Chapter 113 You Are Their Life (Evil Cold)

It took humans millions of years to finally evolve to become the ruler of the earth. During this period, humans have exterminated countless races, and hypocritical humans began to protect the races that were fighting for hegemony on the earth together after abundant supplies. ——Some extreme people even hurt the same kind in order to protect other races.

However-human beings are always chasing the truth. On the road of pursuing the truth, human beings dare to eliminate all threats, including the same kind.

It behaves like the following dialogue:

“Hey, hello, are you a gorilla breeder? Did you know that it would be dangerous to let animals go to the streets alone?”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

The guy opposite is crazy, right? Which gorilla can not only talk, but also make calls?

“If you can’t bear the responsibility of the owner, our Animal Protection Association will not mind applying for the revocation of the right to raise the gorilla. You must know that for you, animals may only be companions with you for 20 to 30 years, but for gorillas, In other words, you are its life.”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Who really wants to spend a lifetime with the orangutan, Kondo boss, bah!

Before the earthmover could speak, the phone was snatched by another person.

“Hello, sir opposite, I am the head of Zuootome Biological Research Group. You have created a miracle. If this gorilla is handed over to our group, it will inevitably develop products that sensationalize the entire biosphere, even humans. Wisdom can be further evolved.”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

No, I think you should study your eyes and brain. Apes, how does Kondo boss look like an apes?

Tufang Shiro, his forehead was once again covered with # signs.

However, there was still no time to speak, and there was already a quarrel on the other end of the phone.

Inside the police station where Kondo was arrested.

“This kind of talking orangutan, which has only one in the world, of course must be protected.”

Kondo Hoo: “Eh, that, I am a human…”

However, no one paid any attention to him.

“Nonsense, only by conducting research on the experimental platform, can the talking orangutan benefit mankind to the greatest extent.”

Kondo had tears in his eyes: “Hey, that, I’m really human.”

“Who knows if you can research something, if you get nothing, then this unique talking orangutan will be ruined.”

Hoon Kondo squatted in the corner, tears streaming down, “I, I’m really a human being.”

However, the two parties in the dispute did not stop because of his words. Instead, the quarrel became more fierce. If it hadn’t been for the police at the police station to stop them, I’m afraid they had already fought.

Fortunately, there are still people who have not ignored him.

I saw a woman in a kimono approaching Kondo Hoon, with a smile on her face and said, “Kondokan Master, I know you are a human…”

Seeing the appearance of the visitor, Kondo Hoon seemed to have been redeemed: “Miss A Miao, Ms. A Miao, I know…”

However, this move only lasted less than a second.

Seeing the woman’s face changed in vain, Kondo Hoon could even feel a malicious wave from her face: “Originally, you can just follow it, but you shouldn’t, you shouldn’t, you shouldn’t hurt my brother. You guy, give me a good reflection on my mistakes in hell, right?”

Kondo Hoon’s face paled: “No, Ah, Miss A Miao, I, I didn’t hurt…”

“Go to death for me!”

Kondo made a miserable cry: “Fourteen, come and save me!!!”

the other side.

Listening to the noise on the phone, Tusumi Shiro couldn’t help covering his forehead. What happened to the boss Kondo.

Sougo Tuma on the side once again said without too much trouble, “Mr. Tufang, it seems to be very lively over there!”

The corner of Tufang Shishiro’s mouth twitched: “…”

He wanted to take back the sentence just now-after all, that guy is also our general, the light radiating from his soul, but it is very dazzling.

Orangutan, boss Kondo, what are you doing? His Shiburo is desperately trying to maintain his image here, but boss Kondo is so good, a phone call, and the image of a fart.

It’s just that Shiro Tugata couldn’t leave the boss of apes and Kondo alone. Kabukicho XX police station, right? Well, not far from here…

After thinking about it, Tufang hung up the phone, and then, he turned his head to look at Tuma Sougou and said, “Now, Sougou, I still have something to do now. If you still want to go shopping, just talk to the guys in the dojo. Let’s relive the past.”

In the soil, love to watch the excitement, so how could Sougo miss such a thing.

“Mr. Tufang, it’s okay for me, just stay with you.”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Anyway, I didn’t expect that Sougo would be obedient, but the ape, the tall image of Kondo’s boss would probably be destroyed directly.

In this regard, Sougo Tuma said, Mr. Tufang, you think too much, the owner of the orangutan museum has no image here.

Sougo, the earthworkers first returned to the dojo to find out Kondo’s identity certificate. That’s right, before entering the police station to find people, they had to prove that Kondo was a human, not a gorilla.

During this period.

Yamazaki has been here once: “Captain, deputy commander, are you going out?”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Apes, boss Kondo, don’t let these guys know, then Xiang Zongwu cast a look.

“Yamazaki!” Sougo Tama knew it.

Hearing this name, Yamazaki’s heart was full of pride, and he was finally Yamazaki recognized by Captain Sogo: “Yes!”

“Actually, I think your previous moxican hairstyle with nose ring or something is pretty good.” Sougo Morama smiled.

Yamazaki Retreat: “…”

I always feel that life has overturned the trough, Captain Sougo, you really are throwing mud at me!

“If you have time, go and change the look, then we’ll leave first.”

Yamazaki squatted back in the corner, skeptical of life: “…”

No, it is impossible to change it back, it is impossible to change it back in this life!

Because it was not far away, Tumo did not choose to drive. Instead, he rode a TFQS, a Saimo produced by the Tujian family, which was priced at about 2000W yen and was sent by Sougo.

Although he didn’t understand the meaning of the TFQS number, Sougo said that it was a blessing to him, which made Tumo very pleased.

He could also see from this that Tuma always realized that he was indeed a Tsundere guy.

Because of worrying about the orangutan, Kondo boss, the earthmoving bike is fast, and it’s almost—

“Mr. Earth, do you want to exceed the speed of light? Looking for a time machine and going back to the past?” In just one sentence, the distance between two football fields has been ridden.

“Shut up, are you scared?”

“Have you never heard that the so-called children of the aristocratic family are actually made of glass. They look extremely sharp, but are actually fragile.”

“If it’s glass, you’re also bulletproof glass! Ohira is the real delicate crystal.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Excessive, why is he bulletproof glass? This is to look down on someone, let him prepare, and it is not a problem to guard against the RPG rocket launcher, bah-wrong, he always understands the earth, a delicate person, why in the eyes of outsiders, he feels that Dahei Morama is fragile?

However, it seems to be really weak.

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