Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 496: Lord of Demons: Imperium Fierce Dragon

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Outside of the Yasukuni Ghost Society, Lin Xuan didn't know what Abe Seimei did. Well, even if he did, he wouldn't interfere. He just controlled the divinity of Amaterasu, not the humanity of Su Huai Conge. Why bother.

And, maybe, all of them will be cut in a while!

He smiled and shook his head, no longer thinking about the situation in the Yasukuni Ghost Society, but looking at the battle situation in front of him.

Among the demons, Tengu stood at the front with flapping his wings, holding the samurai sword at his waist, and staring grimly at the two Sanshiki gods who had just walked out of the gate of the Yasukuni Shrine.

Lin Xuan glanced at the Tengu, and then focused on the Sword Saint Wei Ming. He was the only living person here, and the others were either Heroic Spirits or Demons.

I saw him wielding a sharp blade freely, slashing and slicing around. The movements are simple, but the killing ability is extremely strong. Just a few knives caused a demon to fall under the knife.

If Abe Seimei's swordsmanship is a junior high school student, then Abe's swordsman is a college student, or even a graduate student's swordsmanship, and from time to time he draws a revolver from his arms and kills a demon with one shot. It is also quite tyrannical.

As expected of a sword saint with swords and spears... Uh, there seems to be a problem, forget it, it doesn't matter, that's it.

Suddenly, a dexterous cat suddenly appeared. It was extremely fast. It stepped on a few feet in the air, and then pulled it directly towards the Sword Saint Reina with its sharp claws. Vaguely, I heard the sound of space being torn apart.

This is a formidable enemy, which is vastly different from the previous monsters, so careless!

At first, Sword Saint Ashina didn't care. After all, demons have a quirk. The taller they are, the stronger their strength. According to his observations over the years, there are few demons who deviate from this rule. Of course, it is not nonexistent, but very few. When they met, he thought it was just an example.

And now he seems to have encountered another case, but this case is unreasonable, and the strength is a bit outrageous.

He didn't dodge in time for a while, and the swordsman Wei Ming was scratched with a bloodstain by the small cat's paw, but as a famous swordsman in the small life country, his strength is naturally no trivial matter. After leaving the safe area, debridement, disinfection, bandaging, and a rabies vaccine shot for myself...

Lin Xuan was stunned by this skilful dressing procedure. What was even more surprising was the injection of rabies vaccine. I didn't expect that there were still strong people who would use this thing...

"Are you... a cat again?!"

The Sword Saint Wei Ming has already reached the point where he doesn't need to look at the wounds to bandage the wounds. Even Lin Xuan feels inexplicably distressed when he sees such a large number of wounds.

The small blue cat meows a few times, but it is impossible to see that this is the top demon general under the demon king among the demon beasts, ranking high on the ground.

"It's almost time, stop playing, rush in."

Tengu looked at the time, the Obon Festival, the time of the devil, the door of Huangquan opened wide, and the master of the devil came out, and when the master of the devil came out, he would naturally see a clean, sweet and delicious little country.

Sword Saint Wei Ming opened his long sword horizontally and stood in front of him. Although he did not speak, he used his actions to express his attitude.

"Hehe, you can't go in now, just wait."

Lin Xuan took a step forward, the emperor's majesty spread out, the terrifying emperor's realm, emperor's prestige swept the four fields, countless low-level demons fainted directly, and only the earth-level demons were able to stand. Just as much.

The red-faced samurai tengu, the small and exquisite cat, the Shuten boy sitting on the wine gourd, in front of the nine-tailed demon fox Yuzao, the snow girl in the snow in June...

Every monster in Xiaotianguo has its own The strength is not weak. Of course, Lin Xuan is also not afraid. It can't be said that he can suppress it with one hand, but it takes a little time and one by one Fighting but no problem.

Sword Saint Wei Ming looked at Lin Xuan curiously. From what Lin Xuan said before, he knew that this was not a small day Chinese, but a Tai Xia person. If it was before, it might have been Tai Xia who came to provide humanitarian assistance. However, recently Taixia and Xiaotianguo have had a bit of a fight because of a witch... Now that Lin Xuan appears at the gate of the Yasukuni Ghost Society, it's a little weird.

More importantly, he came out of the gate.

Reinforcement or enemy?

The Sword Saint Wei Ming didn't know, but he knew that his position could be seen from Lin Xuan's subsequent actions.

Reinforcement or enemy?

Lin Xuan didn't know it himself, but at this time, he should block the demon army first and let Su Huai Conge survive first.

Suddenly, a tyrannical and domineering aura ravaged the four fields, and Lin Xuan felt a familiar imperial majesty from it. Different from Lin Xuan's merit and holy majesty, this imperial majesty was full of strong irritability and murder. I mean, it's a real tyrant!

Jiansheng Weiming also forgot to observe Lin Xuan for a while. He looked into the distance in disbelief. He would never forget that familiar tyrant atmosphere. He was his enemy, the lord of demons, and the empire was violent. dragon!

This is not the Shenlong family, nor the giant dragon family, but the dinosaur family in the dragon family!

Divine dragons and giant dragons do not represent all of the dragon family. It can only be said that they represent the vast majority, but there are still a small part that does not belong to these two families. Dinosaurs are one of them.

Dinosaurs do not have tyrannical dragons and magic, but their flesh is extremely tyrannical

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