Chapter 153 to be or not to be

in love? abnormal?

Tobeornottobe, itisaquestion!

In the blink of an eye, it was already time for class. Everyone returned to the classroom. Looking at the intact Tuma Sougou, the girls in the class breathed a sigh of relief and communicated privately.

“Those guys in Zechuan are pretty good, and they didn’t embarrass the Tuma classmates.”

“They dare! If Tujian comes back with injuries, I will never forgive those boys.” The grumpy girl said.

“Speaking of which, what on earth did the Thirty Gods call out Tujian students for? How come they all come back in despair.”

“Who knows what those boys think, but I guess they must be trying to intimidate classmate Tuma, but they didn’t succeed.”

“Student Xia Zhiqiu seems to have also followed out. I wonder if she found anything?”

“Hey, how could that high-pitched poisonous-tongue girl care about these nostalgias? Isn’t it just relying on her to look good, ah, ah, a fox face, plus good grades, no one will pay attention to…” A girl said with jealousy.

At this time, no one responded, classmate, are you trying to hack others? Or do you praise others? Is it good to look good and study well? Isn’t it enough for a student to have these two things?

Skip it again.

Tujia Zougou wrapped his hands around the back of his neck and leaned back in the chair lazily. Thinking of the performance of those boys just now, Tujia Zouwu felt that he was having fun again—tsk, if you train all the boys in a class Is the abnormality of the face very interesting? This seems to be second only to what he committed in elementary school.

However, most of the shame of adolescent boys is very serious, and their thoughts are gradually mature. It should be a little more difficult to operate than the Kanno Elementary School incident in elementary school. He still has to find a way to earn working capital, which seems a bit too busy. .

It’s just that when I think that these guys actually want to isolate him-although he has expected this result after introducing himself, it has always been him to isolate others, how can others isolate him!


In the midst of thinking, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu has put a bottle of water on his table, and then, she slept peacefully—or lying on the table, not sure if she fell asleep. Probably, she fell asleep. .

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu lying on the table: “…”

Haha, she doesn’t know how to continue writing “The Metronome of Love” now. She always feels that the male protagonist described in the book will be beaten in the face by the alien in minutes.

Receiving the product of the little maid’s labor, Tōma Sougou had no time to speak, and Takura Fujikami, who was sitting in the front row, got excited first: “As expected of Master Tōma, Xia Zhiqiu, who is so lethargic that he is so lethargic. His classmates brought him water, and sure enough, what Master Tujian said was the truth!”

One person successfully brainwashed.

“Master Doma, Yoko invited me to have lunch. What lunch should I choose?” After feeling the emotions, the brain-suffering fan Takutakami Tokami quickly spread a note-Master Doma told him from the beginning, chasing girls I have to be shameless, I really don’t know what those families are holding back, I don’t know, I thought Master Tuma was trying to tease them.

The pondering Sougo Tama glanced at the note: “…”

God knows what lunch you should choose, whether you are in love or I am in love!

MMP, if he doesn’t dismantle the guy in front of him, he will jump down from the teaching building!

“Are you a rich second-generation? Are you rich in your family?” Sougo Tama wrote the question on the slip of paper.


“No, I don’t have much money, that is, an ordinary family…”

Tuma always realizes a wicked smile: “Then what else do you think? Of course what is cheap to choose, and pretend to be poor and miserable!”

Fujigami Takuya: “…”

Doma Sougou: “Then tell her that although you are poorer than she thought, and the family still owes foreign debts, but…” stopped writing.

Fujigami Taku also widened his eyes, and quickly replied: “Master Tuma, how do you know that my family still owes foreign debts?”

Bastard, don’t call him a master.

Enduring the spit in his heart, Tuma always realized: “This is normal, ordinary families, who doesn’t owe some foreign debt to the bank?”

“Well, fortunately Yoko said she would fight with me…”

“So, at this time, you have to increase the sense of gap! Let her think that you are extremely poor, and then slowly and slowly reveal that you are not too poor. It is a general family background. Let her understand that you can After struggling for so many years, she will definitely be happy and excited!”

Fujigami Takuya: “Yes, will it be like this?”

Tuma Sougou sneered in his heart: “Of course not, she will find an excuse to dump you, and then, you will live in the abyss of pain for the rest of my life.”

Yesterday, when he called the master, he shouldn’t have acquiesced in a grandiose way. He didn’t want to be a love master… But isn’t this kind of apprentice just used to cheat? So, Fujigami hurry up to resent, resent him for everything that Sougou Mizuka brings, and fill his heart with a sense of accomplishment.


Unable to move the muscles and bones, the earth is always enlightened, and gradually collapses.


Another small note came: “Master Tuma, I have decided, for the sake of love, I would rather be perverted!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

He raised his head and glanced at the people around him. Everyone was sitting in jeopardy. Whose piece of paper came from?


Another one.


Another one.

Looking at the dozen or so small pieces of paper in front of him, Doma Sougo was lost in thought, and it seemed that it didn’t take much effort to cultivate the whole class into a pervert.


“Hey~!” Sougo Tama sighed and secretly said: “These guys are not human anymore~!”

Sure enough, skipping class is the most correct choice!

Putting the textbook on his face, Tujian always realized that he ignored those notes subconsciously. There is no way. The main problem now is to get a sum of money to support oneself with more waste materials, and to have fun first. Put it at the back… right zZZ.

The time in my sleep always flies quickly. It’s not a long time before it’s lunch break. Sougo Doma stretched out. Before the crowd surrounded, he quietly left the classroom, found a corner with no one, and went forward. With a leap, he took advantage of the strength to rise, and rushed straight to the roof.

The sun in April is still so warm, and not too hot, basking in the sun on the top of the building, Tuma Sougou feels that the whole person is lazy.


Just when Zongwu was lazily basking in the sun, the door of the rooftop was opened again.


Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who was used to being alone on the rooftop during her lunch break, opened the door. In the past, this was her holy land and no one could approach it, but recently, the holy land was invaded.

Fortunately, the invading alien made his own mind. Now, he must be surrounded by those boys, huh-a lover? Master Tuma? When Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought of this title, she felt that the guy deserved it, and she could finally calm down and think about the plot.

However, the door just opened.

“Oh, it’s the maid? Is this following in the footsteps of the master?” The familiar voice, and the tone still infuriating.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu “…”

Lost, big mistake! She shouldn’t judge aliens by ordinary people’s standards! Besides, isn’t it just a bet to lose? Is it necessary to always call her Miss Maid? Taking advantage of the fact that there is no one now, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu feels that the title of maid should be removed, so that she will not be a maid casually!

“Allah, the first order you take as a maid is to pretend to be a girlfriend? Tsk Tsk, Alien Lord, I have to consider your original intention to make this bet!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Girlfriend or something, it’s just a product of his fooling! Moreover, what is the name of the alien king? He, the earth is always enlightened, is a native of the earth!

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