All People Doomsday: I, Virus King

509 The Soul Of Heshen! Copy Hidden?

What is Heshen's greatest wealth? It's his official position, his loyalty or maybe. Or is it something he doesn't know about?

Chen Bai didn't know, but he knew he would find out soon.

Looking at the black coffin in front of them, everyone also set their sights here.

They didn't know what Chen Bai meant, but they also came with Chen Bai at this time.

"What's wrong with Bai Di?"

Zhen Xuzi looked at Chen Bai curiously. In his perception, he had definitely killed He Shenqi.

After all, if nothing else, the equipment dropped with increased experience cannot be faked. This is unquestionable no matter what.

But Chen Bai's judgment is absolutely not wrong. This is also true for countless people present.

Chen Bai shook his head, glanced at the dark coffin, thought for a while and slowly stretched out his hand.

He has never been a hesitant person. Thinking here, it is better to open this thing directly and see what is inside.

A terrifying sharp claw appeared instantly on his palm, as if it could penetrate everything, it was evil and strange but full of power.

What this sharp claw represents is the power that Chen Bai has had since he entered the trial field of gods and demons, and after the end of the world, which is unmatched by anyone.

The enemies killed by this sharp claw cannot even be measured in numbers, but it is certain that it definitely exceeds more than ten thousand people, or more than a square body.

However, a sharp claw representing Chen Bai's hegemonic level of strength, at this moment, he pierced into the black coffin without hesitation, but encountered a Waterloo that he had never imagined before.


An extremely clear, yet extremely heart-breaking sound came out.

A bit of golden paint appeared on the dark coffin, but at most it was only slightly dented, and the rest did not cause any damage.

Is this thing so strong?

Not only everyone present was stunned, but even Chen Bai was stunned.

Then a smile appeared on Chen Bai's lips, and he looked at the coffin strangely.

I was just suspicious before, but with such terrifying protection now, how could it be just a mere ornament in a secret realm copy?

Chen Bai turned around and glanced at everyone who was also curious and gathered around him, and then said directly:

"Stay away!"

Everyone immediately retreated.

Naturally, they didn't say anything about trying to break down this huge coffin.

Chen Bai's strength has long surpassed theirs, and even Chen Bai failed to penetrate this huge coffin in the first blow. It is conceivable that it is extremely difficult to forcefully break open with their strength.

Sure enough, the next moment, two demon wings shot out from behind Chen Bai.

This represents the full display of Chen Bai's power.

The terrifying skin that is dark and cuticle-like is covered with light full of power.

There is still that dark claw. Even if this claw form is not Chen Bai's most powerful form, it is the fighting form that he is best at and likes the most.

Where is the arrogant and arrogant attitude of spending money like water just now?

Chen Bai's palm stretched out its sharp claws and suddenly penetrated the dark coffin door panel.

In this seemingly inconspicuous first boss scene, there is such a strange situation.

Wearing an official hat and an official uniform.

Chen Bai just sneered and curled his lips disdainfully.

But what appeared in front of him before was a dark mummy.

Of course, another big reason is that if Chen uses the form of a heavy hammer or a sharp blade, it is very likely to cause damage and harm to some things in the black coffin. This is obviously not what Chen Ri wants to see. Arrived.

The dark claws were covered with a ray of metallic light.

It is indeed a hell-level dungeon, and no clues can be missed.


Zhen Xuzi looked as if he had seen a ghost. He was 100% sure that he would definitely kill him.

At this moment, they finally understood what Chen Bai was going to do.

A shrill howl sounded from within the dungeon.

That black shadow hit the mental barrier with a bang, was bounced back directly, and hit the coffin. This time, everyone could see clearly what it was.

At this moment, Chen Bai also looked at He Shen.

What everyone never expected was that this was not He Wow.

But Zhen Xuzi quickly realized that the guy in front of him was definitely not the He Shen just now.

"This master, this master, have mercy on me, have mercy on me!"

An extremely heartbreaking voice sounded from the (bdcg) underground palace.

[He Shen's Soul: A soul without any fighting power, but it is He Shen's life soul. 】.

The extremely hard coffin before seemed to have turned into tofu this time.

This can be seen from this moment on the face of this fat man.

What is this scenario??

The invisible mental barrier not only wrapped himself, but even included the entire coffin, like a terrifying prison formed by mental power.

At the same time, everyone looked expectantly into the dark coffin, wanting to see what secrets there were in this hidden copy.

A whistling black shadow instantly emerged from the equally dark underground palace coffin and rushed towards Chen Bai.

Terrifying and huge power surged from Chen Bai's body.

The all-knowing eye gave Chen Bai the most intuitive answer right away.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the scene in front of them.

This time there was no obstacle, it was like a hot knife entering butter.

At this moment, he didn't look even remotely ferocious. He was crying, as if he was frightened.

And now this guy has appeared again.

Of course, you can vaguely see the face of He Shen just now, but it is obvious that the two are absolutely different.

At this moment, a cold feeling instantly spread from the underground palace to the entire place.

But this time, what appeared in front of him was a fair and fat man.

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