Chapter 1026

“I don’t hate Yukino…” Putting aside the resentment-filled soil, Sougou never mentioned it, Shiina Masashi lowered his head, and took the lead to hit a straight ball: “Isn’t you able to become friends like this?”

Yukino Yukino is actually a rather awkward girl. She yearns for friends, but is afraid to make friends. In fact, she was shaken yesterday, but she built her up because of her sister Yono’s words. Wall, surround yourself in your own world again…

It’s just that the high wall is not stable. After all, the essential attribute of human beings is the social attribute. No one wants to be alone all the time. The second lady is also the same. She seems to have built a high wall, but in fact, as long as Someone shouted outside the wall:

“Xuno, come out and play…”

“Xuno, let’s play together…”

Just like this, with a few calls like a primary school student calling out a friend from home, Yukino Yukino can break the high wall she built by herself, and if it’s in a hurry, she can even jump off the high wall!

At this time, there is no common sense and no wickedness. The pure whiteness like white paper is the friend who keeps calling for the second lady to jump out. Xuexiaxue helps her forehead:

“Really Bai, don’t listen to the nonsense of Tujia, friends will not hate each other, in fact, maybe as Zhenbai just said, Tujia doesn’t hate the man named Tufang, and now it’s a hard-talk.”

“But…” Shiina glanced at someone in the soil who was full of resentment: “Sougo said it doesn’t seem to be a lie.”

“No…” Before the second lady could speak, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who likes to talk to the second lady, echoed each other for the first time: “Eh Duo, really white, Xue Nv… This time, let’s say that Xuexia is not wrong. Wu Jun is just…”

Speaking of this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also turned to look at Sougo Tuma: “…”

Seeing Zongwu Tujian who was doing some mysterious ritual, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu fell silent suddenly, and so did the snow under the snow. After a while, they couldn’t help saying: “Zongwu Jun (Classmate Tujian), you are now What are you doing?”

“Just look at it, I’m helping people pray for blessings…” Doma Sougo explained, who didn’t know when he started beating the scarecrow with a mallet and nails.

“This is clearly a curse!!!”

“This is the custom of praying for blessings in my hometown. Why, do you call this a curse?” Sougo Doma held up his index finger with a “innocent” expression: “It is said that this is to drive bad luck out of the human body, or to put bad luck out of the body. The way to destroy it together with me, um, is the same as settling beans to drive away ghosts!”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

How can she make complaints when she speaks so bluntly? It would be a shame if you spit out and find out that there is such a custom, Damn it, why is she not an expert in folklore?

Just as Kasumigaoka Shiba was embarrassed, the second lady on the side sneered, “Tama-san? What do you mean by your hometown? Chiba? Kyoto? Or Kamakura?”

It may be possible to fool others, but if you want to fool her Yukino Yukoshita, there is no way, absolutely impossible! It’s not that she doesn’t know where the Tujian family is…

“This is a custom unique to our family…” However, this doesn’t stop Tujian Zongwu from talking nonsense, even if he knows where the Tujian family is located? Could it be that Xuexiaxue can inquire about the customs of the Tujian family?

“By the way, this cursed scarecrow does not contain personal items such as hair…”

“I’m saying it’s a curse!” Before Sou Wu Tujian could finish speaking, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu and Miss Er said in unison.

The two of them who were in a tacit understanding exchanged a glance at each other: “…”

“Don’t talk like me!” X2

The two still tacitly silent: “…”

“Shiyu and Xueno are in a tacit understanding…” Toma Zougou said nothing before Shiina Shirai nodded.

“There is no tacit understanding!” X2

“Um…” Shiina was really clear: “Happy friends?”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Can she not speak this time?

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

As a light novelist, she has seen such dog-blooded routines a lot. As long as she stays silent, the routines can’t keep up with her!

After tacit silence for a while.

“Why did you suddenly stop talking…” X2

“Are they performing cross talk?” Looking at the scene in front of him, Doma Sougo thought while watching like a play, but just when he could appreciate it, he suddenly noticed a fiery line of sight. Staring at Xia Zhiqiu and the others, so. He followed that gaze and turned his head over…

Yuzhi Yazi was looking yearning at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and the others.

“Hey…” Tuma Sougo sighed psychologically, and also had the experience of being isolated, but Xia Zhiqiu and Xuexia both chose to resist. Only Yuzhi Yazi chose to escape, and also longed for friends, Xia Zhiqiu. Although Yukoshita was awkward, they were advancing in their own way. However, Yazi Yuzhi was still evading…

Thinking this way, he took the initiative to grab the stubborn words: “Eh, so white, so-called friends, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to hate each other. I and Tumo are probably special cases…”

Although neither Kasumigaoka nor Yukinoshita thought about such a tacit understanding, their current performance for Ako Tamaki is no different from a couple showing affection in front of a single dog, making them yearning and longing. At the same time, he didn’t dare to get too close. Under this circumstance, Sougo Tama had to interrupt their “cross talk” performance without authorization…

No way, who caused Yuzhi Yazi to provoke too many waste materials?

“What does the special case mean?” Zhenbai is always so cooperative.

“Special cases refer to special cases that do not apply to general situations…” Yukino Yukino underneath heard the words and explained first. After the explanation, she looked at Tuma and enlightened: “It turns out that Tuma also knows that she is a special example. what?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

He forgave each other. After all, Xuexia didn’t even have a friend, let alone understand bad friends who were different from friends.

“Disagreement, I think it is not a special case that Zongwujun and the person called Tufang are not special…” However, Zongwu always said nothing, which does not mean that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu will be silent. On the contrary, she thinks that she is black and black. “It’s not so much a special case. It’s better to say that they are both enemies and friends. It’s wrong, maybe it’s not enough to be an enemy…”

“I can’t agree…” Before the other party finished speaking, Yukino Yukoshita frowned and said: “A friend is a friend, that is, an enemy and a friend are too ambiguous. If you are a friend, you shouldn’t hate the other party. , Let alone hurt the other party…”

The second young lady’s world is as usual today, either black or white: “I originally thought that classmate Tuma’s hatred was hard-mouthed, but…”

Speaking of this, Xuexiaxuena looked at the cursed doll that was placed on the table by someone and said: “Will use such boring and malicious cursing props, let alone whether this method is naive or not, just If this doll is seen by the man named Tufang, what would the other party think?”

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