Chapter 160 I just talk about it casually, you are asking!

Honesty has always been a virtue that Sougo Doma observes!

The above is a sick sentence.

Facing the secret technique, the hamster glared at him, and Tuma Zouhu instantly lowered his head: “But after all, it hasn’t been exposed.”

Buried away in the dirt: “But, it’s scary, okay,”

“Then how about I promise to be tight-lipped this time. Besides, isn’t it just practicing piano? Don’t forget, who instructed your piano!” Doma can always fight back from other places, always enlightenment.

Buried in the soil: “…”

It’s even worse. She just set up a magician persona for Oni Chan at Kato Kei, who can only hide things. If she gets a piano instructor, won’t Oni Chan start to be popular again?

“However, if O’Neill is at home, she can’t help but tease my new friend, right?”

Doma Sougou touched his chin: “How is it possible, Xiao Bui, when did Ernie-chan tease your friend?”

“Like Nanako, little bell sound…” An example was buried in the soil.

Doma Sougo: “Wait, don’t they like being teased? Although they yell every time, they also like to come to the house to play.”

Buried in the soil, eyes filled with resentment: “…”

No, they just like to be teased by you, ah~! Why did all the friends she made in the past ended up: “Xiao Bui’s Ernie sauce is so funny!”

“Should I say that he is really Xiaobuian’s brother, not to mention his handsome appearance, even teasing people are full of innovative spirit, and it doesn’t make people feel bored.”

“If only I had such an Oni sauce too.”

“Xiao Mai, where does Ernie Chan go to school?”

When the hamster was buried, he could only laugh: “Hehe, it’s actually not that good. Moreover, the place where O’Neill goes to school is far away…” What is so good about that fool O’Neill?

Originally, Xiao Mu thought that those guys were just talking casually, but when Ernie Chan came back, all those friends shouted with excitement, and when they looked more excited than she, Hamster Mu felt that things were not right.

Until every time when O’Neill went home, those guys were looking for reasons to visit, Xiao Mu had already felt a sense of crisis-fortunately, he was already a junior at the time, and after graduation, he separated.

Immediately afterwards, he transferred to Toyonosaki with Oni-chan.

The question is, she is only one year old now, what if someone wants to take O’Neill again? Absolutely not! Be sure to hide Ouni sauce! This is the belief that hamsters buried.

So, there is the awkward self-introduction of Sougo Tama.

And now, if my friends come to the house, if they find out the O’Neill sauce at home-although O’Neill salted fish is a little bit, but, he can’t keep up with many things.

The cooking skills are top-notch and the piano is top-notch (although I don’t touch it much anymore), but I can teach myself the connection between the piano and the keyboard with O’Neill sauce, the proper top level, proficiency in language, and learning is… such a treasure O’Neill Sauce, how could others find out! Have to find a reason to flicker over.

“This is a new friend I made, like Nanako and the others, because they are very familiar with Xiao Qian, so they endured the mischief of Oni-chan…”

“Is that so?” Tuma always thought about it carefully, and it felt quite reasonable. How could it be possible that every time he pleases himself, he can also take others to enjoy it. Sure enough, happiness is based on the suffering of others. Come on.

“Furthermore, when we practiced the piano, O’Neill stayed at home like a salted fish. Will it affect his image?” Hamsterbuy attacked:

“In case, others have misunderstood, let me say something else, Xiao Mu, is your Ou Nichan an otaku? Xiao Mu, isn’t your brother very lonely and gregarious…”

Doma Sougou: “Stop, didn’t I say that? O’Neill can guide you to practice the piano.”

“But, we are all a group of girls, only if there is only one boy…” The hamster buried his face with suspicion.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Sure enough, I have grown up, already, have you started to think about this? Why do you feel so upset! I really want to ruin something!

“So, O’Neill still consider where she will go later?” Seeing O’Neill’s silence, the hamster smiled all over her face, she knew that O’Neill had agreed to this change.


“I know, how about I get home before dinner?” Sougo Tōma said helplessly as he rubbed his hair.

The soil nodded: “No problem!”

Next time, I will never bring people to the house again. You have to hide things like O’Neill carefully.

Going home, making the failed snack, and then brewing the failed black tea, and finally, after intimately breaking the decoration on the cappuccino, Sougo Doma was happily kicked out of the house.

“Then I’m going out!” He was pushed out happily.

“Remember to go home early!” Hamster answered happily.


Then, closed the door.

Doma Sougoyu…Happy ghost, holding a belly, Xiaobui has grown up and needs personal space, O’Neill should support it, ah, but it’s so unpleasant complaints, Doma Sougo begins Go shopping aimlessly.


“Isn’t it just being outside for two or three hours? What a big deal!” After hammering the old tree next to the hammer again, Sougo Doma muttered: “But, it’s really boring. Originally, I should be at home at this time. Playing the game and pressing the massage, why on earth did I want that guy to say, I came out obediently!”

“Go back now?” Sougo Tama touched his chin, and said with a flash of light in his mind: “By the way, I haven’t contacted the guy on the mountain for a long time. It just so happens that if you publish a comic, you should be able to talk to him directly.”

“Yeah! I went out because I was looking for a mountain to discuss things, not because of the overwhelming words. That’s right, that’s it!”

After changing his mentality, Tuma Zougou began to ponder again: “The mountain is an old friendship with me. If I visit him, should I bring some gifts?”

Looking around, a cake shop came into view.

“Damn it, I didn’t eat the cake I just made. No, I don’t have the fragrance of others. You must remember this sentence in order to be lazy!” Go to the cake shop.

After entering the store, I started to order.

“Please have a passionate strawberry cake!”

The new clerk was shocked: “…”

It’s over. What is a passionate strawberry cake, is this the signature in the shop? Is this person a regular customer? However, there is no such option in the menu bar! Do you want to call the boss? No, a strawberry cake is a strawberry cake. It must be so right. Just order the strawberry cake option honestly, don’t think too much!

“By the way, I want a strawberry cake full of grief.”

The new clerk: “…”

wait wait wait! A strawberry cake full of sadness? So, is there a difference between strawberry cake? Sure enough, this is a hidden menu in the store! Fortunately, I haven’t ordered it just now, but who will tell me what is the passionate strawberry cake and the sad strawberry cake?

Sougo Tama-I’ve been talking nonsense for a long time, why doesn’t this clerk ask about my needs?

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