Chapter 1004 Is it embarrassing if the subject of discussion suddenly appears in front of you?

In the soil house, the living room, a very fierce debate is going on:

“What’s wrong with Ping? If girls all over the world are similar to Koyuki, do you know how much fabric the world should save?”

“The world is short of your fabric? If the girls all over the world become similar to Xuexia’s classmates, then humans are afraid that they will be malnourished from birth, ah~! What a vicious curse…”

“Humans are not fragile…”

The above is the content of the debate that Xuexia Xuena heard when he approached the living room with Zhenbai, and the expressions of the second lady changed with the excitement of the two sides of the debate, first shy, then embarrassed, and then angry. Until the anger was soaring, and finally calm again, only the faintly trembling hands seemed to be saying something…

“Xue Nai…” Zhen Bai beside her said with some worry.

“It’s really white, I’m fine…” The corners of Miss Er’s mouth rose slightly. If it weren’t for the extremely obvious tic-tac-toe on her forehead, everyone would think she was in a good mood, probably…

“Kang Dang!”

The smiling Yukino Yukino opened the sliding door of the living room.

Both sides of the argument were too excited to notice this, it was probably like this, until–

The smiling second lady spoke in an extremely cold tone: “How long are you going to discuss with others!?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Under the strong and cold atmosphere of Xuexiaxue, the two people who were enthusiastic about the debate finally closed their voices. The parties who were the subject of the debate suddenly appeared, which made both sides of the debate a little embarrassed… blame!

Whether it is Sougo Doma or Yono under the snow, they are all characters who are used to seeing big winds and waves. For the two of them, this scene is just a level of sprinkling water…

“Xiaoxuna, we are not discussing it. My sister is complaining about you. He actually said something like a fierce moon in the earth…” Xuexia Yangna said in a double-talked voice. Xue Naiming was “uneven”.

“Sister…” Only, when the words were halfway through, Yukino Yukoshita interrupted the other party’s words: “Are you also becoming superficial? When will the value of humans be manifested by Yuexue…”

“Yes, that’s right…” Sougo Tama also found the right time to agree: “I just said that tablets are a scarce resource…”

“Student Tujian…” Xuexia Xuena interrupted twice, and took the stubbornly again: “Please don’t expose your XP and ignorance casually. Human breastfeeding has nothing to do with the fat before the moon. .”

“Is that so? You even know this. Did Yusushita even deliberately investigate? In fact, you still care about it…” Tsuchima Sougou is always good at understanding each other’s speech from different angles.

“Does this kind of matter need to be investigated specifically? Then I am afraid that student Tuma’s biological scores are suspected of fraud…”

“But as far as the baby’s perception is concerned, the bigger the talent, the more secure they are! People usually think that the food in the big bowl is more…”

“Student Tuma, please don’t impose your dirty thoughts on the baby!”

“I just speak with facts. Compared with the truth, don’t human beings believe in their own eyes more?”

“This is the reason why Tuma likes Da Yuexue? Expose XP casually, even if you use HENTAI, it may not be enough to describe you…”

“Tsk tusk, didn’t I say it? Tablets are also a scarce resource…”

“Such words will only make you more HENTAI!”

“Student Xuexia, don’t you think that the guy who talked about XP and said that others are HENTAI is HENTAI?”

“I’m just telling the facts!” Yukino Yukino sneered, “HENTAI has been…”

“Student Yukinoshita, who always claims to be right, can say such things?” Before he finished speaking, Sougo Tama looked “unbelievable” and said, “Discussing the moon is HENTAI? What kind of perversion is this… …”

“Wrong reason?” As the second lady asked back, there were a few more tic-tac-toe characters on her forehead: “Excuse me, besides HENTAI, who else would discuss Yuexue superficially…”

Xuexiayangna, who was shot without speaking, became even more silent: “…”

Damn it, under the influence of this bastard, she has become HENTAI in her sister’s heart!

“Tsk tusk…” Toma Sougou said otherwise. He chuckled and shook his fingers: “It’s really a deep-rooted prejudice. If everyone thinks like Xuexia’s classmates, wouldn’t all medical students be HENTAI?”

“Does Tuma want to compare academic research with your personal hobbies?” Yukino Yukino retorted.

“Excuse me again, on what basis does Xuexia classmate judge academic research?”

“I really can’t judge, but I just need to know that you are definitely not doing academic research…” Xuexia Xuena sneered.

“But we are doing academic research!” Sougo Tuma glanced at him.

“Academic research? Are you and my sister?” Xuexiaxuena sneered and deepened: “Student Tuma, how much medical literacy do you have to support your research?”

“It’s more than you think…” Sougo Tama shrugged.

“Really?” Yukino Yukino jokingly said, “Then I really want to hear what you all talked about, and even ask for leave to write about a classmate who has a fever of forty-three degrees.”

“Commercial secrets, by the way, Yuukishita, I am also in a fever now…” Sougo Tama pointed to the green onion on his neck and said: “The result of the measurement just now is that the fever reaches forty-three degrees. What’s wrong?”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

With this refreshing look, who would you like to lie to! ?

“Sougo, are you sick?” Shiina Mashiro who hadn’t made a sound after coming in suddenly said.

As soon as she finished her voice, Xuexiaxue Nao on the side said: “It’s really white, don’t be fooled by the Tujian classmates, how could he have a fever of forty-three degrees like this…”

“Is Zongwu lie?” Zhenbai tilted his head.

“Yes, it’s really white, you don’t want to believe in what others say…” At this point, Yukino Yukino looked at someone before saying: “Especially the words of Tama.”

“Does Sougo deceive Zhenbai?” Shiina Mashiro looked at Tuma Soudao after hearing this.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Of course not!” He was just so confident: “Except for saying that you didn’t give you Baumkuchen yesterday, but you gave it to you in the end, when did I fool it?”

Yukino Yukino: “There are only zero and countless lie!”

“Can I eat Baumkuchen by being fooled by Zongwu?” However, Zhen Bai’s attention is obviously not on the second lady. She caught the blind spot: “Then Zongwu will fool Zhen Bai again…”

“Really white!” Xuexiaxue Nai quite hates iron and steel: “Don’t be fooled by food, nor can you eat Baumkuchen if you are deceived, just like the nonsense of Tuma students now that they have a fever to forty-three. Du, if you really believe in it, take care of this guy…”

“Take care of Zongwu?” After Zhenbai started thinking mode for a moment, he clapped his hands with his fists: “That is to say, I want to distribute the Baumkuchen to Zongwu…”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Although Zhenbai understood the care wrong, but based on her understanding of Zhenbai these days…

“The reason Tuma-student pretended to be sick might be thinking about how to eat the really white Baumkuchen…”

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