Chapter 1027

For Yukoshita Yukino, who yearns for friendship but doesn’t understand what friendship is, Soma Tama’s approach is tantamount to betraying friendship! In the hearts of the second lady, friend is probably a very beautiful vocabulary that she is very yearning for. The word is usually accompanied by a series of commendatory words such as mutual help, mutual encouragement, and common advance and retreat.

She really couldn’t accept Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s rhetoric. Even if she wasn’t an enemy, she wouldn’t be a friend…

“Student Xuexia, do you know how many so-called friends in the student stage split up after graduation and hardly communicate with each other?” In order to prevent Xia Zhiqiu and others from being led into the wrong ditch by the other party, Tuma Sougou Had to ask rhetorically.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

After a moment of silence, she faintly said: “Many, many…It should be said that there are very few people who can continue to be friends after graduation…”

This is a fact. In this country where small circles are prevalent, once you graduate, you have left the original small circle. Most people are busy building new small circles, and it is difficult to maintain previous relationships…

Unless the graduated person happens to enter the same school or the same company again, the relationship of friends at the student stage can only be maintained until graduation, and this is one of the reasons why the second lady convinces herself!

“Then let me just say that. Although the time between Tufang and me is not too long, it has been four or five years. During this period, we also had nearly graduation or transfer experience, but until now, I Still treat him as a friend, and I think the same is true of that guy.”

“…” Xuexia Xuenai was startled when she heard the words. After a while, she said coldly again: “Curse the other party’s friend?”

“It’s just some harmless little jokes…” Sougo Doma shrugged.

“It may be just a harmless little joke for you, but what about the friend who was cursed by you? If the other party knows that his friend is cursing him behind his back…” Yukino Yukino insisted.

“Of course the earthworker knows about this kind of thing.” Sougo Doma tilted his head: “But so what? My friends won’t be separated by this little thing…”

“I can’t agree!” Xuexiaxue Nai said again.

“I can’t agree~?” Sougo Tama squeezed his chin when he heard the words, and then stretched out his index finger and said: “Then I’ll say that, classmate Yukoshita, the so-called friends just don’t care about it. How long can you still call each other’s nicknames and count the embarrassment of each other when you meet?”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Calling each other’s nicknames? Then what should she be called? Snow girl? But if it is true that no matter how long it has passed, the meeting can still be the same as before, then it seems that it is not impossible…

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu on the side was also thoughtful. Unlike the second lady, she was a little black-bellied, and she agreed with this point of view.

“I will agree with what you said first…” After some psychological game, the second lady said: “However, I don’t agree with all of them. I will try to figure out how to judge…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

I always feel that Yuukishita who said this is so sad. Does the existence of a friend need to be judged?

While he was feeling emotional, Zhen Bai on the side already covered his stomach and said, “Zhou Wu, I’m hungry.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

They don’t seem to have lunch yet…

“Guru…” The second lady who opened the lunch but had not eaten the meal was quite appropriate.

“Xunai’s belly also screamed…” Zhen Bai was always so upright.

Xuexia Xuena turned her head subconsciously when she heard the words, why did she ring her stomach in front of these guys? Black, black history!

“Woo~!” The reaction of the second lady was seen by Sougo Tuma. After thinking about it for a while, he proposed to Zhenbai with a brilliant face: “Say the embarrassment and the embarrassment will come, really white, this is an embarrassment. , You must always remember the bright moment when Xuexia was hungry. This is a rare conversation…”

“The soil is always enlightened!” Xuexia Xuenai gritted her teeth, and sure enough, the behavior of counting the embarrassment of the other party was terrible.

Shiina, the writing is really white, and the pronunciation is really black: “Sougo, can I draw it? It’s easier to remember.”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Wait, what the hell is it painted? Zhen Bai won’t really want to write down this kind of thing, right?

“Zhen Bai want to paint? Then finish the painting. It is best to sign the name. With Zhen Bai’s painting skills and fame, this painting may be a testimony to the beginning of your friendship, and even spread to later generations…”

Xuexia Xuena: “?_?”

Flow, spread to future generations? This guy in the earth really is the devil! ?

“Is it a testimony of the beginning of friendship?” Zhenbai said thoughtfully.

“Wait, it’s really white, you don’t need to write down this kind of thing, let alone draw it…” Anxious, the second lady is anxious.

“Isn’t Xue Nai unwilling?” The writing is really white, and the person who reads really black naturally lowered his head.

“Allah…” Before Xuexia Xuena said anything, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said on the side: “True white, Xuenan, classmate Xuexia is shy, do you know there is a word called duplicity?”

“Xia Zhiqiu…” Xuexiaxue was gritted her teeth.

“Student Xuexia, don’t give up this opportunity if you feel embarrassed. Zhen Bai is not that simple to draw characters. Look, Zhen Bai never painted me. Maybe, Xuexia can still use this. Chance to leave a name in the history, giggle…” Before the other party could say something, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu joked.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Did Qingshi leave a name for a ghost? What’s your name? Xuexiaxue is the legend of the hungry stomach? If she leaves such a “famous name”, she might as well dig a hole and bury herself.

But before she could say anything, Shiina Shiro turned his head to look at Kasugaoka and said, “Shiyu, I have painted you…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Eh! ? what’s the situation?

“Really, really white, you, when did you paint me? Why don’t I know…”

“Ayano said, learn to collect materials around…” Speaking of this, Shiina Mashiro gave Kasano Chubi a thumb and said, “Shiba is right next to Mashiro.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Isn’t it always her excuse for not collecting materials? Why did it become true white that it became based on her?

Yuzhi Yazi watched this scene, but the longing longing again appeared in his eyes…

However, this time, before Sougo Domama could say anything, Shiina Mashiro turned his head and said, “And Ako, Mashiro also drew it.”

“Huh!?” Yuzhi Yazi was startled when he heard the words: “Me, do I have it too?”

“Yeah!” Shiina Shiro nodded, “Ako took care of Shiro, so after drawing it, we are friends…”

Ako Tamaki: “…”


Too many words are gathered in one claim. This is the first time that Yako Yuzuki has participated in it and does not feel isolated. It’s great!

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