Chapter 155 Gentle is a derogatory term

Looking up at the sky at a 45° angle, Sougo Doma felt rather melancholy at this faceless world.

Looking at Xia Zhiqiu who was silly while eating–is this when a certain switch was turned on, and he began to run wildly on the road of unscrupulousness?

“Woo~!” Savoring a rare delicacy, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu felt that her life had reached the peak, especially when she looked at the pitiful soil Zou Wu next to her, a horrible pleasure came out spontaneously, and it was really refreshing.

At this moment, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s heart: Let her be a maid? Okay, no problem, see who died first, anyway, she is very happy now, but the extraterrestrial bento is so delicious! She suspected that the medicine was in it, but she had no evidence, so she wanted to taste them one by one.

What about Sougo Doma’s lunch? It doesn’t matter, didn’t she buy the pineapple bread, it is perfectly packaged, absolutely no one can poison it, so she won’t try it.

“Hey~!” With a sigh, Sougo Doma took out again behind him-another gorgeous bento box was taken out.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who thought he had succeeded in grabbing food, was stunned: “…”

At the beginning, she felt very strange. Where did Tuma Zougou hide the lunch, now she is even more shocked. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu dared to swear that there is nothing behind Tujian Zougou. Could it be: “Four-dimensional pocket?”

Depressing the feeling of surprise, Shiyu Kasumigaoka asked: “Master, it’s actually Doraemon, right?”

Sovereign Enlightenment of the Earth: “#^_^”

Stretched out his hands: “Sorry, my fingers are sound.”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s face is full of suspicion: “You must have hidden a four-dimensional pocket behind your back, and who knows if the future world will invent the technology to grow hands and become humans.”

Doma Sougo: “Do I look like a cat? And, your focus is wrong, right!”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “??”

Shouldn’t you pay attention to this kind of black technology that can pull out things at any time? Then what should she pay attention to!

“It’s a bento, it’s a bento, I didn’t expect it, even if you snatch a face to face, I will carry the spare goods with me. Do you understand the master’s spirit of preparedness?”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s eyes dodged a little: “…”

This guy wouldn’t have thought of preparing lunch for her a long time ago, right? How could this alien bastard be so good?

Tuma Sougo stepped forward a little: “Well, that’s right, I’m just so good. I can’t do things like running a horse without eating grass, but I didn’t expect a maid. The young lady is bold enough to grab it!”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu turned her head away: “…”

Bastard, read your mind again, and, what a terrible metaphor, she is not a horse, she is the No. 1 Kasumigaoka Shiba of private Toyosaki, and, if you prepare your lunch, you can just take it out. Alright, this guy definitely did it on purpose!

It’s just that she doesn’t seem to dislike it very much, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought-it must be because of the medicine in the lunch box, so she must get used to it a lot in the future!

However, without the melancholy Tujian Zou Wu ate dinner, the spontaneous pitting pleasure disappeared from nothing, which made Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu quite uncomfortable.

“Why, it’s not silly, did you just think that grabbing a bento from the master is really amazing?” It’s just to cook one more failed dish, and to drop more experience points, but it can control a person’s emotions. Doma Sougo feels it’s worth it.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu bit the vegetables bitterly, and didn’t say anything-the alien did it on purpose.

“The reaction of the little maid is really interesting!” Looking at Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, who was constantly ups and downs because of her own emotions, Sougo Tuma felt that the failed product this time was quite and appetizing. No wonder people say that the more you eat, the more people eat. Fragrant.

After the two of them had lunch, Tuma Sougo stretched his waist, thinking about what happened just now, but Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a bit unwilling to show weakness: “As the saying goes, to master a woman’s heart, you must first master her stomach, the master. It’s a good job.”

Hearing this, Tuma Sougou turned his head back: “So, Miss Maid wanted to say, has your heart been controlled by me?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu opened her eyes unnaturally, but she gradually adapted to the rhythm of the soil: “Wow, master, do you want to prepare for a bold confession?”

Tuma Sougo smiled: “Human, I really want to have a dream.”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “??”

“What if you dreamed of dreaming? Didn’t you have a good dream? Right, little maid?”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gritted her teeth: “…”

Bastard alien, is she saying that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu wants to be confessed and can only be realized in a dream? Is she bad?

“However, instead of having such unrealistic dreams, the maid lady still arranges the lunch box to be practical. Remember, it is with me.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Sure enough, he is a guy who doesn’t know Lianxiangxiyu!

“Don’t you know that Asashi is a little bit?” whispered.

Tuma Sougou smiled again: “Gentle words are generally not used to evaluate guys who are not handsome, have no specialties, and have no talent? That is, there is really no place to praise, so I can only use it. You are so gentle. In fact, I always think that Asashi is a derogatory term!”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “#^_^”

Others can be tolerated, but this thing cannot be tolerated. What is called Asashi is a derogatory term. In so many love novels, isn’t the male protagonist finally getting together with the female protagonist because of his gentle characteristics? Moreover, it is about her protagonist’s personality, and the struggle for ideas will never give in.

“However, I really think that the guy who says Asashi is a derogatory term must be because he lacks the qualities of gentleness. Moreover, not everyone can say’Asashi’ convincingly. Only by treating others gently can you get a gentle evaluation…”

Before she could finish speaking, Doma Sougou interrupted: “When the maid said that, I hate the adjective gentle even more. Gentle guys always treat others kindly, but they always make people mistakenly think That gentleness is released to someone alone, but in fact, for everyone, they are gentle and treat…”

“Of course, even if it is a misunderstanding, they will not argue, because how hurtful is this? How can a gentle person hurt others? So everyone is immersed in the trap called gentle and enjoys that share. At the same time as that gentleness, I yearn for more gentleness…”

“However, what people who enjoy tenderness don’t know is that that tenderness does look beautiful, but there is only one thing. That tenderness is not the tenderness for a person alone, even if the tenderness is easy to misunderstand, but, What does it have to do with someone who releases tenderness…”

“The question is, Miss Maid, are you willing to be gentle to you and gentle to others?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Not willing, how could this kind of thing be willing! Although Tujian Zouwu said very vaguely, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu understood what he meant. In an instant, Xia Zhiqiu couldn’t bear to look at the word gentle.

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