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new domain name xs novel silu silk road

Amaterasu Daigoshen's divinity consciousness stands in the Yasukuni Ghost Shrine. When he is summoned to the world by the divine rune, he is not something that Abe Seimei can command. He has a higher position than Abe Seimei. Rank, naturally also has greater autonomy.

"Please be possessed by the gods!"

But this point, Abe Seimei himself does not know, after all, this is the first time he has invited the gods of the sky to possess him, and he has no relevant experience.

Amaterasu Daiyushen glanced at Abe Seimei, and the majesty of a powerful **** suddenly descended on him, causing him to stagger involuntarily.

Unfortunately, a layer of light that could not be seen directly blocked his vision, making it difficult for him to see the face of Amaterasu Daiyushen.

"Master Amaterasu, please also possess yourself!"

Abe Seimei is in such a hurry, every second of time is precious now, whether it's the monsters outside, or the Taixia strong in the dark, they don't want to let the incarnation of the saint of the gods walk in the world, if it is delayed for a while Yes, I am afraid the consequences will be unpredictable.

Amaterasu Da Yushen calmly raised a hand and said calmly, "Amaterasu!"

A round of swaying sun broke through the endless black clouds of demons in this instant, spreading a dazzling brilliance. Countless weak demons and demons screamed at this moment, and then turned into a black mist to cover this round again. Flimsy day.


This wave of Tianzhao supernatural powers not only killed countless weak and weak demons in one fell swoop, but also revealed the positions of Lin Xuan and Zhang Ningtian. That's right, the two of them have already touched the Yasukuni Ghost Society in troubled waters, just in Su Standing beside Huai Conge, Lin Xuan even took out the Human Emperor Sword, ready to behead Amaterasu when he was possessed.

Lin Xuan's handling of gods is still very professional.

Amaterasu Great Imperial God was also aware of the danger, so he didn't possess the body for the first time. Otherwise, how could he not perceive the aura of the demon outside, and how could he not detect the maliciousness "not far away".

I just didn't expect someone to sneak in, so close.

Abe Seimei naturally saw Lin Xuan and the two of them, and was immediately surprised, "Who are you?"

In countries other than Taixia, the Heitian League has its own set of rules and procedures, especially covering up appearance. Everyone has an exclusive mask, and their clothes are also specially made. Li Rui and others were asked to leave before. , but also because this matter is to dispatch the identity of the Heitian League, and the identity of the Heitian League is kept secret.

It's one thing for Li Rui and others to guess, and it's another to let them know.

"Kill the Black Heaven Emperor!"

"Dead Servant Black Sky!"

Under the pure black robe, Lin Xuan stood with his hands down, with a dark mask on his face, his voice changed at this moment, and he was more neutral, and coldly stated his code name in the Black Sky Alliance.

The same goes for Zhang Ningtian.

"People from the Black Sky Alliance?"

Abe Seimei was embarrassed for a while, but he didn't expect that this time it was people from the Black Sky Alliance. They must not have come to rescue Su Huai Porridge, but had another mission.

Taixia's Black Sky Alliance has a good reputation, just like Eagle Sauce's Avengers Alliance, it is a well-known black force in the world. It is one of the leading members of the underworld in the Fallen Paradise Mountain composed of many black forces in Blue Star. Strong in strength, distinctive in style and personality, notoriously demanding money (resources) and not dying.

As long as you give enough money, even God will kill you!

And now that the people from the Heitian League have come to Xiaotianguo, they must have come to ask for resources. If they didn't come to demand resources, they must have come to grab resources... Bad thing, it's not as good as Taixia's Dragon of Suppression, domineering. It's a bit but it's easy to handle!

There were too many thoughts in Abe Seimei's mind, and when he came back to his senses, he directly moved towards Lin Xuan and the two of them. He had to be quick. Possessed.

Abe Seimei pulled out a sword from Tianyun and attacked Lin Xuan, while his three shikigami Qingji, Yuqi Prajna, and Ibaraki Douji were killing Zhang Ningtian.

Originally it wasn't like this, but the three shikigami felt an extremely terrifying sense of crisis in Lin Xuan, and they were afraid of dying, so they didn't dare to go up to look for death. After Abe Seimei found out, he could only do it himself. Deal with Lin Xuan.

I have to say that the profession of Onmyoji is really broad. It not only possesses the beast mastering ability (shikigami) of a beastmaster, but also the ability of a spellcaster. He can also arrange a magic circle. What’s more outrageous is that he has a good hand. His melee combat methods, long-range melee combat, and sub-class baby are all available, and Lin Xuan has never seen a career more comprehensive than Onmyoji.

But sometimes, comprehensiveness is not an advantage, but a disadvantage. The more comprehensive it is, the more mediocre it is in all aspects involved.

Onmyoji will form a formation? Maybe? !

Onmyoji can play swords? It won't!

Can Onmyoji cast spells? This will be a little.

Yin and Yang are the gods? Oh, this meeting, this meeting!

In the eyes of people who don't know Onmyoji, Onmyoji is just playing ghosts or raising shikigami. As for the others, they can't be so sure.

But now, Abe Seimei was carrying a sword artifact of Xiaotianguo and slashed at Lin Xuan frantically, but this swordsmanship was too rough, Lin Xuan's body was slightly tilted, and he easily avoided it.

After waiting for two moves, Lin Xuan can be considered to understand where Abe Seimei's swordsmanship is.

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new domain name xs novel silu silk road

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