Chapter 1005

“Student Yukinoshita, is this a malicious slander?” Sougo Tama sneered, feeling offended. He just subconsciously refuted the other party’s argument and asked for leave with a fever of forty-three degrees. What’s wrong?

“This is a kind reminder…” Xuexiaxuno embraced her hands: “Student Zhenbai is too simple, I just want her to know what is sinister…”

“That’s it…” Sougo Tuma smiled when he heard this: “This is what is called: Under the sinister heart of the people, under the snow, swear to slander people?”

“Is it clear to my heart if you slander the Tujian classmate…” Xuexiaxue is not guilty: “Perhaps the statement of Baumkuchen is wrong, but it is always true that you pretend to be sick and deceive.”

“Zongwu is pretending to be sick?” As soon as the voice fell, Zhen Bai on the side wondered.

“No…” This is Sou Maura. If he admits that he is pretending to be sick now, wouldn’t that waste material be exposed after it comes back?

“That’s right!” This is Yukino under Xuexia. Although she doesn’t know the purpose of Sougo Tuma’s pretending to be sick, she insists on justice and will never allow fraud. She has a fever of forty-three degrees. Who does she want to deceive?

“Sougo?” The completely different answer made Shiina Maoshi even more puzzled.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Seeing this whiteness and such a situation, even if you don’t need to pretend, you have to pretend, let alone, he has to pretend!

“Student Xuexia, why do you insist that I am pretending to be sick and deceiving? Hey…” Sougo Doma sighed, “Obviously, I still have green onions hanging around my neck.”

“Is it a fever if I hung green onions on my neck? According to classmate Tuma, if I put a bandage on my hand, wouldn’t it be a broken hand?” Yukino Yukino joked again.

“The bandaged person may also be in Form 2…”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

“Hanging green onions may also be performance art. If you really have a cold, I heard that you put green onions in…”

“Stop!” Sougo Tama interrupted the other party’s speech. Why are these guys thinking the same thing in their minds: “I didn’t expect that Yukinoshita would also say so unbearable…”

“Is it possible to treat the disease in the ear?” Yukino Yukoshita said with a smile: “If that is also called unbearable, isn’t it even more unbearable for a doctor to perform an operation? Huh? A fellow student who discusses academics, maybe The inserted therapy can also cure HENTAI’s disease. Of course, it may deepen it, but that’s not necessarily…”

“Only HENTAI would recommend other people to use that method for treatment, right? Or is it that Xuexia had tried the interventional therapy, and only recommended the method to me after having personal experience?”

“Sorry, I just think HENTAI should use more HENTAI therapies. This is the right medicine! A student of HENTAI who has a fever of forty-three degrees.”

“Student Xuexia, do you think that I am HENTAI unilaterally? What you said is correct…”

“Did I say something wrong? Forty-three HENTAI students who are still discussing academics, please advise. By the way, before giving advice, it is best to prove that your body temperature is more convincing! HENTAI students… ”

“Doesn’t HENTAI have already defined me subjectively?”

“Is this an obvious fact? Forty-three degrees? Academic research? Tuma first figure out what forty-three degrees is, and then let’s talk about it. If you believe that you can still be like this with a fever of forty-three degrees, then I will simply I’ll give you my head, anyway, I can only keep it as a decoration…”

“Then what if I really have a fever of forty-three degrees?”

“My head is for you!” Xuexia Xuenai sneered.

“Why do I want your head? Shall I hold it and surrender?”

“It’s great for this world to be able to surrender Tuma…” Yukino Yukino smiled even more.

“Student Xuexia is trying to trick me into committing a crime?”

“Stop talking nonsense, who bewitched you to commit a crime?”

“Didn’t you let me surrender? If there is no crime, what crime should I use to surrender?” Sougo Tama asked rhetorically.

“HENTAI, cheating, or trying to lower the average IQ…” The second lady said while counting her fingers, “As long as Tuma students think about it, there are a lot of charges…”

“I explained HENTAI’s statement, it is academic research!”

“Tsk tusk, isn’t this a scam?” Yukino Yukino hugged her hands again and said: “Open your mouth and dare to say that your forty-three-degree student from the soil is doing academic research…”

“Student Xuexia, one more question, if I really measure forty-three degrees…”

“I said I will give you my head.”

“You are so practical…”

“You can do anything you want me to do!” Xuexia Xuena was so confident.

As soon as the voice fell, Xuexia Yangnai hurriedly said, “Wait, Xiaoxuna…”

“Sister, do you think Tuma might have a fever of forty-three degrees?” Yukino asked with a smile.

“I don’t believe it, but I’m afraid he will deceive him!” Xuexiayangna always speculates on someone with the greatest malice.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

How distrustful of him is this? Is his character so unbearable? Although he is indeed pretending to be sick, he will be dissatisfied with it!

Thinking of this, someone who was heartbroken pointed to the thermometer that had not been taken away on the table and said:

“Miss Yang Nai, the thermometer is here, do you want to check it?”

“What? Do you really plan to measure it for everyone?” Before Yukoshita Yono said anything, the second lady raised her eyebrows.

“I’m upright and bright. Is there anything I dare not measure for everyone? As far as Yuukixia had just said, if I really burn to forty-three degrees, you can do whatever you want?” Picking up the thermometer on the table and playing with it, he chuckled.

“What if it doesn’t?” Xuexia Xuenao asked rhetorically.

“Didn’t Xuexia’s classmate trick me to surrender just now? Tsk tsk, then I’ll go and surrender…” Sougo Doma chuckled lightly.

“Turn yourself in? It would be great if Tama-san was willing to go…” Yukino Yukoshita also sneered and nodded, “I agree, measure it!”

“Are you sure?” Sougo Tama shook the thermometer in his hand and said: “I really measured…”

“Do you want to say so many things for Tuma? It’s better to think about how to explain your crimes when you surrender.” Human beings are like this. The more opportunities are given to repent, the more they feel that they have a chance to win, and Yukino Yukino is not. exception.

“I hope that when the results come out, Xuexiamen can do what he said…” To this, Sougo Tama could only shook his head in his heart, and then said, holding the thermometer.

“I’ll return these words to you as they were! Forty-three degrees of dirt…”

“Wait…” Before the second lady finished her words, Yukoshita on the side said again: “Xiaoxuna, for safety, it is better to check whether the thermometer has been manipulated!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Has the most basic trust between people disappeared? Should I say, is it worthy of being a HENTAI-level sister control? As long as the younger sister is involved, everything can be considered.


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