Chapter 112

Squeezing out the cigarette in his hand, Tusuo Shiburo stepped forward and grabbed the collar of Tuma Sougou and roared:

“Ape, Boss Kondo is a human, humans, of course he likes humans too! Not the orangutans in the zoo, what do you think of our general?”

Sougo Tama smirked, but his tone was still astonished: “No? There are humans who would like Boss Kondo. Is it because of the beast-loving complex?”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

After a long silence, he silently loosened Zou Wu’s collar, lit a cigarette again and said:

“Ape, boss Kondo, he is in pursuit…”

Tuma Sougou nodded as if understanding: “So it’s unrequited love.”

“Zou Gou, not everyone values ​​appearance. I believe that apes, boss Kondo will be able to chase people, after all, there is light hidden in his soul.”

“Um, you really believe in the master of the orangutan museum.” Sougo Tama said as he walked.

“Huh~!” A plume of smoke came out of his mouth and nose: “Ah, after all, that guy, but the general of our Kondo team.”

“That’s right.” Sougo Tama nodded with a smile.

Just now.


The mobile phone ringing in the arms of the earthworker rang, and he glanced at the caller’s name, and the earthworker smiled.

“This person really can’t say it. Just mentioning the orangutan, Kondo’s boss, he called.” While talking, he connected the phone.

Sougo Tama smiled and said, “Then ask how the master of the orangutan museum is progressing? Would you like me to help…”

Before he finished speaking, Hoon Kondo’s roar came from the earthmoving cell phone.

“Fourteen, fourteen, where are you? I was arrested for stalking and vandalism. Come over to the police station to protect me.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Earthwork 14 Lang”……”


The earthmover hung up the phone and turned to Sou Wu with an ugly expression.

“It should be someone pretending to be the orangutan, boss Kondo, um, fraud, it should be a fraud! Orangutan, boss Kondo’s soul can’t do such a thing.”

Doma Sougou: “You mean stalking?”

“Hahaha, how can a gorilla track humans? It’s so strange, it must be a scam!” Tufang Shiro was in the midst of collapse.

Tuma always realized that the matter was not too big and agreed: “Indeed, after all, gorillas are too conspicuous in the human world, how can it be possible to track humans.”

Turkishiro Shiro was sweating: “No, that’s right, the current scammers don’t have to investigate the details first, it’s really careless…”

Tuma Zou Gou stretched out his index finger and shook it: “Ah, it’s a hard work. At least I know that Mr. Tufang is called fourteen.”

Turki Shiro trembling hands took a deep breath of cigarettes: “No, that’s right, I probably think that as long as you find out the victim’s news, it’s enough, hehehe~!”


The phone rang again.

Looking at the number, there was more cold sweat on Tufang Shishiro’s face: “Ha, haha~! It’s really a persevering scammer.”

Looking at Shirō Tufang, who was trying his best to conceal the gorilla pavilion, Sougo smiled and said, “Well, won’t you pick it up? Why, cheat each other with the scammer.”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

It’s over, how could he forget that Sougo is a guy who is cut all black.

“No, no, there is no need to waste time on the scammer. Hit a few more shots and he will know that he is dead.”

Sougo Tuma nodded and smiled evilly: “It’s true, um, but, Mr. Tufang, you still don’t know which police station the owner of the orangutan hall is at? It is said that if you can’t get through a few more calls, the police station will close it. Drop the phone.”

“Ah, isn’t it? So Sougo, when will you go back? I won’t keep you today…” Tufang Shiburo had an ugly smile on his face.

Tuma Sougou smiled brightly: “It doesn’t matter, I’m not busy today, I can accompany Mr. Tufang and everyone!”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Oops, Oops, Sougo didn’t believe this guy at all, he just wanted to have fun.

“Dididi…” The phone was still ringing.

Tuma Sougou: “Mr. Tufang, if you don’t want to pick it up, just shut it down and let those scammers know that you are not good to cheat.”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

It’s over, this guy wants to cut off the orangutan directly, boss Kondo’s survival path, if it is turned off, the orangutan, Kondo boss will be detained, a person who is already so sensitive is detained as a prisoner, will he commit suicide, right? No, even if you don’t commit suicide, you will die socially.

Tuma Sougou: “What’s wrong, Mr. Tufang? Don’t you turn off your phone? The ringtone is so noisy.”

Tufang Shiro: “Heh, heh, by the way, speaking of ringtones, I heard that the ring tones business jointly developed by you Tujian Group and Tianchao is very profitable.”

“Um, I’m not very clear. After all, I have already moved out of Tuma’s family.” Sougo Tuma first explained, and then said: “However, the ringtone is for the other party to listen to. The ringtone is irrelevant, so turn it off!”

Turkishiro took two steps back: “In fact, it is not good to shut down, after all, it is very likely that someone else will contact me…”

“Hang up, then!” Sougo Tama asked again, smiling like a demon.

Earthwork 14 Lang”……”

There was no way, for the ape, boss Kondo, shame and shame, and after making up his mind, Turkijiro connected the phone again.

Doma Sougo: “Are you going to have a showdown with a fraudster?”

Turkishiro turned around, Sou Wu this guy knows everything, but he still has to pretend that he doesn’t know anything. The point is that Turki has nothing to do. It’s so angry, why did he show up with such a guy? .

Once the call was connected, Kondo’s roar came again.

“Fourteen, fourteen, hurry up and save me. They said they wanted to send me to the laboratory, and they said they wanted to study how gorillas can evolve to dress and talk…”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Orangutan, boss Kondo, what has happened to you?

“However, fortunately, there are people from the Animal Protection Association. They are negotiating with the experimental party. Fourteen, I don’t want to go to the experimental platform!”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Enough, ape, boss Kondo, you are human, human!

“Fourteen, when you are talking, people from the Animal Protection Association have threatened to find a reporter to come over and expose the experiment.”

Tusumi Shiro: “Ah, ape, boss Kondo, which police station are you in?”

“Kabukicho XX police station, fourteen, remember to bring my birth certificate, I just have a strong body…”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Ah, so you remember that you are a human being? What the hell is the Animal Protection Association?

“I see, Ape, boss Kondo, can you transfer the call to the person in charge like that?”

“It’s okay! Do you want to talk to them?”

Turki Shiro: “Yeah.”

Between the gaps.

He only discovered that Sougo Tama was next to her mobile phone, listening while nodding: “As expected the owner of the orangutan museum, even the Animal Protection Association has contacts.”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

What do you admire? This kind of connections is completely useless! This will only hit the orangutan, Kondo’s self-confidence as a human being.

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