Chapter 1006 Xuexiayang Wants to Wear a Nurse’s Clothes?

There is no doubt that as long as people who have been in contact with Sougo Doma will not doubt his character, he has always been trusted by people…

Even though Yukoshita Yono said that she should check it first, in fact-she did check thoroughly. If it weren’t limited by the current conditions, Tamazuou would doubt that the other party would send the thermometer. Go to some research institute to verify its accuracy…

Just like now, Xuexiayangna has repeatedly looked at the thermometer N times and stroked it N+1 times. As long as the smallest possible places have been checked N+1+1 times, he will face Xuexue. Xia Xuena nodded, indicating that the thermometer was okay.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Does it need to be checked to that extent? It’s almost time to check the used thermometer into a new one. What is the credit score of Tujian in his sister’s heart! ?

However, my sister’s examination was so careful that it was a lot of peace of mind. Next, I only need to wait for the other party to admit the mistake. The fever reaches forty-three degrees? What a clumsy lie! Although the matter of surrendering is impossible to realize, she does not really want the other party to surrender, she just wants to prove that she is right!

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Stupid, is it useful to check so carefully? It’s useless at all! only……

Feeling offended, is he like someone who can manipulate props? There is no technical content at all, Yang Nai’s death HENTAI sister control first wanted to die with him for his sister, and now he suspected him for his sister. If he could not understand the other party’s feelings for her sister, I’m afraid they would have already made the other party understand cruelty. NS!

Phoo~! It is troublesome for sister to control this kind of creature. Fortunately, he is not. After all, why has Xiao Buried been there for so long? Is it really okay to put the sick Oni sauce? Why is someone else’s younger sister here now? It’s so annoying!

“Ah, open your mouth…” At the same time as the earth realized that his thoughts were flying, Xuexiayangna had already sent the checked thermometer to his mouth.

“Uh…” Someone whose thoughts were interrupted returned to God’s way: “I’ll do it myself.”

“No, no. How can the patient do these things by himself, just lie down and open your mouth, ah…” Xuexiayangna seemed to be particularly considerate.

“Yangnai, don’t you think this is awkward? How long have we all been sitting and talking before you let me lie down now?”

“Sit and open your mouth…”

“When did you change your job to become a nurse?” Sougo Tama tilted his head.

“Isn’t I always Tuma-kun’s private nurse?” Yukoshita Yono blinked and said, “Doma-kun, opened your mouth, ah…”

“You won’t have a fever? Just give me the thermometer…”

“I opened my mouth…” Xuexiayang was unmoved.

“Yangnao, don’t you doubt that I will use my hands and feet?” Doma Sougo glanced.

“How is it possible…” After Xuexia Yangna shook his head and said these words, he continued: “Mun Tuma, opened his mouth…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Yang Nai, there should be more trust between people!”

“Huh?” Xuexiayang was puzzled: “I just want to help take care of the patient as far as I can. Tuma-kun, why is there no trust?”

“After talking so much, in fact, you still think I will do something with my hands, right?”

“Kun Tuma thinks too much, Yang Nai, I just want to satisfy my original dream. Angels in white clothes are a profession that many girls yearn for. I also make a nurse’s suit in private. Do you want to see it? If I open my mouth now, I’ll go back…”

“Hehe…” Before Yuuki Xia Yangna finished speaking, Sougo Tuma glanced at him with contempt, and interrupted the other party’s speech with a sneer.

“…” Although the eldest lady knew that this method should be useless, she didn’t lose anything if she tried it. However, even if she had been psychologically prepared, she could really face someone’s unmoved attitude and contempt. Xuexiayangnai still felt angry when she looked at her. Is she so inconspicuous?

Nurse uniform, uniform X$%# (silence)! Didn’t it all say that boys can’t control it at all? Why didn’t this guy in Tuma not be moved, but still cast a contemptuous look? Obviously this guy wanted Xiaoxuno to hug him just now, why did she become unmoved and contemptuous? Is this guy really a tablet controller?

Although the reason she did this was indeed because she suspected that the other party would do anything, she was still angry!

“Earth, count you won!” Xuexiayangna leaned into the opponent’s ear and gritted his teeth: “Since I have checked the thermometer, it’s okay for me to measure it for you, right?”

“Yang Nai, what about the trust between people?” Toma Sougo was so distressed about this.

“Let’s come!” Xuexia Yangnai also whispered: “No matter how you look at it, you are already in a situation where you will lose, but not only do you not panic at all, but you also look like an old god is there. There is nothing in it, do you think I will believe it?”

“After doing so much, you are not afraid that I really burned to forty-three degrees?” Tuma Sougo asked rhetorically.

“Then I can only say that you are amazing! But, don’t even think about cheating in front of me…”

“Speaking of which, I am your boss too! You are not afraid of me, Mrs. Xuexia…”

“Gluck…” Before Tuma Zougou could finish speaking, Yukia Yoona smiled softly: “Is Tuma-kun, is this scared? It seems that Koyuki is going to win…”

“Is it necessary? I asked you Mrs. Xuexia for a joking bet…” Tsuchima Sougo was a little surprised.

“It’s necessary, thanks to Tama-kun who made me realize what I care about the most…” The young lady’s voice was small, but extremely firm.

“Sister HENTAI!” Sougo Tama sighed lightly.

“Thanks for the compliment…” Xuexiayangna chuckled lightly: “Mun Tuma, you opened your mouth…”

“You really did…” Sougo Tama glanced again.

“It’s too late for Tuma-kun to surrender now, at least he can leave some…”

“Ah…” Before a certain HENTAI sister could finish speaking, Tama Sougo opened his mouth and pointed at himself.

“Isn’t it necessary anymore?”

“Nurse costume…”


“Miss Yang Nai didn’t say that as long as I open my mouth and go back…”

“Do you really want to see the picture of me wearing a nurse’s costume?” Xuexiayang was embarrassed.

“Photo? Don’t you go back and dress up the nurse to take care of my patient?”

“Eh, a lot of pictures, right?” Xuexiayangnai sneered.

“Photos can be used, cough cough… I mean, photos can take care of people? Didn’t Ms. Yang Nao just say that angels in white clothes are a career that many girls yearn for? I can satisfy your wish…” Wu laugh.

“What you just said can be used, right?” Xuexia Yangna twitched at the corner of his eyes.

“Ms. Yang Nai, what else do you say? What do you want to use in a nurse’s costume?” Seeing this, Tōma Sougo smiled more happily.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

It’s so silly, the guy with the contemptuous eyes just now is really the bastard in front of you! ?

“If Tuma-kun wants to have one more charge when he surrenders, then I don’t mind putting on the nurse’s uniform, hiss…” She suddenly took a breath when she was halfway through the conversation.

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