Chapter 158 Conspiracy is a subconscious reaction of conspiracy theorists

Private Toyonosaki, the principal’s office.

A certain principal who is full of conspiracy theories originally wanted to find clues about his whereabouts from the resignation letter left by Sasaki, but, looking at the large characters inside, the principal of a certain conspiracy theory was silent for a long time.

Principal, I want to learn mathematics!


Throwing the resignation letter on the table, the principal of a certain conspiracy theory broke out: “I follow your sister!”

Rubbing the somewhat distended forehead, the head of the conspiracy theory twitched his mouth. What the current teachers are thinking about, first Mr. Takahashi left a sentence, the world is so big, she wanted to see, so she didn’t say goodbye.

It’s better now, Sasaki guy, only a word of instruction is left, Bah, principal, I want to learn maths, so I just withdrew-really when they are so easy to enter the gates of private Toyosaki?

There must be a conspiracy in this, but I don’t know which school it is, it is targeting them privately. Conspiracy theorists are full of conspiracies in their minds.

Rubbing some swollen temples, this teacher is going to be dug down again, how can he explain to the board of directors?

Not every time a teacher resigns, it happens that a new teacher can apply for it!

Takahashi, Sasaki, the headmaster is big when he thinks of it, these two guys usually…wait, the two seem to have taught the same class.

The conspiracy theorist’s eyes flashed brightly, and there really is a problem in it. It turned out that the class was the core of the class?

Thinking of this, the principal of the conspiracy theory took out the phone. He should put some people in to test, test the teachers’ tone, and see how many people were contacted by the other party. Of course, he dare not look for the old teacher now. In case, he Has the person you are looking for has contacted the other party? So, it’s better to be a newcomer.

It just so happens that Kirisu, who has just joined the job, is a good choice. Besides, showing kindness to newcomers is easier to gain gratitude! Actions waited for no one, the principal of the conspiracy theory dialed the phone directly.

“Hey, is it Mr. Kirsu?”

“You are?”

“I’m Principal Yamamoto, Mr. Kirisu has been in the job for more than a day, hasn’t the same number saved yet?”

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

Haha~! Yesterday, I was disturbed by Sou Gou Tuma. How can I have time to pay attention to other trivial matters, but why was the principal targeted by the principal just after I started? Could it be that……

“Gulu!” Kirsu Shinwon swallowed his saliva–impossible, impossible, private Toyosaki is also a famous school, there can be no such mess.

“Yes, I’m sorry, it’s my rudeness here, because I just joined the job and I was too excited, so I haven’t had time yet…” Resisting his heart palpitations, Kirisu Mahoya replied politely even though his voice was cold.

Principal Yamamoto: “…”

This Mr. Kirisu, isn’t he the spy sent from the corner digging? Was she scared just now? Moreover, she hadn’t saved the number of her immediate boss. Thinking of this, another conspiracy theory came to mind. After thinking too much, the principal began to calmly test:

“How does Mr. Kirisu feel about private Toyonosaki’s work?”

Kirisu Masuu: “???”

What is this going to do?

“Except for a few of my classmates who are a little special, I think they are all very good, and work is easy. Of course, maybe it’s just because I just started working and there is no reason to work.”

Principal Yamamoto: “…”

I remember that this guy became the class teacher when he came, and the class teacher will work harder than the average teacher, right? But why does she specifically say that work is easy? Wait, could it be, how many more classes does she want to bring? That is, how many more classes do you want to dig? ——The brain that thinks too much starts thinking crazy.

“How does Mr. Kirsu feel about the atmosphere between colleagues? Have you had a good time with your colleagues?”

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

Worse, she forgot the first thing in the workplace. Don’t forget to build a good relationship with her colleagues. For the first time, it’s best to ask colleagues to get together. Could it be that the principal is taking the opportunity to beat her, then who is so boring? Such matters must be reported in small reports.

Moreover, she didn’t hear of a welcome party yesterday, plus all day of upset…

Okay, in fact, there is indeed a welcome party for new colleagues entering the job. However, Ms. Kirisu entered the job too quickly, which is almost equal to airborne. In addition, other teachers are also shocked by Mr. Takahashi’s resignation. In Japan, women are originally. It’s harder to find a job than men, and Mr. Takahashi resigned and left because of the size of a world, she wanted to see…

This makes a group of social animal teachers who are accustomed to going to work and waiting to die, how can they not be surprised?

The two reasons came together, resulting in the orientation meeting not being held smoothly. Under this circumstance, Mr. Kirisu was a little upset when he heard the headmaster’s ‘tip’.


“I feel that my colleagues are very good…” Truth is impossible to tell the truth.

Principal Yamamoto: “So…”

Have you got along well with your colleagues? Obviously it looks like a cold person, something is wrong.

Just at this time.

“True Dongxian, don’t forget today’s party!” A teacher from the same group mentioned-how to say the welcome party is also to be held. This is a traditional etiquette. If you forget it yesterday, it will be postponed to today.

“Yes! I won’t forget it.” Kirisu Masuhiro replied.


Principal Yamamoto squeezed his fists, thinking too much of his brain started to run frantically, did he start gatherings just after he came? Sure enough, this guy had a problem. Originally, he wanted to promote her to be an insider, but it seemed impossible. However, if he wanted to dig someone from under his hands, there was no way.

It’s just that Principal Yamamoto feels most embarrassed is that Kirisu Masuu, the spy who was found by his wise Shenwu, he still can’t move! He also has to follow the line of Kirisu Masuu to find all the traitors!

First of all, you must calmly test out where the traitor Sasaki has gone, and who is behind Kirisu.

“Teacher Bronshi, I wonder how your relationship with Mr. Sasaki is?”

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

What does this principal want to do? Why is Mr. Sasaki mentioned suddenly? What do you want to do?

“It’s a nodding acquaintance, after all, I just entered school not long ago.”

Principal Yamamoto sneered, but you are not familiar with the students in the same class? Even if she is not familiar with it, there must have been contacts after the welcome event yesterday. Now, she actually said it was a nodding acquaintance, there is a big problem here!

In line with the principle of ying people, the principal of the conspiracy theory said solemnly: “Teacher Sasaki has been expelled from this school for personal reasons.”

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

Should I say, is it worthy of being a prestigious school? The teacher said that she would be expelled. She had just joined the job and left two teachers…Wait, isn’t the principal threatening her?

“What does Principal Yamamoto mean?” His voice was slightly cold.

Sure enough, my feet were leaked, and I said to be expelled, even my voice became cold, and I said that you are not in the same group! Dig, Sasaki, although you are resigning, I want to say that you are fired. I want to let those who dig you know that you are just a teacher we don’t want in Toyosaki. I see how you can get a high salary!

“It’s nothing, because Mr. Kirsu and Mr. Yamamoto teach in the same class, so I’ll let you know. Besides, this is Toyonosaki, don’t think about making any crooked ideas!” Don’t even think about poaching my subordinates!

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

Wait, what the hell? Wasn’t it the headmaster’s idea at this time? Why did you warn her not to make bad ideas? She suddenly felt that interpersonal communication in the workplace is much more difficult than teaching students.

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