Chapter 159 You Are Not Like, You Are!

“Principal Yamamoto, Mr. Sasaki was dismissed, does that mean that our class is going to change to a new teacher? Is it to introduce the new teacher to familiarize yourself with colleagues?” Kirisu tentatively asked, maybe this new teacher is very handsome, and again With money, Principal Yamamoto is afraid of any bad rumors.

The conspiracy theoretic brain started to activate. This bronze-beard teacher really has ulterior motives. He just poached Sasaki, and then even the new teacher wanted to poach him away! This is to make his Toyosaki no one available, he, Yamamoto The principal, he has seen through the conspiracy of Kirisu!

“Teacher Bronzebeard, do you know what your task is? The school hired you to educate the students, not to let you come to the school to hook up… ahem, anyway, I will deal with the problem of the new teacher here, and it has nothing to do with you !” Never let the new teacher be poached by spies!

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

Is she offending someone? How do you feel that the principal’s tone is a little impatient? Besides, why call me if it has nothing to do with her?

Principal Yamamoto’s conspiracy brain was activated again, but the other party dared to send spies over, it is better to let those guys lose their wife and break down! First try if you can buy this guy.

“By the way, Teacher Bronzebeard, do you have any questions about salary?”

Kirisu Masuu: “Toyosaki’s treatment is very good, I am very satisfied.”

What the hell is this principal doing? Hasn’t the salary been negotiated long ago? She is a fresh graduate who is receiving a salary from a prestigious school. Is there anything she is dissatisfied with? Wait, isn’t she going to cut her salary?

snort! Of course you are satisfied with two salaries for one job! Principal Yamamoto’s conspiracy theory began to think darkly, but his mouth was clear.

“Teacher Bronzebeard, in fact you are still young, and some things have to be carefully evaluated!” As a spy or something, do you think you can be a lifelong?

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

What the hell should be measured? What on earth Principal Yamamoto is talking about, the thoughts of workplace bosses are really hard to guess.

“As the principal, I only hope that you will remember your own job well. Some things are not something you can mix with! Of course, if you are willing to work hard, Toyonosaki can bring you considerable rewards, no matter if it is a high salary. Either way, it’s better to get a promotion…” If the other party can give you, so can Toyosaki!

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

So, what did she mix with? and many more! The only thing she did was to threaten Toma Sougou to visit her home. Well, as soon as she finished the threat, the principal turned around and called. No wonder, it’s no wonder that the exam papers can get full marks for admission!

“But if you do a job other than your job, Mr. Tongshi, your file will be recorded as a dismissal just like Sasaki!” After the temptation, it is a threat. After the threat, you must immediately hang up the phone. This is for Time for her to think. Principal Yamamoto believed that he had hinted to this point, and Kirisu should understand that the identity of her spy had been exposed!

If she is threatened later and teaches the students honestly, then Yamamoto might as well give her a salary first, so that she can understand that Toyonosaki can give her more benefits, as long as Kirisu Masuu is caught by the benefits. He can slowly find out through this line, which school is starting to attack Toyonosaki!

If she was not threatened, then Kirito would definitely choose to resign. After all, the identity of the spy had been seen by the wise Shenwu Yamamoto, which meant that it would be difficult for her to dig outside.

Looking at the phone that had been hung up, Mr. Kirito was silent for a while before gritting his teeth and said: “Sougen Tama!”

She really didn’t expect that the power of Tujian Zou Jian was so wide that even the principal was bought by him. Besides, didn’t she just threaten it? Need to call to warn? Sure enough, this student is the ultimate BOSS, but the boss has the demon king, the principal, to help, but she is the first to expose it, which is really a mistake! Big mistake!

Sougou, who was lying with the gun inexplicably, shuddered.

“Euny-chan, what’s the matter?” Xiao Qian, who was on the same road, tilted his head and asked.

“It’s nothing, it seems that something has been buckled up inexplicably.” Sougo Doma felt a little, then shrugged and said with a full face: “By the way, Buried, your friend will come home soon. If you do, do I need anything to prepare for Ouni sauce?”

Shouldn’t it be that he has a lot of waste? It took less than two days to transfer to another school, and friends have come to play, and the popularity is so good!

“Woo, you have to prepare coffee, black tea, and desserts…” When it comes to preparing supplies, the eldest lady has her own unique insights.

Doma Sougou put his hands around the back of his neck: “Eh, don’t you want Kuole and potato chips?”

The hamster is cold-eyed-idiot Ernie sauce, how could that kind of thing appear on a lady’s menu!

“No need for Kuole, the most important thing is Ooni sauce…”

Tōma Sougou’s eyes were tearful: “Is the most important thing is O’Neill me, Xiao Bui!”

“Yes, the most important thing is that Ernie Chan left home and gave me a space to be alone with my friends!” The hamster smiled all over his face.

Tama Sougou: “Huh?”

Wha, what the hell? What is the most important thing is that he leaves home?

“Euny sauce, remember what I said, why did my friends come to the house today…”

Doma Sougou: “Isn’t it just that the piano lesson was praised by the teacher? Then someone brags, saying that there is practice at home, but practice makes perfect or something, and then he was fooled and agreed to take them home to practice piano… …”

Buried in the soil: “Euny sauce, isn’t small burial practice makes perfect? ​​The teacher said that my fingering is full of spirituality.”

“Hehe, that fingering is clearly obtained by hitting the keyboard and playing games!” Sougo Tama revealed the bottom.

Hamster buried: “#^_^”

Because of this, I don’t want to let Ounichan at home!

Doma Sougou touched his chin and said, “However, there is no difference in fact. It is a skill that has the same goal in different ways. Besides, the skill of playing the piano with the keyboard has been practiced. Doesn’t it prove your talent?”

Buried in the soil: “The difference is big! Moreover, this kind of talent is not worth showing off at all!”

Which lady can use the keyboard to practice piano! O’Neill is an idiot, she is chasing the eldest lady’s personality, so she shouldn’t be a talented player!

“Well, even if that is the case, why do I have to leave the house?” Toma Sougou was inexplicably unhappy with how old he was and having his own ideas.

“If Ernie Chan is at home, it will definitely be exposed!” The hamster lowered his head.

Doma Sougo: “Xiaobui, is Ernie-chan like the kind of person who can’t hide words?”

The hamster shook his head,

Doma Sougo was very satisfied,

“It’s not like Ernie Chan, but someone who can’t keep talking!”

Doma Sougo suffered a crit.

The hamster buried his mouth and said, “When I was in junior high school, I won the tennis championship. My friends came to congratulate me. In the end, who said, “It’s true that I often play somatosensory games with me. In reality… ‘If it weren’t for the wit, it might have exposed the attributes of love to play games!”

Doma Sougou scratched his head: “Have I ever done this?”

The hamster stared at him: “Euny sauce!”

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