Chapter 1028: He Has Evidence

Tokyo, Vienna Music Hall.

Time always passes inadvertently, and it has quietly arrived at the music competition day that Kaoru Miyazon signed up for.

“Euny sauce, why do we have to go out in such a hot weather?” It was probably because of the early arrival. Although the eldest lady had a perfect external appearance, there were no complaints in her mouth: ” Music competition sounds so boring, ah~! Music games are really fun…”

“Who on earth said a few days ago that I would help the palace…” Before the waste material was finished, Sougo Tama already gritted his teeth and asked.

“Euny sauce, it’s Kaoru Gongyuan, it’s smoked sauce…” the eldest lady reminded.

“…” Toma Sōgokuang put up with the feeling of putting a hand knife on this waste material in public, and said with a good face: “Ah~! Miyayuan Kaoru, right? Xiaobui must have such a good memory. Remember? I must remember who was the one who was clamoring to cheer at home a few days ago?”

“Hmm…” The eldest lady put on a thoughtful expression after hearing the words, “Euny sauce, is there such a person?”

“…” At the same time that Tōma was silent, the expression on his face became more and more philosophical: “I’m stupid, do you want to pretend to be stupid?”

“Hmm…” The eldest lady didn’t panic when she saw this. She held her chin and thought for a while, then showed a “suddenly realized” expression and said: “So that person is a little burial?”

Summoning the Earth: #^_^

“Don’t give me a questioning tone! You said it was you who came to cheer, and you are also complaining now…”

“Tsk tusk…” But before someone could finish speaking, the eldest lady shook her index finger and said, “Ouni-chan, girls’ moods will always change with the passage of time. I don’t understand this. If it does, O’Neill will definitely not be popular with girls!”

“You are changing too fast, right?”

“Because Xiao Mai’s heart is more delicate and sensitive, it is easy to be affected by the surrounding environmental factors. For example, today, the weather is too hot is the direct factor that affects Xiao Mai’s mood…” The eldest lady said confidently.

“If the weather is cold, does Xiao Buried have to say that because it will be frozen, it will affect his mood?” Sougo Tukan glanced at it.

“Eh much…” The eldest lady smiled awkwardly: “Yes, but there are times when it’s cold or hot…”

“Isn’t it more suitable for sleep if it’s not hot or cold?” Sougo Morama glanced again.

“Euny sauce!” The eldest lady who was dismantled was a little embarrassed and said.

“Oh…” Before someone in the earth could say something, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu on the side already smiled: “If those people in the school see the way that Bui Jiang is now, I don’t know how many eyes will be frightened. Until it breaks…”

“Shiyu, Xiao Qian thought that we would be in the same group, but I didn’t expect even you to say the same…” After the eldest lady buried her “heartbroken”, she was bewildered again: “Why didn’t you think about it, Shiyu originally You can meditate on codewords at home, enjoy a happy creative time, and…”

“Mianjiang, are you treating me as a code character Ji?” Before she could finish her words, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu already twitched her mouth.

“But Shiyu was obviously very excited when she started to write…” The eldest lady turned her head and looked at a few people and said, “Zhen Bai has been sluggish because she didn’t draw cartoons these days.”

“I can bear it…” As soon as the voice fell, Shiina Shirai whispered: “Sougo and Yukino have said that Zhenbai’s first priority is to pass the make-up exam, and Xueno will not lie to me.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“It’s really white, why emphasize that Xuexia will not lie to you, will I…”

Before he could finish speaking, Shiina Mashiro turned her head to the side to show that she didn’t know anything.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Heh…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled when he saw it, “Who told Zongwu Jun to make mustard-flavored Baumkuchen…”

“Sougo, bad guy!” Shiina agreed.

“That’s obviously a surprise I prepared for Xuexia classmates…” Tuma Zougou retorted. Incidentally, Xuexia had already entered the lunch team of Tuma Zougo because he wanted to help Zhenbai them with tuition.

“No way, who made Mr. Zongwu want to make a Baumkuchen?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled.

“Hey…” Life will never develop as people expect, and even Tama Sougo sometimes has to sigh for the failure of the plan.

Maybe it was influenced by Zhen Bai, not right, it should be said that it was affected by Zhen Bai. Even if he joined Doma Sougo’s lunch team, Yukoshita Yukino still insisted on bringing his own lunch every day. , She still can’t refuse the pure white feeding…

Under this circumstance, Miss Er also gradually discovered her love for Baumkuchen, is that so? After Sougo Tama knew this, he carefully prepared a gift for her. In return for her selfless tool, he was definitely not for revenge. After joining the team, Yukoshita often confronted him. !

After all, they just have a slight disagreement. For example, Miss Er sighed after learning about Zhenbai’s encounter with Yazi:

“Sure enough, the better people in this world are, the harder they are to live, so I want to change this wrong world…”

“It’s too exaggerated!” Sougo Doma was ashamed of Yukinoshita’s idea of ​​changing the world at every turn. Even he only occasionally thought of destroying the world: “For the truly outstanding In other words, the jealousy of the mediocre is nothing more than a life-scaling product…”

“Jealousy can’t be a reason to hurt others!” But before he could finish his words, Xuexia Xuena said coldly.

“Yes, so good people can come back with revenge…” Sougo Tama nodded and looked at it, how harmonious, and not all the concepts between them are incompatible.

“Just like what you did at the beginning?” Before he could finish speaking, the second lady grabbed the stubborn words and asked them back. After the rhetorical question was over, before Tuma Sougou could say anything, she said to herself: “However, , That’s also a mistake. Retaliation against those people will only stain one’s own hands, and it won’t change anything. You can’t even improve yourself…”

“But it will be refreshing to come back with revenge.”

“…” After hearing the words, Xuenai was silent for a while, before saying coldly: “boring!”

“Well, you can also choose to accept…” Sougo Doma shrugged. This is probably one of the areas where their ideas don’t agree.

There are many, many, and so on. Therefore, Xuexia Xuena always doesn’t look very pleasing to him. In addition, when she talks to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, she always points to the wheat, but the two of them are still happy. Sougo even suspects that the two of them have regarded bickering as a daily entertainment…

This is by no means a lie, Sougo Tujian even found relevant evidence!

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