely at the beginning The guy who is now wearing a hypocritical smile, tsk tsk…” Seeing the smiling Doma Sougo, Xuexiayang couldn’t help saying.


“Who said the smile on my face is false? Don’t you have a happy moment in your life?” Sougo Tama asked rhetorically.

Xuexiayangna smiled and said, “Zou Gou just wanted to say, is it happy to go home with me?”

She doesn’t think that 300W yen will make Doma Sougo happy.

“No, Chiba’s famous socializing flower in front of me is a bloodstain on the forehead, can’t you be happy?” Doma Sougo was not happy because he was able to live with Yimoduo.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Really enough!

“Speaking of which, Miss Yang Nai is really not going to get the blood off first?”

Yukoshita Yangna stared at Tuma Sougo with suspicion. How could she not want to get rid of the tomato juice in her forehead, but if she does it now, it means taking a bath and changing her clothes.

If it’s other boys, I’m not sure that Yukoshita Yono will make fun of this kind of thing, but Sougo Tama, sorry, after this meeting, she doubted this guy’s character and the thickness of the skin, other boys. The thing that will blush with age, this guy can take it with a pinch, just like before.

“Zongwu-jun, after paying for your clothes, will you leave?” With a hint of chasing away.

However, Tama Sougo said that he did not understand, and at the same time pointed to his abdomen again: “I am a seriously injured person now. If I go out like this and the police see me, they may not think I was stabbed by the enemy. Dao, if you ask, you say, how should I answer?”

Yukoshita Yono finally couldn’t bear it: “No policeman is so bored that he treats tomato juice as blood, and you are a seriously injured person!”

To be honest, I couldn’t hold back until I could bear it. Tuma always felt that this woman’s self-cultivation was really top-notch. At the same time, he took out a voice recorder.

“Well, I admit it is the head office of blood!”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Why would anyone carry a voice recorder with them! Besides, what kind of trouble do you want to record only this sentence?

Sougo Tama has once again proved that opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared!

“I have always had reservations about Miss Yangnai’s character. It seems that my cognition is not wrong. Look at what I just said, I turned my face and I didn’t recognize it. It was obviously blood, but I kept saying it was tomato juice. Do you want to be irresponsible?”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

She was wrong, she was really wrong. She shouldn’t have come to Tokyo today. If she didn’t come to Tokyo, she wouldn’t run into this guy. If she didn’t run into this guy, she would not lose her mind because of hatred. Reasonably, she would not use violence, nor would she be entangled by this guy.

And responsible, what kind of responsibility does she have to bear!

“Doma Sougou, what do you want to do…”

“Didn’t I say that, first prepare a set of clothes for me, instead of the same amount of 300W yen, it is almost the same to get one hundred and eighty thousand yen. As for the rest of the money, just transfer it to me. ”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Why does it feel like this guy is so skilled?

“Excuse me, how can I go out to help you prepare clothes like this?” Xuexiayang pointed to his head, and the tomato juice on it became more and more red.

“This is your home, you can take a bath first, I have time…” Now in the midst of a downfall, one stroke is one stroke.

“So, the seriously injured Zongwu-jun is not afraid of bleeding and dying. Hey, are you recording again?”

Taking back the recording pen, Sougo Doma said lightly: “It’s okay, the blood has stopped.”

“I have shed so much blood, and I can still be so calm. Zongwu Jun is really a monster.”

Tuma Sougou: “Compared to you, it’s far behind.”

Xuexiayangna: “???”

“How can a species that shed a lot of blood every month and can still jump around? How dare I say that I am a monster?”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

She really underestimated how unscrupulous and cheeky this guy is.

“You are so dependent on me, don’t you really want to do something bad?” I don’t know why, Xuexiayangna suddenly felt the danger of being lost.

“Ahem~!” After a dry cough, Tamazuo turned his head away: “What bad thing can I do?” Isn’t it a bad thing to hold off?

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Don’t be so vague, you are even more suspicious, but…

She suddenly laughed again: “I know that adolescent boys always like to peek at the opposite sex, so I realize…”

“Don’t worry, I will never aim at you.”

“Hurrying to refute will make people feel guilty, and, isn’t my sister beautiful?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

What is this woman doing? The micro-emoji reading has almost no effect on this kind of guy who is full of hypocrisy. Up to now, he only knows that this woman has never said anything from the heart from the beginning to the present.

In addition to the compensation of 300W yen-but, most of it is to save money and avoid disasters. Fortunately, this woman is very hostile to him, so that Sougo Tama can be merciless when he is blackmailed!

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