Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 495: Yin-Yang Formation · Black Sky Imperial Guard

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The monster is coming in? !

Abe Seimei can naturally know what Lin Xuan can see. His eyes flashed, and he glanced at Amaterasu and Su Huai Porridge, who were still merging. It will take time!

Then he focused his attention on Lin Xuan. He could still resist the demons with Lin Xuan's strength for a while. As for whether he could let Lin Xuan do it... Taixia's consistent urination is still very possible. !

"Heitian League Emperor kill, you go outside and stop those monsters!"

Abe Seimei's feminine face was full of seriousness, he said in a low voice.

Lin Xuan: ? ? ?

Are you kidding me that today is not April 1st? ?

Lin Xuan, who couldn't figure it out for a while, paused. He was thinking about why Abe Seimei said these words. Is there something they missed, or they shouldn't have come? ?

Seeing that Lin Xuan was motionless and did not speak, Abe Seimei showed a smile on his face, thinking that the emperor was a smart person, "You should also have noticed that Amaterasu and Su Huai Porridge have merged with each other, and now they are both prosperous and prosperous. , In a state of damage and loss, as long as you are disturbed a little, there will be problems in the integration of the two, at that time, Su Huai Porridge will die, and Amaterasu will return to Gaotianyuan."

"Su Huai Porridge's death is not a loss to our little country, it's even a good thing, so our little country has gathered the three noble sons and witches..."

Lin Xuan was silent, and then interrupted, "Okay, stop talking, I'll go!"

At this point in time, it is really difficult to interrupt the fusion of the two. If it is completely integrated, Lin Xuan still has a way to kill the consciousness of the gods.

"Hahaha, okay, stop."

Abe Seimei stopped the three shikigami and asked them to join Lin Xuan to resist the demons, so as to buy enough time for Amaterasu to fuse his body.

"Lin Xuan," Zhang Ningtian recovered from the state of death god, stepped over to Lin Xuan's side, and said anxiously, "What's going on?"

Lin Xuan glanced at Abe Seimei with an inexplicable smile on his face, "Come on, let's go out and touch the army of demons."


Zhang Ningtian was really stunned this time, how could he suddenly become Abe Seimei's thug when he bumped into the army of demons.

Lin Xuan briefly talked about Su Huai Conge's current state, which was quite helpless.

Zhang Ningtian's brows were wrinkled, and he didn't know whether it was disappointment or resentment in his tone, "Hey, how did it develop like this!"

"No hurry, no hurry, let's look at the future development first."

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes. He still had some expectations for the situation in front of him. After all, Seimei Abe and others had planned for a long time. One strong person fell into this plan. It is reasonable to be able to reach this point, but it is necessary It is too early to say that the situation is settled.

I didn't talk to Zhang Ningtian too much about my plans, so I can only take a step by step for the time being. If something goes wrong, it's not easy to deal with the strong people in Taixia. Su Huai Conge's father is a senior talent under the command of his wife , powerful and loyal, and now lurking in Asan's country, moving at the right time.

It's best not to be surprised, otherwise, Lin Xuan is afraid that it would be better if he really wants to slaughter the capable people of Xiaotianguo and those demons.


Inside the Yasukuni Ghost Society, Abe Seimei stood in front of Su Huai Porridge, his eyes fixed on her, oh, maybe it was He.

At this time, "Su Huai Porridge" slowly opened her eyes, and looked at Abe Seimei indifferently with a pair of eyes full of majesty. Her body moved, but there seemed to be a powerful binding circle that bound her to the spot. made her unable to move.

"what are you going to do?"

A calm voice spit out from Su Huai Congee's mouth. It seems that there is nothing in this world that can be moved by him, but now, he does have some doubts. Since he was called over, why should he control him.

"It's just a little guarantee. After all, I am for the Great Sun Empire. If you let you walk freely in the Great Sun Empire, there will be something wrong. I just want a little guarantee!"

Abe Seimei was smiling at this moment, like a weasel who stole a chicken.

"Guarantee, what guarantee?"

"It's just a little restriction, it's really a billion."

As he was talking, a pure black magic circle mark appeared in Abe Seimei's hand. This was a Yin-Yang Array created by him after he studied the Yin-Yang Magic Circle, combined with many foreign cultivation knowledge, and finally understood the essence of the gods. Guard.

This is mainly to limit the actions of the gods in the human world.

Whether the gods are good or bad, whether they want to help human beings, or whether they want to destroy human beings, who knows?

Although he was helpless, he and many strong people in Xiaotianguo could only rely on the gods to pull back a game, but the risk was too great and the danger was too much, and it was necessary to arrange a few moves to limit the ability. one!

Su Huai porridge's eyes narrowed, and his face gradually became ugly. This is the beginning of the fusion of the consciousness of the gods and Su Huai porridge, and the divinity gradually became human. "You want to control me?"

"How can this be called control? The Onmyoji's method should be Yushou Shikigami!"

Abe Seimei said with a smile.

The threat theory of gods does exist, but the significance of its existence is more to let Abe Seimei's colleagues know that he will arrange a first-hand control method without the need for it.

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