Chapter 111-Which Zoo Does It Fancy?…

“The development and growth of any organization cannot be separated from the support of capital, such as the Kondo team. Without the support of the Tuma family, it would not have been able to develop so fast.” Tuma Sougo explained.

Turku Shiro nodded: “Yes, if it wasn’t for Guilong-sama’s full support at the time, the Kondo group could only collect protection fees on the street like other organizations, let alone not participate in the black trade. The restoration group… ”

“The guy gay is a natural instigator. However, the incitement is temporary and there is no benefit to consolidate. The final outcome of the reform group will only be failure, betrayal, and collapse. Speaking of which, do you have any enemies with that fool JK? Under the circumstances, he didn’t give me a look to tell people to leave, and still insisted on introducing her to Gui for practice.” Sougo Doma said in confusion.

Listening to the questioning, the smoke that Tufang Shishiro was holding fell to the ground, cold sweat.

“Well, I, I just want to help her. From her, I saw too many shadows of those fools in the Kondo team.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Hey, now gay is no different from the bomb waiting to be detonated. If one is not careful, it will blow up and blow up the bones. I thought you wanted to cheat her, so I designed the gay guy specially. Bundle.”

Sougo really did it deliberately at the time.

Tufang Shishiro couldn’t stop sweating out: “Heh, hehe…”

“Ah, but there are reasons why I want to see it, a fool, a guy who always lives in the eyes of others, a guy with a natural black belly and always living in his own world colliding with each other, I don’t know what it will be. Sparks.”

Turkijiro stopped.

The Tuma who was walking in front was aware of it, and turned around and said, “What’s wrong?”

Seeing the innocent face of Sougen Tuma, Tufang Shiburo stepped forward and grabbed Sougo’s collar and said: “Sougo, I am just reminding you of the favor, and helping others, not to help others. Pit her!”

“Are?” Doma Sougoku smiled: “It’s okay, it’s okay, maybe it’s not as bad as I said.”

“No, I want to go back and bring people back.”

Hearing this, Tuma Sougo grabbed Tufang Shichiro and said, “Mr. Tufang, what reason do you use to bring people back now? You left the people to gay, and now you want to bring them back again. Aren’t you afraid to sweep gay’s face?”

Turki Shiro was sweating all over his face: “But I won’t push people into the fire pit, right?”

“Woo, it’s not actually a fire pit, besides, didn’t I also agree to allow the reformer team to develop in the safe zone?”

Turkishi Shiro was silent for a while: “Sougo, this is exactly what I want to ask, why should other groups of people come to the safe area to develop? Do you know what this opening means?”

“It means that some organizations will think that the Kondo group is really weak, which means that most of the forces will want to safely distinguish a slice of the pie…”

“Hu” silently took a puff of green smoke, and the earth said: “Zhou Wu, what do you want to do?”

“Mr. Tufang, don’t you think the safety zone has been safe for too long? After a long time, many wait-and-see forces have forgotten how the safety zone was established in the first place…” Speaking of this, Tama Sougo licked Licking his lips, as if in nostalgia for something.

“Sougo, you? You want to personally break the peace you established…”

“Peace is too long, it will make people slacken, and only after the turmoil can show the value of peace, right?” Sougo Morama smiled: “This time, Mr. Tufang will still help me, right?”

“Ah~!” Shibuya Shiro was a little irritable: “I really don’t know if I owed you in my previous life. In other words, can’t you keep those guys out of the safe zone?”

“That’s just a small fight. After all, it’s someone else’s turf. It can’t touch the roots of those forces. Only by bringing them in, frightening them and defeating them at a time, will they truly feel fear!” Tuma Sougo, Face full of kindness.

Moreover, if the safety zone is not allowed to mess up, how can he look for opportunities from the chaos and make a big fuss! Of course, these words will not be spoken by Tuma Sougou.

“Zongwu, if you let Gui’s reform team come in and develop, don’t you also have the intention to destroy it?”

“Mr. Tufang, who do you think of me? Even if I don’t do anything, the reformation team will only be destroyed in the past few years. Why should I be thankless?”

“That fool JK and gay…”

“At that time, just let the idiots underneath pay attention. As long as that idiot JK ​​is not in love and doesn’t like gay, nothing will happen.” Doma Sougou put his hands around the back of his head: “It’s really troublesome, protect. It can be regarded as a favor to be gay. There is no benefit at all to protect that fool JK.”

Tushou Shiro roared again: “Who asked you to bring people into this real world!”

“Eh?” Sougou Tama was puzzled: “Does it have anything to do with me? I almost always go on my own…”

“Then why are you scaring a little girl?”

“Oh!” Sougo Tama thought for a while: “I didn’t want to scare her at the beginning, because she had too much brain supplement. It was obviously a traffic accident. She had to brain out the murderer. I could only follow her thoughts. gone.”

“Huh!” Tufang Shibu Lang inhaled nicotine again: “You think everyone is the same as us, and they are used to life and death. Others are just high school students!”

Tuma Sougou: “Mr. Tufu, I am also a high school student!”

The corner of Tufang Shiburo’s mouth twitched, so how come you look like a high school student?

“Moreover, such an experience may become an unforgettable memory for that fool JK. Besides, don’t you have internships or something now? Just treat her as an internship in advance.”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

unforgettable memory? If it continues to develop-it should be a nightmare memory! However, thinking of those bastards in the Kondo group who have been subjected to cold and violence, maybe it is not a bad thing that the high school student is with gay.

Seeing that the earth was silent, I always understood that he changed the topic at the right time.

“By the way, where’s the owner of the orangutan museum? I remember that guy has always liked to guard the dojo, why didn’t he see it this time and was caught in the zoo?”

The corner of Tufang Shishiro’s mouth twitched.

“Ape, boss Kondo is human, human! Don’t use it to refer to it!”

Tuma Sougo: “You mentioned the word ape by yourself just now, right?”

“I didn’t!” Turkishiro turned his head.

“Just treat it as not, then, what about the owner of the orangutan museum? What I promised to gay today has to be told. How can I say that he is also a general of the Kondo team!” Sogo Doma shrugged his shoulders.

“Don’t use it to refer to it if you know it’s a general!” Roaring emperor, Tufang Shishiro.

“Uh, all right! Earthwork, you haven’t answered my question yet.”

Tukata Shiro looked at the distance: “Ape, Boss Kondo, he’s also at the grade he wants to get married.”


Both of them became silent.

For a long while.

Sougo Tama looked scared and said, “Eh! Is the owner of the orangutan museum in estrus? Which zoo’s female orangutan did he fall in love with?

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