Chapter 154 Someone Is Broken Again?

The little maid wants to rebel?

This was Sougo Doma’s first reaction. Unlike most people, Sougo Doma chose to follow the little maid’s words in the face of this kind of thing: “Then the maid, what do you think my original intention was?” Face On, it is still a leisurely smile.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

This guy doesn’t play his cards according to common sense. When faced with this situation, most people either refute it. If there is a ghost in his heart, he may blush or something. What the hell is this kind of rhetoric?

No, she cares about her attitude. Since she happened to ran into it, she must make it clear today, even if it is shameless, she should not be a maid! Very good, now let’s start the speech temptation…

“If Alien Jun has no other ideas, why did you come to the roof top after class? I don’t know, I thought you were actually being esteemed by everyone but you were isolated!”

Tuma Sougou: “Miss Maid, first of all, please call me master, and secondly, where is my freedom? Finally, didn’t the maid also reach the top of the building? Wow, is it that the legendary teacher Xia Shizi was actually Is it isolated? But that’s right, after all, you have no friends!”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”


Asshole alien, it’s enough to say this thing once without a friend, don’t just mention it, and what’s the name of the master? Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s silver teeth bit in secret.

Sougo Tama stepped forward and drew closer: “What’s wrong, the maid seems very dissatisfied, do you need education from the master?”

Either the east wind pressures the west wind, or the west wind pressures the east wind.

As soon as Tuma Sougo stepped forward, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu unconsciously took two steps back: “Alien…”

The smile on Sougo Tama’s face became more and more friendly: “Huh?”

“Master, master!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu lowered her head, ah~! This alien doesn’t have the slightest heart to pity and cherish jade at all.

Sougo Tama took back the nuclear smile: “It’s the master, not the alien master, the maid lady should be called again!”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Why did she think this bastard alien is a good person at the time, this is a bastard! However, in the face of this powerful bastard, she seemed to have to bow her head.

“Lord, master.”

Tuma Sougou: “Actually, you are right. I am indeed a good person. As for bastards or something, just curse in my heart.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Hehe, this guy really knows how to read!

Tōma Zougou was too lazy to defend himself, he was an intellectual, and he was so surprised even when he read the micro expressions.

“Then, since the maid came and found me as the master, she should know what time it is now.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

No, she didn’t know at all, she just came to the rooftop to relax, just like she used to, not to mention it as if she came to him on purpose!

Seeing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu with a bewildered expression, Tama Sougo shook his head: “Miss Maid, what have you learned in the maid school, don’t you even have a time plan?”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu “…”

Bastard, who has gone to maid school, did this guy forget that she was forced to become a maid yesterday! ?

“Miss maid, I don’t remember educating you to be such a taciturn maid, you really are…” As if facing an unrepentant maid, Sougo Doma looked rather distressed and full of acting skills.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Hey, hello, is it her fault? impossible? What is this guy making with such a distressed look!


Doma Sougo swept a look in your eyes.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “#^_^”

“Master, our maid agreement seems to be only one month long. Could it be that the master broke his brain yesterday and misunderstood something?”

Tuma Sougou smiled: “I know it’s only a month, but I think Teacher Xia Shizi seems to want to regret it, but now it seems that the maid still remembers her duty!”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is sluggish: “…”

After it was over, she was put on one. She clearly planned to get rid of the maid status even if she was to shame, but why did she naturally mention it for a month?

Doma Sougou smiled all over his face.

Human beings, when faced with two choices, would subconsciously consider the best side for them. Therefore, he just gently agitated them with words, and sure enough-Teacher Xia Shizi automatically said the choice.

“Since Teacher Xia Shizi has made it clear when she was a maid, then I don’t mind if you forget what time period it is…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

So, what time period is this?

“Of course it’s lunch time!” Sougo Tama reached out his hand and took it out, and then took it out, another gorgeous bento box: “As a maid, shouldn’t you serve your master for dinner?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “#^_^”

It’s lunch time for God, and when does the maid need to serve the master… Wait!

“Master!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled brightly: “The maid only serves food, and doesn’t have to serve the master. However, as a maid, I can help the master to test the poison!”

Sougo Tama’s smile solidified: “…”

He didn’t even flicker to this guy. It seems that this little maid isn’t too stupid, but just trying to poison? Between the earth, straight-hearted, always enlightened.

“You want to eat up my lunch in the name of trying to poison like yesterday, right?”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled unabatedly on her face: “I tried poisoning the bento one by one for the sake of the master’s personal safety. After all, the master’s identity is so noble, someone will definitely think about murdering the master…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This guy is not broken, right?

“I still have a noble status?”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu nodded: “After all, the master can afford a maid, it’s still so good…A maid willing to die for her master, she can’t think of a noble status!”

Isn’t it just pretending? Who is Xiazhiqiu Shiyu afraid of!

The corners of Tuma’s mouth twitched: “Thinking too much, it is obvious that the maid can neither cook nor serve food, but also be greedy…” Do you want to compliment yourself calmly? impossible!

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled even more: “Because I am a poisonous maid, the serving has nothing to do with me, so please let the master give me the lunch and let me start working!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Broken, this guy is definitely broken!

“There is no bento…”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “No, for the sake of the master’s safety, as a poisonous maid, I must check carefully for the master!”

Isn’t it just being a maid? How big is it? Even if she considers herself a maid, she will kill the bastard alien in front of her.

Tama always felt stunned-it always felt like this guy in front of him had turned on some incredible switch!

This stunned, Shiyu Kasumigaoka naturally took the lunch from Sougo Tuma: “In order to repay the master’s kindness, as a poisonous maid, I will carefully test poison for my master today. Started!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Hey, hey, it’s too much, why do you want to say that I started the poison test? This guy is obviously a lunch for him!

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